Yeah, shit idea. And exactly why NASA gets shit on for consuming money with less to show for it.
Spend billions on a program set up by one administration, then some tool comes along and wants to cut costs because they want to look effective and cuts NASA’s programs. Program never completes, now it’s just a waste. NASA, being by default a scientific endeavor thar doesn’t need to return an profit other than exportation and research data, is an easy target. Billions invested and nothing to show for it. WhY iS NaSA So iNeFfeCtIve!?! Repeat for another program later.
Water scouring the surface? Or was it thousands years of wind-blown sand / dust? Dunes have ripples.
There is no water on Mars (not to be confused with liquid CO2) until somebody goes there and drinks some. Anything else is hoping for water to justify the $100billion price tag.
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I don’t have any recommendations, unfortunately. But this is very interesting! I have gotten into software-defined radio recently and radio astronomy seems like a good direction to continue learning. Hopefully someone has some good advice.
Do we know what we did with radio when it was first discovered to know what it would be like if it bounced back to us? Or would it not have been strong enough?
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