Considering handlebar covers/mittens for doing #OpenStreetMap updates in cold weather. They're quite pricey though. Would they help?
It's fairly slow travel, with frequent stops near the footway=sidewalk to record data on the phone. Are they any good for that sort of thing, if I use them with a pair of insulated fingerless gloves underneath? #BikeTooter@bikes@mastobikes@cycling
Rozszerzenie jest nakładką na planery tras, takie jak komoot czy ride with gps i pozwala przy układaniu trasy wybierać jeszcze nieodwiedzone miejsca.
@wloczykij czy ja wiem czy na telefon ? generalnie mozesz sobie odpallić jako PWA i na żywo śledzić pozycje.
Z reguły to przydatne rozwiazanie dla tych, co planuja sobie dłuższe tripy. bo wąpie, zeby tak spontanicnzie planować wyprawy po okolicy (wokół komina) ;-)
ja w ten sposób odkryłem wiele ciekawych zakątów pomiedzy Wlkp A kujawami. nigdy bym tam nie trafił :D
If you are talking about the average rider, they take their bike to the shop to get the pads replaced, but only at the point where they are making grinding noises or not working properly. Hydraulic discs self-adjust through the life of the pad, so they stay close to as-new performance right up until they're almost completely worn out, while rim or cable discs require constant adjustment to stay at optimum performance. @nothingfuture@hughtaylorscifi@v_perjorative@cycling@mastobikes
@QRSS_Test@ssamulczyk@rower@cycling Yes it can be boring sweaty stuff, but joining a team and doing things like races, being part of the ZRL and doing weekly team time trials can make it more interesting, as the social elements as well as competitive aspects come into play.
EG - I'm a d grade rider, yesterday I raced, broke away, was joined by 1 other, played some cat and mouse with them and the group behind, and then had to sprint to win. The kind of stuff you watch professionals do on TV. Doing it as a slow, diesel engined 50+yo rider who would be never dare race in the real world makes it fun and interesting.
@MrAndrewD Oh, I understand what people get from that. I’m not looking for racing, I’m just obsessed with doing my daily kilometres, because it makes me feel better about myself. I try to ride outside whenever I can, but when it’s -5°C and raining - not so much…🤷🏻♂️ @QRSS_Test@rower@cycling
I have very long legs and a short torso, so "normal" bicycle frames never fit me very well. I always end up with a lot of seatpost height and a short stem, even though I'm leaned forward comfortably and with plenty of power in my pedal stroke.
When I'm riding my #ebike I hate the pressure I feel to accelerate to the speed limit when there are cars behind me. My bike can do 45mph but must we!? #20IsPlenty
After over two decades, Surly moved the Cross-Check frameset from their standard lineup of bikes to the ‘Legacy Lineup’ of their website. Surly confirmed that the bike is no longer in production and is unlikely to come back.
If you haven’t owned this gravel/cyclocross/touring/whatever bike yourself, you likely know someone who has. The Surly Cross-Check was the egalitarian choice in cycling, simultaneously someone’s utilitarian dream bike that was attainable and sold at a fair price.
The end of the Cross-Check marks the bike’s reign as the most bike that ever biked, the go-to way to make a pile of parts you hoarded in the corner of your garage into a functioning bicycle, and the defacto option that a bike nerd could happily ride and recommend to their non-bikey friends all the same.
@tk@cycling@mastobikes@mhoye Aw, dang. I rejoined the cycling world 12 or 13 years ago on a black Cross Check. I loved it unreservedly, and kept it in my garage for years after I rode it regularly— it got displaced by lighter, shinier bikes — mostly out of sentimental reasons.
I finally sold it last year to a math grad student who rides it nearly every day.
As a Swiss elite cycling racer told me once: cx is one hour of freezing, suffering and going way over your limits. So a perfect winter work out.
Mostly did road racing before the pandemic paused the season so I tried solo TT racing then tried CX which felt like it had the best of all worlds going for it.
First ever CX race was on a custom built 90s Hardrock MTB with drop bars. Fell over 3 times, had fun, and am in my third season of it.
@WilliamNB@nick@cycling@schizanon@famousringo@ssamulczyk I have never had a front derailleur fail either, but then I run friction & replace the cables reasonably often. When servicing other folks bikes, particularly older & lower end bikes, I get a lot of trouble adjusting worn & poorly engineered indexed front derailleurs.
Just run friction, especially on front derailleurs. Few set up issues & so easy to trim.
Kind of annoyed with White Industries at the moment. The original press-fit bearings in my Stanyan’s MI5 rear hub needed replacement a long while ago, so I had my local bike shop order them (which took forever to be shipped by Enduro) and swap them out. Unfortunately, the same amount of play persisted after the bearing swap despite said shop following White Industries’s directions to the T multiple times. My shop has called White Industries multiple times only to not be given any recourse.
I’ve been out that Stanyan for several weeks now and I don’t know if I should just get a different hub put in the wheel or something at this point. :blobfoxannoyed: