A co powiesz na jade po lesie, nocą, bez oświetlenia, z rozwalonym nosem bo brak oświetlenia, upapraną od krwi koszulką, i wydaje Ci się że ktoś Cię goni więc krzyczysz i wyjeżdżasz na drogę, a tam jakiś lokals Cię zobaczył i nie wie o co chodzi ale ucieka i też krzyczy (przyjąłem dziś dużo cukru) @rower
It was a different kind of day!🥰 Little Frank, encouraged with a new #bicycle, finally decided to ask me to take him on a #cycling adventure! He explicitly asked for no rain!😁 He didn’t have to ask twice!😂 We’ve done 17km route and it was his PB!🙈🥰
It was unbelievably cold today. 5°C felt like winter and I regretted I didn’t wear the winter jacket… I also started looking for some heated gloves, because I have no idea how I’m gonna survive the real winter…🤡
@ssamulczyk@cycling@rower I could recommend "lobster" or "split mitt" style country skiing mittens/gloves. Better than gloves because your adjacent fingers warm each other but your middle and index fingers aren't tied to each other. Maybe get a size larger than normal and you can wear thin merino wool gloves underneath if it's really cold. YMMV but heated gloves never ever seemed worth it even at -15°C.
This is what I mean https://varuste.net/en/p100526/swix-endure-split-mitt
#GoodMorning! After only 3 hours of sleep I had to get up early to take #KidsOnBikes to school, so why not ride myself down even more in the strong winds. At least the sun was nice…🤡😂
#GoodMorning#Gravel! The lice are gone, #KidsOnBikes are back!🥰 Yesterday we’ve done some wrenching and handlebars cutting and little Franiu has a bigger bike with gears now!💥 He’s automatically the fastest guy around!😂
W temacie rowerowego oświetlenia na sezon 2024/2025
Nie da się ukryć, że w moich stronach Jesień zagościła na dobre. Krótsze dni, niższe temperatury o wschodzie i po zachodzie słońca, więc trzeba myśleć o dodatkowych warstwach ubioru oraz stale naładowanych lampkach rowerowych.
Mam lekkiego fioła na punkcie oświetlenia rowerowego, a to tylko dlatego, że staram się być widocznym na drodze i czerpać przyjemność z nocnych przygód.
Now that’s new! My entire family has lice! Kindergartens…😅 Not me, though… I had a nice #bicycle#night time with a friend!😂 Washed and combed my head on return just in case and it’s clean. I guess it helps, sleeping on the couch…😂