ssamulczyk, do rowery angielski
!deleted197 avatar

! What a shit of a weather!💀 1°C and it’s automatically and … My hands are painfully numb, as my “winter” gloves were like a soaking wet sponge…😳 British gloves reviews should be a part of ’s…🥹

@cycling @rower


paavi, avatar

@ssamulczyk Well, then you've at least got dry change for your hands. We're all just human, aren't we? 🙂 @cycling @rower

!deleted197 avatar

@paavi Nah, It started hurting late enough I was in pain but almost home. Also, did I mention I forgot I’ve had those gloves with me?🤣 @cycling @rower

ssamulczyk, do rowery angielski
!deleted197 avatar

from the shithole!😂 Surprisingly, I’ve managed to squeeze myself into a weather window with almost no precipitation…🙈😁 I’ve taught well, they’re not afraid to get wet!💪🏻

@cycling @rower


metalbiker, avatar

@ssamulczyk are you using a phone or an action cam? 🙂 nice videos!

!deleted197 avatar

@metalbiker Yes, that’s a phone. Wide angle lense of iPhone 14 Pro. If I had to download footage from the cam to later process it somewhere I’d probably stop doing it…😂🙈

ssamulczyk, do rowery angielski
!deleted197 avatar

on a ! The things we do for love…🥰 Torrential are passing through Europe, but with the right gear everything is doable!😂🤡

@cycling @rower


Cycling_Liz, avatar

@ssamulczyk @cycling @rower That does look wet, but it also looks really fresh.

!deleted197 avatar

@Cycling_Liz It started raining at night. There are places that look far worse now, but I’ve chosen not to go there…🤷🏻‍♂️😁

It was surprisingly pleasant and refreshing for 7°C!😂

I guess the worst rainfall is yet to come. We expect floods in Poland as the forecast says it’s gonna be 300l/m2 in 3 days.💀 Poznan is quite safe, though, with only local floodings (mostly bad draining). The river is well regulated in here and it doesn’t collect water from the mountains…😅

@cycling @rower

ssamulczyk, do rowery angielski
!deleted197 avatar
rdfhrn, avatar

@ssamulczyk brave! 👍

!deleted197 avatar

@rdfhrn The kids are brave. I'm just to daft to know better...😅

ssamulczyk, do rowery angielski
!deleted197 avatar

! The weather is shit, but not that shit to stop us. Kids went to school, time for me to enjoy whatever life there is still in me!🤡 @cycling @rower


sumek, avatar

@ssamulczyk Dzieki! Dlaczego 🫣?

!deleted197 avatar

@sumek A nie wiem! Ludzie różnie oceniają Decathlonowe rzeczy. Letnie ciuchy mam z Martombike głównie, ale zimowe z Deca trudno pobić pod względem jakości do ceny. Spodnie jakby co nie są zimowe tylko takie przejściowe 3/4. Zimowe też mam pełne, długie i z Deca…😁

ssamulczyk, do rowery angielski
!deleted197 avatar

! Expected the today but it was surprisingly ok. Glad I geared up for colder weather, because the humid wind was not fun at all…🤡 @cycling @rower


ChurnHinge, avatar
ssamulczyk, do rowery angielski
!deleted197 avatar
!deleted197 avatar

@james At this point I’d prefere walking…🤡 Usually I don’t have time to go that slow…🤣 @viq @cycling @rower

james, avatar

@ssamulczyk @viq @cycling @rower When the cycling speed is as low as physics rather let you fall off the bike.

ssamulczyk, do rowery angielski
!deleted197 avatar
!deleted197 avatar

Also, buying is already starting to pay off! The thermal comfort is amazing and they really are weather-proof! It was a pricey but good choice! @cycling @rower

ssamulczyk, do rowery angielski
!deleted197 avatar

I’m a man of my word, so I went . Little Frank was and went with me. What an ! Surprisingly, the started and we had to ask mommy to pick him up…🤡 I was left behind and had to return on the …😂 At least my is clean now…😂 @cycling @rower


joloughlin, avatar

@ssamulczyk @cycling @rower Little Frank made a good choice of footwear, can't beat a good pair of wellies

ssamulczyk, do rowery angielski
!deleted197 avatar

! Of course the weather went to dog shit, because why not?😂

0°C, and wind…😔 An utterly miserable ride, but it’s done! Time to move on…🥹

@cycling @rower


ssamulczyk, do rowery angielski
!deleted197 avatar
ssamulczyk, do rowery angielski
!deleted197 avatar

! It is humid, but not as unpleasant as yesterday! I’m happy to see a lot of water in and they’re draining !🥸 keep on pushing through the !🥰

@cycling @rower


ssamulczyk, do rowery angielski
!deleted197 avatar

in the ! Hectic and discouraging start of what’s seems to be a shitty day. The Wife is ill, I had to manage all 3 kids, including little Sophie and Peter’s therapy… Everything is on my head and it’s far from over…😔

@cycling @rower


ssamulczyk, do rowery angielski
!deleted197 avatar
ssamulczyk, do rowery angielski
!deleted197 avatar

Back to with (one friend, really…🥰)! The weather was shit, wet and cold, but we came prepared with some tea with lemon and honey!🥹

@cycling @rower


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