@Aielman15@lemmy.world avatar



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@Aielman15@lemmy.world avatar

People should just stop thinking about gaming journalism as a monolith, and start thinking of it as any other job. Some people are capable of doing it and they show it, others are completely incapable of writing a decent article without resorting to snarky comments or biased opinions.

A local website in my language employs a YTuber as a reviewer for reviews on games that he is a sponsor of on his channel, and those articles are laughable to say the least (I’m not going to name the games nor the person). But I’ve also read good articles on the same website, written by people who actually care about their job and have the skills to do it well.

But for some reason, gamers keep parroting this awful opinion of gaming journalists being incapable of playing games or having opinions on things. No, it’s just that certain journalists are better than others. (And for god’s sake, people should stop using the Cuphead video as a talking point. It was not a true review, it was a joke video, ffs)

@Aielman15@lemmy.world avatar

According to Wikipedia, it was announced in 2021. It seems like a pretty normal development cycle to me.

@Aielman15@lemmy.world avatar

That one’s Indiana Jones and the staff of kings, which has nothing to do with this title. This one was in pre-production in 2021, announced the same year, and revealed in early 2024 to be released later the same year.

@Aielman15@lemmy.world avatar

They’ll do anything except my beloved Medieval 3.

@Aielman15@lemmy.world avatar

Maybe you’re thinking of Xbox All-access, which allowed users to buy Xbox + Game Pass Ultimate and pay them all over one year (or three, can’t remember).

@Aielman15@lemmy.world avatar

From the source:

Hulst is CEO of the newly named Studio Business Group, which includes all of PlayStation’s first-party teams, plus covers the development of PlayStation IP onto other mediums, such as TV and film. Hulst was already head of PlayStation Studios. He was previously the co-founder of Horizon and Killzone developer Guerrilla Games, which was acquired by Sony in 2005.

Hideaki Nishino will lead the Platform Business Group, which includes console hardware, technology, accessories, PlayStation Network and third-party relations (covering major publishers and indie studios). He was already SVP of Platform Experiences. He’s been part of the Sony business since 2006, holding numerous roles at Sony Network Entertainment, Sony Corporation and SIE.

@Aielman15@lemmy.world avatar

SE releases have been all over the place recently. Sometimes it’s PS exclusives, sometimes Nintendo exclusives, sometimes console exclusives, sometimes they release on PS and Nintendo but not Xbox…

I was an XOne user a few years back and it was exhausting. PC side it’s a bit better, except that their flagship series is locked on PS for who knows how long, and then locked on Epic Store for one more year.

As a potential customer, I didn’t feel exactly welcomed. I was interested in FFXVI, but didn’t have a PS5 (I still don’t). Now I don’t have the time to play long-ass games anymore, which means that by the time it will finally be released on PC, I won’t probably buy it.

I was someone who was willing to give them money, and they refused it time and time again. I’m sorry for their difficult situation, as Square has created some great games from my childhood that I will forever cherish (both as Square Soft and Square Enix), but let’s be honest, this is their fault.

I hope they follow through with this decision, though. I doubt I’ll be a customer, but maybe they’ll make some kids as happy as I was when I was their age and playing those old FF titles. People deserve to play those games without being told to buy two different consoles and/or wait an eternity and a half for exclusive deals to expire.

@Aielman15@lemmy.world avatar

I’m seeing a lot of former flash games coming to steam lately - I even grabbed a few, such as the Epic Battle Fantasy collection.

The Flashpoint Collection is great to relieve my childhood one flash game at a time, but it’s nice seeing that some of those devs are still around, and having the option to support them for the fun times I had for free as a teenager.

@Aielman15@lemmy.world avatar

It’s not the devs’ fault, it’s Sony.

I wouldn’t be surprised if they were told one thing three days ago, and another one now.

@Aielman15@lemmy.world avatar

In just four months, they have lost Toys for Bob (developer of Spyro Reignited and Crash 4), Arkane Austin (Prey 2017), and Tango (Evil Within, Hi-Fi Rush). I wish I had the money to casually buy some great dev studios, including the makers of a GOTY contender, and casually kill them off a few years later.

I know they are in panic mode right now, but I honestly don’t know what their plan is at this point. I doubt even they know. Watching the situation from the outside, it’s almost comical how MS has mismanaged everything for years. I live in Europe and I’ve never seen Xbox marketed anywhere. GamePass is supposedly their priority, and barely anyone I know who is interested in gaming knows that it even exists. The whole deal with the service was delivering first party games day one, yet failed to deliver anything worth buying four years into the new generation, while most of what they actually released was already in the works prior the acquisition. They bought dozens of studios, and mismanaged every single one of them. Fuck, they couldn’t even settle on the cover for their game cases for half a year after their new box released.

The only good thing out of this debacle is that people have finally realized how utterly incompetent Phil Spencer is. I remember the days when fanboys were parroting his lies and kept talking about how “Phil is a gamer just like us”, just because he showed on the stage in a shitty t-shirt. Too bad it took xbox fucking dying for them to realize, but I guess it’s better later than never.

@Aielman15@lemmy.world avatar

I’ve spent far more time than I’m willing to admit on this thing. It goes much deeper than I thought at first.
I don’t get why this is a free browser game - I wouldn’t mind buying it on Steam or GoG. It truly is a wonderful experience, it reminds me of the time when I used to play flash games, but done better.

@Aielman15@lemmy.world avatar

Seriously. Why do gamers spend thousands of hours on games they hate. Life’s full of shit to do. Go play something else. Or, God forbid, touch some grass. Why waste the little time you have on earth doing something you don’t like.

@Aielman15@lemmy.world avatar

I recommend buying music on BandCamp instead. You get to own the music you buy, and support the artist at the same time.

Fuck subscription services.

Brackeys is back, and will now make tutorials on Godot (www.youtube.com) angielski

This is exciting news for every aspiring game developer! Brackeys, a popular YouTuber who used to make in-depth and very user-friendly tutorials about Unity, is returning after a long hiatus, and will now create tutorials on Godot (for those who don’t know, it’s a FOSS game engine, but I’m pretty sure that, if you have an...

Aielman15, (edited )
@Aielman15@lemmy.world avatar

If you’re talking about Unity and Godot, the main difference is that one tried to scam their customers by unilaterally changing the terms of contract and requesting an asinine amount of money based on downloads (not purchases) of games made with the engine, without even having a system in place to keep track of them.

The other is Godot.

@Aielman15@lemmy.world avatar

I remember playing Metal Gear Solid as a child and saying “graphics won’t ever get any better than this”.

That definitely didn’t age well. Just like me.

@Aielman15@lemmy.world avatar

Gameplay mechanics were also a lot better with more replayability. (lemmy.world) angielski

Ignoring the lack of updates if the game is buggy, games back then were also more focused on quality and make gamers replay the game with unlockable features based on skills, not money. I can’t count the number of times I played Metal Gear Solid games over and over to unlock new features playing the hardest difficulty and with...

@Aielman15@lemmy.world avatar

I’ve grown up with a PS1 and a handful of pc games, and I don’t remember any of them being any more bugged than modern gaming. The only exception being Digimon World 1, a notoriously buggy game (but to be fair, half of those bugs were introduced by the inept translation’s team).

I know people nowadays know and use a bunch of glitches for speedruns and challenge runs (out-of-bounds glitches being the norm for such runs), but rarely, if ever, those glitches could be accessed by playing through the game normally, to the point that I don’t remember finding any game breaking bug in any of the games I played in my infancy (barring the aforementioned Digimon World).

@Aielman15@lemmy.world avatar

But they see a place for broken games that are sold by lying to their customers and maybe fixed two years later. Fuck off, CDPR. Are you sure you are the right people to do the moral?

@Aielman15@lemmy.world avatar

Cyberpunk had some issues sure

“Some issues” is a very kind way of putting it. The game was unplayable and had frequent crashes and game breaking bugs. Even now, it’s never really been fixed for old gen (the gen it was marketed for and sold in a console bundle with), they just turned it into a ghost town, reducing NPC spawn rate and turning off environmental lights to reduce the stress on the system.

And worse of all, they knew all of that, and still sold a broken product, and to ensure that people would buy it, they didn’t allow journalists to record their play sessions, only allowing them to use CDPR’s marketing videos in their reviews. I could still forgive them for releasing a broken product on the market and fixing it at a later date, if they were at least sincere with their fanbase, but they chose to lie through their teeth because money was more important than integrity.

The fact that they eventually fixed the game on another generation is not enough for me.

@Aielman15@lemmy.world avatar

Capcom is on a roll, almost every single one of their releases has been unanimously praised.

I’m happy for the fans of the IP, I have a few friends who loved DG1 and were waiting for the sequel. I’m also a bit curious about the claims that they improved on the storyline, as it was by far my biggest gripe with the first entry, so much that I never bothered to finish it.

@Aielman15@lemmy.world avatar

Last summer I got one year of gamepass for free with the MS rewards program (before it was nerfed into oblivion), and I played a grand total of… Three games on it. Maybe four? Gaming doesn’t excite me like it used to. It’s not that good games aren’t released anymore. I guess I just got older and my taste changed.

I bought Golf with Friends and gifted another copy to a friend of mine, just to spend some good time with them. Nothing else really excites me.

@Aielman15@lemmy.world avatar

In a blog post, CIG chief Chris Roberts said 2024 will see the launch of Star Citizen Alpha 4.0 (yes, Star Citizen is still in alpha) […] However, there is still no release date or even release window for Star Citizen 1.0. CIG will share the roadmap later this year.

Lol. I wish I, too, was able to convince people to give me 600 million dollars to do fuck all for 12 years.

Aielman15, (edited )
@Aielman15@lemmy.world avatar

I like collecting physical copies of games I like and that I want to display on my shelves. For example, I have the entire Ace Combat franchise on disc, the collector’s edition of Ori and Crosscode, and a few artbooks for certain games that I love (Spyro, Plague Tale, Oddworld). I also bought the entire Resident Evil saga on xbox (Origins, R2make, R3make, R4master, R5master, R6master, R7 Gold, Code Veronica, Revelations 1 and 2) because I got most of them for cheap.

Digital storefronts are either for games that I didn’t care to have a physical copy of, or when a physical copy doesn’t exist. When I do buy digital, I usually buy on GoG when possible, as it’s the most future-proof option available. I do have a big digital collection on Xbox thanks to their generous Rewards program, but it got nerfed hard in the last few months, so I don’t think it will increase much in the future (I don’t plan on buying another Xbox console, and the MS Store on Windows sucks hard).

EA just added classics like Dungeon Keeper, SimCity 3000, and Populous on Steam (www.theverge.com) angielski

There hasn’t been a lot of good news out of EA lately, but here’s some: the company just launched a bunch of classic games on Steam. The new (old) releases include nine games in total, spanning franchises like Dungeon Keeper, Populous, and SimCity....

@Aielman15@lemmy.world avatar

I’m sure most of them have already been available on GoG for quite some time, I don’t know what took them so long to port them over competing storefronts.

@Aielman15@lemmy.world avatar

I read the article and it didn’t answer my question, so I’m not sure what are you trying to say.

@Aielman15@lemmy.world avatar

That’s not an explanation of why it took them so long.

It’s the article’s writer (not an EA representative, so it’s just the writer’s subjective opinion) saying “the games were already available elsewhere, but it’s good they are now available on Steam as well”.

Also, you should tone down your snarkiness.

@Aielman15@lemmy.world avatar

I actually expect them to take the Warhammer approach. Saturate the market with so many titles that no matter what, the brand name will be on the homepage of everyone. Doesn’t matter if half those titles suck.

@Aielman15@lemmy.world avatar

I have lots of great memories of watching Dragonball with my brother. I don’t watch anime anymore, but no doubt it had a great influence on both of us, and I’ll cherish it forever. His work will always have a special place in my heart.
Rest in peace, and thanks for everything.

Looking for emotional game recommendations angielski

My favorite games are Omori, Disco Elysium and Outer Wilds. I cried for hours at the end of those games, and I think the common point in them is high-quality emotional writing and stellar OST (music really affect me) and my attachment to the characters....

@Aielman15@lemmy.world avatar

The Talos Principle, despite being a puzzle game, has a gorgeous story if you take your time to listen to the audiologs and read the files you find in the world.

Iconoclast is an action platformer with great story and characters. It takes a bit to become interesting imo, but it grew on me the more I played it and I remember it fondly.

Signalis is a survival horror game that combines a presentation similar to that of old school Resident Evil games with lovecraftian cosmic horror. The story is very cryptic and requires a bit of effort on the player’s part, but I really enjoyed it both for its themes and the characters (more than the actual gameplay).

A Plague Tale Innocence/Requiem are two action adventure games with an enthralling story, well written characters and a gut punching ending. The disease aspect of the story is not prominent in the first game, and the ending is satisfying imo, so you could stop there if diseases are a no-go for you.

I really liked Life is Strange 2 and its themes really resonated with me, but it is very divisive among fans.

I also enjoyed Haven’s sci-fi love story, and found it one of the best depictions of an actual relationship in gaming: where most games tend to end when two characters declare their love/share a kiss/whatever, Haven’s beginning is well after they got together and the entire game is them being together, talking and joking and stuff. If you’re a bit sentimental, you may like it.

These are just games from the current/last gen, but you can find other great stories if you are willing to play with an emulator or have old consoles lying around. Xenogears is a JRPG from the old PS1 days, and it’s still the best one of its genre. Oddworld Abe’s Oddysee is a puzzle platformer with very modern themes despite its age, and its mix of fairy tale-like storytelling and horror/splatter presentation is very unique and engaging. I still think of Rue’s story in Threads of Fate as one of the most emotional stories I’ve played as a kid.

I could go on, but I already listed waaay to much titles lol

@Aielman15@lemmy.world avatar

If you like the format, I also recommend a good YT breakdown of Signalis: youtu.be/x1Gv8yjEXw8?feature=shared

Watch it only after you’ve finished the game.

@Aielman15@lemmy.world avatar

I’ve played it once, waited a few years until I forgot the solution to all puzzles, and then played it again.

I’ll probably replay it again a few more years from now. I love that game.

@Aielman15@lemmy.world avatar

Why is this a sigh of relief? Nintendo has bullied an emulator’s dev team and got $2.4 millions out of it. If I was an emu dev, I certainly would not be happy with this news.

@Aielman15@lemmy.world avatar

The best approach is to play games that respect their customers by having no microtransactions, or a fair monetization.

Most games that respect these criteria are indie games. The devs of those games deserve your money more than any AAA company, and their games are often just as fun as those you played when you were younger years ago.

I played CrossCode a few years ago, and it’s been the most fun I’ve had in years. I don’t know about arcade fighting games, but surely there must be an alternative.

@Aielman15@lemmy.world avatar

So, T4B splits from Microsoft-owned ActiBlizz… To keep working with Microsoft. Odd.

But anyway, they were one of the very few developers I cared about in the ActiBlizz group, so I’m happy to see them going independent. I hope it turns out fine for them.

I suppose this also means that Microsoft is not interested in having a new Spyro/Crash game? Otherwise, why let them split up?

@Aielman15@lemmy.world avatar

Find someone that loves you like GameNOW loves that Final Fantasy screenshot.

@Aielman15@lemmy.world avatar

The old WoT video game was surprisingly competent, and if you’re willing to forgive its FPS nature that turned the One Power into guns, there was a lot of love for the IP, with every “gun” referencing a specific quote from the books.

Definitely not what I’d expect from a WoT game, but far from a hack/fraud.

@Aielman15@lemmy.world avatar

Oh, didn’t know they also announced video games and were responsible for the comics adaptation.

I mainly knew them for the wonderful Winter Dragon pilot. I can’t help but like it, in a so-bad-it’s-so-good way lol

@Aielman15@lemmy.world avatar

By using this instance you agree to be crime and do gay.

I don’t need your permission to be myself, you nerd.

@Aielman15@lemmy.world avatar

I’m not even a Star Wars fan, but I spent a lot of time with the PS1 Phantom Menace game as a kid. Some of its levels (Naboo and Tatooine especially) felt surprisingly open world for a game of that era.

What adventure games do you recommend? angielski

pretty much the title. i have played most of sierra, lucasarts and telltale catalogues so if you are suggesting one of their games i’ve probably already played it. it doesn’t have to be a copycat, homage or in the same style as these companies’ games either, just that it must satisfy the vague definition of being an...

@Aielman15@lemmy.world avatar

Have you tried the titles from Amanita Design? They’ve made quite a few old-school point-and-click games, with hand-drawn graphics and cute stories despite the characters never talking.

My favourite is Machinarium.

andrew, do games angielski
@andrew@andrew.masto.host avatar
@Aielman15@lemmy.world avatar

The point is, Xbox is performing very badly, with the latest metrics suggesting not only that PS5 blew them out of the water, but also that XSeries is selling less than its predecessor. Coupled with rumors about exclusives going multiplatform, people feared that it meant that MS didn’t have enough faith in the brand to keep going, and that Xbox would end like Windows Phone.

The concern was real and, in my opinion, perfectly justified. MS telling them to wait a week for an answer, without dismissing the rumors was the weird part. They saw the community on fire and said, “This is fine”. All-around incompetence.

@Aielman15@lemmy.world avatar

Those games are already available on PC, nobody was freaking out about that. People were wary of MS exclusives being ported to other console platforms.

Consoles live and die by exclusives. Porting those over suggests a lack of faith in the brand and would be like admitting defeat. It wasn’t clickbait rage journos baiting people, it was people reading the room and realising that the Xbox brand wasn’t as strong as they thought.

@Aielman15@lemmy.world avatar

You don’t need to defend exclusives or become part of a cult to understand how the market works.

Exclusives are a big part of what makes a console successful (not the only one, mind you, but they certainly play a role in convincing people to buy a console), and porting them over to the competing console would be like admitting defeat for MS.

Although fanboys certainly exist (on both sides), a lot of people weren’t being cultish. They were simply concerned for the future of Xbox and re-evaluating their choice: why buy a console, when I can buy the competition and play all its games plus other exclusive titles? Why invest in a digital library if there’s no guarantee that the platform will keep existing?

@Aielman15@lemmy.world avatar

So being scared that Xbox is going to disappear is stupid, the consoles might, but Microsoft has been transforming Xbox into a platform for years, starting with the release of windows 7 when they introduced XboxLive for windows alongside halo 2.

If Xbox disappears, so does your digital library and other purchases (some games you can buy once and get on PC as well, but last time I checked, they were few and far in between). I can see that being a concern for people that bought into the Xbox ecosystem for the last few gens.

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