@nickzoic Yes, Sir! I did get it looked at. Fortunately, a few days ago it just popped and I can hear again. Had it many times before, but never that long. @cycling@rower
@ssamulczyk@cycling@rower 😁
Just your average winterbiking Canadian here... We had a high of 11C yesterday. But it could snow again this week.. In fact, we kind; f hope it does. Wildfire season has already started 😟
@ssamulczyk@cycling@rower Our kids loved to travel in the trailer. K2 was 20 days old when we took her the first time - it was cold and snowing on that day... 😊
@rcr Ours too, but fortunately, the boys are now cycling on their own bikes... As they grew older they started putting things to my rear wheel and getting other stupid ideas together... :bulbasaurroll: This trailer is for just one kid so I'm hoping there will be nothing like that... @cycling@rower
@sumek A nie wiem! Ludzie różnie oceniają Decathlonowe rzeczy. Letnie ciuchy mam z Martombike głównie, ale zimowe z Deca trudno pobić pod względem jakości do ceny. Spodnie jakby co nie są zimowe tylko takie przejściowe 3/4. Zimowe też mam pełne, długie i z Deca…😁
@ClintonAnderson@systemz Take it easy guys!😅 Of course I did! I can also pull off a "look mom no hands" while pushing the kid next to me. Not that I do it very often, but nothing bad ever happened. I am glued to the saddle, though...😎 @cycling@rower
A teraz wyobraźmy sobie, że ta zgraja zamiast broni ma aparaty. Koszt porównywalny, a na koniec nie zamordują przypadkowej osoby.
@bobiko@rower W Trójmieście już od paru dni proszą o niewchodzenie do Trójmiejskiego Parku Krajobrazowego, bo ciągle szukają tego żołnierza z Gdyni... A co tam robią tyle czasu - ciekawe.
Z kolei często na Warmii widziałem zakaz wjazdu bo wyrąb lasu :(
Na polowanie jeszcze nie natrafiłem
@ssamulczyk@cycling@rower We're still working on how to ride a #bicycle. He's really taken to his sister's old scooter though and I ride my bicycle to keep up with him. Only about 6km to work but I wouldn't have time and there's no covered parking when I get there.
@lopta I don’t really have to go anywhere, my sons do. I do it for sports, the young one has to cover less than 1km. The older one, almost 7, has to do 5km to school and then the same distance back. We do have a car, but it doesn’t make much sense to use it in the European city center. They do not know the other way, so they’re cycling…🤷🏻♂️😂@cycling@rower