Voyager 1 is fully back online months after it stopped making sense. angielski
I still can’t believe how this one comes back again and again. One of the greatest feat of humanity.
I still can’t believe how this one comes back again and again. One of the greatest feat of humanity.
wargreymon, It’s alien charged it back up, 100%
Varyk, That is really amazing. Way to go NASA.
Gradually_Adjusting, (edited ) angielski I would like NASA to try to fix me now. I too am a socially isolated remote worker who occasionally says insane things
Edit: Guys, all of a sudden I feel different
Drunemeton, angielski Poster link mentioned in the article:
julianh, angielski It’s insane what these people do. They’re rewriting code from the 60s to use even less memory, have to test it in production without physical access, and it takes two days to see if anything changes. It’s an insane piece of engineering and it’s incredible that it’s still sending useful data.
Serinus, I’d love to see what their test environments are like. You can’t test everything, but they can certainly test some things. A raspberry pi has more software capability.
magikmw, They have a second probe in the shop to test. Thankfully.
neurospice, angielski Incredible! Can’t believe how long it’s been functioning for and how many obstacles it’s overcome. Truly a testament of human engineering
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