Yesterday at the bakery I saw that 1 guy Kevin that I told you about that I didn’t want to go on a date with you Remember right?
Well, he kept asking me to take a cycling class with him, So I finally did what you told me to do, And I told him that I don’t fucking appreciate How he sneezes with his eyes open in front of me in public all the time.
He called me a bitch for that. Can you believe that shit?
I’m so glad society has teams allocated to identifying these hard-hitting issues. It’s true - we don’t have enough consumer protections in place for space tourists. A poor innocent space tourist could “go to space” without fully understanding that “space can be dangerous”. Thankfully, these analysts discovered this issue before too many people were “at risk”. Future space tourists will have to sign a waver, or watch a presentation, or something.
The interesting question here is who paid for this “study”, and who from the register accepted the bribes to get this dogshit published.
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