The commenter who identified that we’re now able to eliminate radiowave-broadcast communications, via lasers ( & fiberoptics, etc ), is spot-on.
There is another angle, though.
Imagine a simplified-model of civilization…
a batch of 7 newborn-babies, instead of hundreds of genetically-distinct populations in Africa…
those 7 babies live in “eden”.
they learn that they can consume everything they want, that doesn’t harm them.
they learn that they have to be somewhat self-moderating, because others fight them when one crowds the other, too much.
they move away from each-other, & some lose their skin-pigment, others change it…
an empire forms, in-which industry is the rule ( the Roman empire ).
Now a momentum is set in-place, that is making the sequence of the Industrial-Revolutions inevitable…
at the time of the Roman Empire, the children are, say, 11yo.
at the time of the Industrial Revolutions, they are in puberty, their brains forced into chaos, & ALL sorts of new force-multiplying technologies landing in their hands…
So, what is The Great Filter?
What happens when it is unconscious-toddler-mind, or unconscious-adolescent-who-never-got-challenged, who has all the world-snuffing technologies that we now have, but who has the global-responsiblity-level of … drunk & drugged narcissistic children…
Say you have 7 kids going into The Great Filter, representing the whole populations-sea of our world…
Say only 1 of them survives The Great Filter…
Are they going to be CAREFUL in what they do, technologically, from then on??
I don’t expect more than about 1.5% of this planet’s population to survive this century’s TANTRUM/POGROM that has narcissism-roots, politics-roots, religion-roots, food-insecurity-roots ( like total collapse of the terrestrial & marine food-webs, later this century ), etc.
Will the remnant who survive this century, if any do, be as careless with technology as we currently are??
How could they be?
If The Great Filter is an automatic force-growing-up consequence of EVERY world-overwhelming-species, who mixes accommodated-immaturity with ecosphere-destroying technology, then whatever portion of worlds who reach The Great Filter have survivors of it, … it’d be inherent in the survivors’ experience that they have been made careful.
Same as you don’t find incapable-of-self-discipline in career-military-officers, you don’t find our murderous carelessness/ideological-rabies in any survivor of The Great Filter:
Universe automatically force-extinguishes populations who won’t grow up, who gain the technological-leverage that we’ve gained.
So, silence depicts a lack-of-carelessness AND an absence-of-need to be throwing-away-energy through radiowave broadcast, both.
When combined, galactic silence makes much fundamental sense.
We’re in our species’ “puberty” stage, and haven’t survived our force-growing-up Great Filter, yet.
If we do, well, then finding others who also did, will make sense.
If we won’t, … then our epitaph will be that we wouldn’t grow-up, at ANY cost.
Evidence suggests that this feature is the projection of a shell on to the plane of the sky. Voids and string-like formations are common outcomes of large-scale structure. However, these structures have maximum sizes of 150 Mpc, which are an order of magnitude smaller than the observed GRB ring diameter. Evidence in support of the shell interpretation requires that temporal information of the transient GRBs be included in the analysis. This ring-shaped feature is large enough to contradict the CP. The physical mechanism responsible for causing it is unknown.
Weird reporting like this is “new” GRB ring out of Swift and Sloan SDSS data.
Sloan Great Wall, which is around 1.5 billion light-years in length
South Pole Wall, which stretches 1.4 billion light-years across.
Hercules-Corona Borealis Great Wall, which is about 10 billion light-years wide
Given that you aren’t the only audience to a response, even someone who recognizes that it’s a joke might add a little bit of context about, I don’t know, how melting the fastener might contaminate the sample or grinding the fasteners might cause dust and sparks that could also contaminate the sample, so on and so forth.
That all being said, are you okay? Kneejerk responses like that don’t usually come from good places.
I think it was fairly clearly a joke, and at least a little bit funny via absurdity, like suggesting nuking it to open it, or wrapping an elastic band around like a tight jar lid.
Not everything you read is serious unless otherwise stated.
There's a big difference between "touched up" as in, fix the contrast and adjust the color balance, versus "touched up" as in let's make a nebula look like a bat. The first, me and Ricky are in agreement that they're doing. The second, me and Snopes feel strongly that they're not doing.
Haha, not my title, the article’s. I don’t change them too often because it disrupts my flow going through my RSS feeds while I select things I want to get into in depth myself, and I know publishers make these decisions for a reason. The text is pretty ok though. Feel free to downvote them.
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