Taka rozkmina o zdrowiu.
Jakie są potencjalne zagrożenia dla zdrowia człowieka, z którymi system odpornościowy sobie radzi całkowicie doskonale, bo system odpornościowy i w ogóle organizm jest doskonale dostosowany do radzenia sobie z nimi?
Mam na myśli, że teraz dowiadujemy się o jakimś zagrożeniu, bo system odpornościowy sobie z czym nie radzi. Wtedy z kolei próbujemy wzmocnić system odpornościowy, albo go uzupełnić, jakoś zastąpić.
Więc operujemy tylko na sytuacjach gdzie coś w nas działa niedoskonale i to poprawiamy.
A być może, są mechanizmy systemu odpornościowego, które działają doskonale, i moglibyśmy się od nich "uczyć", jak perfekcyjnie sobie radzić z zagrożeniami dla zdrowia, tylko po prostu nigdy na te mechanizmy nie patrzymy, nie badamy ich (przynajmniej pod kątem ochrony zdrowia), przez co coś przeoczamy, co mogłoby być użyteczne albo chociaż lepiej zrozumieć jak pewne rzeczy działają? #rozkminydlazabawy#zdrowie#nauka#biologia#choroby
Over the years our cost of doing business and the cost of living in our city have only gone up. We have aspired to provide living, professional wages to highly skilled tradespeople. I firmly believe that high wages and more opportunities and entry level positions for more diverse types of mechanics and salespeople are the keys to revising the bike retail model and replacing the exclusive and gatekeeping culture of bike shops and at the same time provide service that is more reliable and better value than riders are typically able to depend on.
After years of skirting the edge, depending on tightening margins, and digging for good luck in heaps of bad, we have hit a string of the bad kind; the reality that we cannot support ourselves and at the same time do this work in the manner that we most want has become undeniable.
It is a true thing to say that if your business can’t afford to pay fair wages, your business has no business doing business.
The shop’s closure is happening faster than we would have liked, and the livelihoods of my staff and myself are all at risk, as is our ability to meet all of the obligations we have to our customers. We will be closed for the next few days to organize ourselves, and then in the next few weeks, starting on Wednesday the 17th, we hope that you’ll consider coming in and picking up anything you might need from our shop. We have many high-quality ebikes for sale, as well as accessories like lights and helmets. We have bags of Lego for sale on a sliding scale from $5-500. We have all kinds of lovely things, and any support would be greatly appreciated.
So, having played some #geometrydash 2.2 for a while, I'm starting to warm up to the swing. I'm still not a massive fan and way prefer the ship (which gives you more control), but the swing's long sweeps can help give sections with it a large, grand vibe (e.g., the swing section in Dastardly). Maybe my distaste is just a skill issue. Idk.
When I think of #Winter here, I just think of the cold, the rain, and all of the times I was either borderline or actually hypothermic when #cycling and similar outdoor activities in it. :blobfoxsad: