FeelThePower, do piracy w Has YouTube Blocked Your Adblocker Yet??

I load the old 2014-2017 layout locally from my C drive as my localhost and proxy it to load when i type in youtube dot com. avoids ads, increases performance, and looks better as a layout all in one.


I sincerely doubt the 2017 API still works today. Apps like NewPipe have to update every month to keep up with it, and old YouTube mobile app versions don’t work anymore.


look up rehike for youtube if you are curious. It works for me and many people.

HiddenLayer5, do piracy w Has YouTube Blocked Your Adblocker Yet?? avatar

Does NewPipe count as an adblocker? Not yet but I fear its days are numbered.



viking, avatar

Newpipe is accessing the videos straight from the backend. There is no chance to splice any ads into, unless youtube were to modify the source material, and that’s highly inconvenient. And then we’d just use sponsorblock anyway.

They tried to change the code to access the raw video material many times over, but unless they encrypt it and enforce decryption via keys uniquely embedded in the official youtube app while somehow finding a way to prevent a disassembly to use their keys in unofficial apps, I don’t see that happening.


They don’t need to splice ads in, they could just render NewPipe inoperable. I’m sure it would be fairly trivial to detect which page loads are from NewPipe.

viking, avatar

Not trivial at all, else they’d have done that already instead of playing cat & mouse. How would they differentiate whether it’s the official app, some mobile browser, or newpipe? Changing the user agent or cloning a fingerprint from a browser is the trivial thing here.


Well if they’re detecting active ad blockers then presumably they’re running some client side js to decode the url if certain conditions are met.

I don’t think think they’ve been playing cat & mouse with newpipe, they just break it by accident.


Have you heard of shape from f5 or similar services?

viking, avatar

Nope, what’s that?

DAMunzy, do piracy w Has YouTube Blocked Your Adblocker Yet??

I’ll just stop using YouTube like I’ve stopped using Reddit.


I’m ready for that. When being a youtuber started looking like a job I think the site lost something.

tryptaminev, avatar

That is something you just cannot avoid with a new medium. Eventually there will always be professionalization. It just sucks that youtube now just gives us the same shit over and over instead of making it easy to find new creators, like it used to be.

captain_aggravated, avatar

Hell I think you could make a massive improvement to the site if it could realize “Hey, I’ve been suggesting the same exact video to this user 500 times in a row, and he’s never clicked it. Maybe this user likes this creator/series, but not this specific video.”


Yeah, YouTube was better when it was a bunch of amateur cat videos.


There was a sweet spot when cat videos went pro. Then the spam killed it.


I’d say just smaller, less scripted content. Maybe that’s what tiktok is.

captain_aggravated, avatar

I remember one of the early Youtube sensations was this teen chick’s vlog that turned out to be a fictional soap opera basically. Because it hadn’t occurred to anyone to do that yet.

This was BACK IN THE DAY, around the same time Boxxy became a sensation, or that one chick who just sat still in front of the camera because the Japanese liked her huge eyes.

Laurentide, avatar

lonelygirl15? I remember a friend telling me about that series because she wanted to share a funny video reply (Remember those?) by somebody who managed to find the same animal plushies that the girl carries around; it was a parody episode where the plushies talk about the current situation in the story and suggest that maybe the girl should drop all the teen drama stuff so they can all focus on running for their lives instead.

captain_aggravated, avatar

That’s the one, lonelygirl15. What a wild story. My internet destroyed brain immediately jumped to “Wow that was before the Youtube partner program, and it was presented as an authentic teen’s vlog at least at first…I wonder what the monetization strategy was?” And it turns out there kinda wasn’t one. They went into $50,000 worth of credit card debt to fund the series, according to Wikipedia. Like remember that episode of South Park (remember that show?) where they had the waiting room full of viral video people waiting to get their non-existent internet fame money?

janguv, do piracy w Has YouTube Blocked Your Adblocker Yet??

Here’s hoping YouTube Revanced on Android and Adguard on desktop continues to work, eh…

viking, avatar

Firefox has zero issues with adblock on Desktop. On mobile I prefer Newpipe, but hey. Anything goes.


REX is working fine with the SponsorBlock enabled.


Forgive my ignorance – what’s REX?


Revanced Extended.


Tbh, at this point there’s no reason in them disabling ad blockers. If you haven’t gotten used to this insane amount of ads by experiencing the slow, uphill creep, having to go from seeing no ads to suddenly this, is impossible. I couldn’t watch youtube videos in the current state of ads, so I’d just have one less vice.

I had already stopped once, when youtube vanced went offline (until i found revanced) and I will do it again


Revanced stopped working for me last week. I may reinstall incase I was running an old patch.

EuphoricPenguin22, avatar

Patching a newer version of the Youtube app resolved the issues with playback I was having.


Yeah likely cause is something outdated. All working fine on my end

lemming007, do piracy w Has YouTube Blocked Your Adblocker Yet??

I’ll quit YouTube before I watch ads.

roon, do piracy w Has YouTube Blocked Your Adblocker Yet?? avatar

I didn’t get this banner yet maybe because I’m using ublock origin


You either aren’t part of the “small” test groups or you aren’t logged in.

stebo02, do piracy w Has YouTube Blocked Your Adblocker Yet?? avatar

should I vote if I’m not in the US?


If you have a good party to vote for. I’m in the UK, and I’m not so sure if any party deserves my vote.


You should always vote, if only to not let the worst party get power. Your enemies would rather you didn’t vote than vote for their enemy.


Fair enough. The thing is, do I vote for the near-anarchists, that, save for the anarchism, align with my principles? Do I vote for the party that is further away from my ideological beliefs, but doesn’t have the anarchism, and is a bit larger? Or do I vote for the main opposition, which is even further from me ideologically (and doesn’t seem to have much of a clear vision)?


That sounds like a question about how much you oppose anarchy. Any change, involves some loss of established order, so if the Overton window tells us something, is that “anarchist parties” are just the ones trying to push it stronger. Actual anarchists, wouldn’t try to be part of a government in the first place.


Okay, but then we still have the problem of FPTP. If I’m in a Labour dominated constituency and I vote LibDem, my vote wouldn’t matter cuz Labour will win anyways. And if I live in a Greens Stronghold and I vote Greens, my vote wouldn’t really matter, as they would have won with or without my vote. The way I see it, your vote can only make a difference in a constituency where there is no clear winner, and it’s everybody’s game.

Please correct me if I’m wrong in my assessment of the situation.

jarfil, (edited )

Then you want to fight FPTP and vote pruning by constituency, to make your vote matter.

You could vote blank, or a poop emoji to show your disconformity, but organizing or supporting a protest to reform the voting system might be more effective.

If we counted all those who don’t vote because it “doesn’t change anything”, those who vote blank or null, and those who vote knowing their vote will still get thrown away… it could actually make a majority.


Still odd to think of countries where voting is optional. It’s compulsory here, adn the only people who can afford to not vote are the rich…

stebo02, avatar

i meant on the poll lol


I’m in the UK, and I’m not so sure if any party deserves my vote. / Obligatory Piped link


Thanks, I will keep that in mind.

henfredemars, do piracy w Has YouTube Blocked Your Adblocker Yet??

This is such a better use of their time and dollars versus improving their service to make it more attractive to customers.

If this is the change that really sets them financially straight, then I would say they have a failing business model.

jabberati, avatar

@henfredemars @Honse Really depends on how many people are using ad blockers. Probably it pays off for them to implement ad block blocking.

01189998819991197253, avatar

From what I read on their own report, less than 2% use adblocks.

snowbell, avatar

That is depressing

01189998819991197253, avatar

Agreed. Sadly, agreed.

Landrin201, avatar

If premium cost $5per month I’d pay for it, u use YouTube all the time

No way in hell it’s worth $15 a month though, their pricing is completely brwindead


I agree. It’s around $22 NZD and that is just too steep. They have a slightly cheaper one but you can’t background play with it. I’m sick of being nickel and dimed at every possible opportunity and then hearing about how these companies are making record profits.


I won’t give a penny to the evil google.


Just make a (digital) trip to India and get family of 5 accounts for about 1$ a month per account. This the way I did it.


It’s $25/mo for family. I hate that I pay for it, but I use music, and I mostly watch YouTube on a streaming device, so I’ve never been able to use ad blockers. $15 for the fam felt worth it, but $25 has me rethinking. Maybe I can configure YT-DL to get the shows I care about on my Plex


Any android based streaming device can run SmartTube (formerly SmartTube next). On an Android phone you can patch the YouTube apk with revanced, which also gives you full access to yt music.

skullgiver, avatar

Do you guys not get Youtube Premium Lite? It’s €7 per month to get rid of ads and doesn’t include stuff most people aren’t interested in like Youtube music.

Landrin201, avatar

Nope, not available her ein the states.


This is such a better use of their time and dollars versus improving their service to make it more attractive to customers.

Making their service more attractive to customers is precicesly what they’re trying to do.

It’s just that an advertising agency’s customers are not the folk who watch, read or hear the ads, it’s the folk who pay for the ads.

tryptaminev, avatar

I am not sure if it will work out like this though. The amount of ads they are forcing down peoples throat is isane. Eventually it will make people consume less videos and with that less ads overall.


And thus the enshittification cycle completes


I am not sure if it will work out like this though. The amount of ads they are forcing down peoples throat is isane. Eventually it will make people consume less videos and with that less ads overall.

Sure, could be - but keep in mind that they have all the relevant usage data at hand. Any decrease in service popularity among users (or indeed any kind of user behavior) is immediately visible to them. They have the means to know exactly what annoyances the market will bear.

And considering that YouTube still holds a de-facto monopoly on video discoverability within the entire anglophone internet I feel like it’s safe to say that the market will likely bear a lot more annoyances :P


You are not the customer. You are the product.


Yes, but if they destroy their products (aka drive users away) their real customers (ad companies) will pull out.


capitalism (or at least the weird version of it used in the tech world) is about short term profit. if they get good numbers from this, they can make future projections of an imaginary increase over the years and make the ad companies happy for a while. they do not care about breaking the product in the long term


I know. This was just the intelligent person view. In reality, as you said, they only care about short term profit, and can you blame them? Things can change overnight in the tech world. Google (as a product) was undisputed until ChatGPT was released and integrated into Bing, now Alphabet is falling vehind and losing its dominance on the market.


Just ask Twitter/X or what’s left ot it.

skullgiver, avatar

Why would the ad companies back out if Youtube got rid of the people who were blocking their ads anyway? If anything, it makes Youtube a safer investment.


Less viewer numbers to show to advertisers.

skullgiver, avatar

They’re already in hot water because of lying to their customers over this. They actually track ad blocker usage because lying about ads getting played when they weren’t would be fraud. In fact they’re getting sued by a whole bunch of advertisers because the “100% verified watched ads on” were actually playing in hidden frames on random websites.

I’m pretty sure the anti blocking, remote attestation direction Google is taking is an attempt to quickly fix this situation before it can get out of hand. They don’t know what ads plays are legitimate anymore and their customers are angry about it.

Worst case scenario, all Youtube advertisers over the last x years get their money back with some compensation, which would be devastating to Youtube as a product.


So you know that the people watching YouTube aren’t really considered “customers” by google in the traditional sense, right?

kworpy, do piracy w Has YouTube Blocked Your Adblocker Yet??

For me it’s quite strange. This first happened around 2 weeks ago, I was getting ads, however only the audio works as when the ad plays the screen is black.

I’m on Firefox with uBlock. Also I never got this popup, I just started getting ads with a black screen.


Install 1.51.1rc2 and restart Firefox. That will fix it.

Neon_Dystopia, do piracy w Has YouTube Blocked Your Adblocker Yet??

I wouldn’t know because I use firefox. Fuck google.

Waluigi, avatar

Sad thing is that this will affect even Firefox + uBlock


How’s that? They’re just gonna block YouTube? Way to kill their own service.


How are they supposed to run a free service without ads, especially one as expensive to run as a video hosting website?


google has “fuck you” amounts of money, the minority of users using firefox mean nothing to them.

If google was having problems funding youtube, believe me, they’d stop paying creators before that would happen, and then the creators would tell us about it.


Do you really think they would stop paying creators before stopping people from bypassing the way both them and creators make money? It doesn’t take a business major to see that running a free service without ads is only going to cost them money.

AzzyDev, (edited )

I think (unsure) you misunderstand. Google, and any other company’s, main goal is to make money. To achieve this goal, i’m saying that if google were to lose profits from people using ad blockers, they are more likely to extract profits from their creators than sacrifice their bottom line.

If google can’t adequately monetize their services (by losing the ad-blocking war), they can’t monetize the creators. Google is evil, but so is the economic system that causes inconvenience to be the most effective way to monetize content.

This is why i wholeheartedly support things like Patreon, Ko-Fi, etc. because that directly supports creators and means that they don’t have to completely rely on a company that no longer says “don’t be evil”.


To achieve this goal, i’m saying that if google were to lose profits from people using ad blockers, they are more likely to extract profits from their creators than sacrifice their bottom line.

The creators are their product, the adblock users cost everyone money and provide no benefit, why would they punish their product over the users costing them money? The adblock users aren’t the bottom line, they are no benefit, and cost both YouTube and the creators in lost revenue.

This is why i wholeheartedly support things like Patreon, Ko-Fi, etc. because that directly supports creators and means that they don’t have to completely rely on a company that no longer says “don’t be evil”.

That’s great and all, but YouTube still has bills to pay, they can’t just let you use the service free without ads, let you just give money to creators through those other services, and expect to even break even.


“…why would they punish their product over the users costing them money?”

That’s if Google loses the ad-blocking war, hence the second paragraph, unless they manage to stuff web environment integrity/similar into their website, or if front ends like Invidious become more popular.

“…YouTube still has bills to pay…”

That’s true, but I think Google makes enough money from other things (tracking, other website’s ads) that it wouldn’t hurt them too bad. I think the recent crackdown on ad blocking is less from a large profit drop and rather to send a message to avoid the former from happening. Again though, I could be wrong about that one.

In the end though, I just want to watch and directly support my creators without being forced to waste 15 seconds of my life that I will never get back on a product I never have and never will use.


By making Youtube Premium worth it, both for users and creators. Make it transparent what % of the YP fee is actually going to creators, make that % actually fair, give extra features to YP users, incentivize creators to ask their viewers to collaborate with it if they actually can afford to. Youtube has reached a point where it has become a public utility, to the point that tens of millions of people use it to supplement their education or stay updated on the news. A website increasingly necessary shouldn’t force someone without a penny to choose between paying what they can’t afford or have their head fried up by ads.

Of course, this idea rooted in civil values is incompatible with an economic actor that sees both creators and consumers as cattle that must be milked as efficiently as possible.


A website increasingly necessary shouldn’t force someone without a penny to choose between paying what they can’t afford or have their head fried up by ads.

If not ads then what is the free option supposed to look like. I hate ads also, but it’s not like it’s sustainable to run free without ads.


Wikipedia has no ads yet it has a pretty large amount of spare money, and there are plenty of other free to use platforms and projects. Youtube is not Wikipedia, sure, but Wikipedia has no reason to offer Youtube Premium.


Wikipedia mostly displays text, YouTube mostly streams HD video, which one do you think costs more?


It looks like Lemmy and PeerTube, where people do the hard work because they care and not to make a profit off of idiots with more money than sense.

Saying it’s ‘impossible’ is objectively false and just shows people you don’t understand the world you live in.


Are creators making enough money to get by on PeerTube? The idea is interesting, but I don’t see people making enough to do it full time, and I don’t see how the streaming quality can be anything as good or reliable compared to something like YouTube by relying on P2P.


get by

What does this mean?

Chriskmee, (edited )

Make a living, pay the bills.


How does lemmy make money?

Also, hasn’t youtube been wildly profitable for years? Profit, by definition is excess. It’s what’s left over after all business expense have been paid.

If youtube is profitable, why do they need more profit? Oh yeah, they don’t.

Sorry this needs to be spelled out for you.

skullgiver, avatar

Why do you think you can’t upload more than a few megabytes of content to Lemmy? Serving video is expensive as hell, especially if you’re transcoding it into other resolutions.


As far as I know YouTube is not that profitable, but it’s hard to tell as they don’t release all the numbers.

Do you make any excess money? Do you have any money left over after rent, food, etc? If you do, do you need that money? If you don’t would you like to make more? Nobody wants to live with no excess money, so why should a business?


Woah dude, you’re getting right into my point of projection.

Just because you want to use your excess to get even more excess, you’re assuming that everyone else will. Why eschew luxurious so those who have less can have more? You’d never project that lol, cause that’s not how you feel.

Have a good day, man. Hope I enlightened you a bit.

Gonna block you now cause I feel you have nothing to offer me. See ya.


So you want to live just making ends meet? Don’t care about having a savings account? You would be happy with just enough to get by without any excess? I don’t know anybody who would be happy with that.

If you want to run away from the conversation then go ahead. If you do happen to have some money you don’t want though, since who needs to make more than what they need just to break even even, right? I’ll happily take it off your hands.


Thing is, even with all their efforts they still can’t make it profitable. Not sure if they release the data (doubt). But, YouTube has always been barely profitable or operating on loss. Google bought yt over 15 years ago and haven’t figured out how to make money off it and arguably made it worse with their policies and algos.


Part of the problem might be all those people blocking the ads, which I wouldn’t be surprised if it’s a pretty big chunk of their viewers. No ads means no ad revenue, which means losing money.


I don’t care.


Do you care if the service goes down and nobody gets any videos?


As if video streaming will die with one site. One for-profit site, that’s not remotely turning a profit. A vestigial organ of an advertising giant, burning money to build dependency and exploit it for control.

BitTorrent used to share more video than Netflix - despite a lack of money, despite a lack of ads, and despite being illegal. Content creators will be fine without this corporate facade.


I don’t know what YouTube’s market share is, but for videos that are not short TikTok style it’s probably like 95%? And they are also in the TikTok short and twitch streaming areas now, so I think it would be a massive blow to video streaming if they went away.

BitTorrent just moves all the costs to the users, and users are typically not wanting to run their own video servers. They might work for tech people who don’t mind running servers or already have a server they are running, but you have to think about the regular user that is probably 80% or more of the market. You can’t expect to get big off relying on users to be the servers.


How things are now never ever means change is impossible.

You can’t expect to get big off relying on users to be the servers.

BitTorrent did exactly that.


BitTorrent may have been big as in number of files, but as far as users and having content on demand it never got there. I remember waiting for days to get a single movie, not because my Internet was slow, but because the peers were slow.

When it comes to a YouTube replacement I don’t think you are going to get big relying on users to be the servers. Nevermind the fact that the nature of how BitTorrent works means no company will allow their content on it legally.


And nothing’s changed in all those years. Yeah? P2P technology couldn’t get any better than 2004. The fact it was slow sometimes means we’re boned forever.

Corporations already have streaming. I don’t care if they come along. Their content might be there whether they like it or not.

Consider where we’re having this conversation: is big even desirable? Has the dominance of one video platform been good for the internet? I’d say plainly fucking not, if killing ad blockers is even a feasible outcome. When YouTube was its own company there were a dozen competitors of similar size and quality. Google pouring money into one, so it could swallow everything and censor everyone and shove people toward right-wing propaganda, is not exactly ideal.

Chriskmee, (edited )

Has P2P changed much? I don’t think it has really. I use private sites for that stuff now and it’s great there, but the public stuff still seems pretty bad IMO.

Well if they don’t want their content there, then you have the whole problem if it being illegal. Now you have to convince people to break the law, and go as far as to install a VPN or whatever so your ISP doesn’t send you warnings. This isn’t a great start for something to replace YouTube.

I think Big is required for a P2P YouTube style thing to work. You need lots of peers to stream content in decent quality. You need people to knowingly break laws and use VPNs. You need people to run their own media servers, you are asking a lot from people, all YouTube is asking you to do is watch some ads or buy premium.


Oh no! Is the company that makes 70b per quarter and is buying back 70b of shares to keep making more in trouble of only making 80b per quarter next year and not 100b? Poor babies.


Maybe instead of looking at revenue you should look at profit. Revenue means nothing if your running costs eat it all up.

Also, maybe try to look at YouTube Numbers instead of the whole parent company? The patient company being profitable isn’t an excuse for the child company to lose money.

couragethebravedog, (edited ) do piracy w Has YouTube Blocked Your Adblocker Yet??

I wonder if the people having this issue are using chrome. On FF it has never been an issue for me.


Not there in Edge as well.


I had this issue using Firefox. But updating the block lists has fixed it for now.



sculd, do piracy w Has YouTube Blocked Your Adblocker Yet??

Enshittification is REALLY going strong, huh…

Echo71Niner, do piracy w Has YouTube Blocked Your Adblocker Yet??

They are rolling this out in stages to users worldwide, It happened to me 3 weeks ago, on Brave, Firefox, and on Chrome. I had to junk Brave, update firefox, flush out my extensions (remove them) and reinstall, and now I run 6 different ad blocking and tracking extensions and its back working again. You should also know that Adblocker Ultimate are also involved and working on blocking their extension from working so they can sell premium app, which is now an app that runs on your computer, not an extension anymore.

Sanrasxz, avatar

This is quite concerning. Hopefully the adblocker extension devs are able to bypass this. I expect a cat and mouse game eventually.


It will be a cat and mouse game, which YouTube will loose in the long run. Don’t remember the name, but there is a very clever solution: They download all the ads so YT thinks you are watching. However, ads are never shown to you. This is extremely hard to detect and it muddies the data collection of Google since you watch and click everything.

IMO: This is a net loss for YT/Google. Their collection of data looses value. And advertisers wont be willing to pay the same amount for clicks, since a registered click is not necessary someone who watched and the targetting got worse…

1993_toyota_camry, avatar

Worst case of this solution is you might have to wait before watching your video. It wouldn’t be unreasonable for google to refuse to send you the video until $ad_duration has elapsed.

Still beats watching ads though. I could queue up a bunch in a “watch later” playlist and have a program get them all ready for me.


AdNauseam is a browser extension that uses the same idea to obfuscate tracking. I never used it myself, but it seems like a good alternative to blocking ads.

mineapple, (edited )

6 adblockers?! Have you looked into uBlock origins customisable block lists? You can combine at least 3 blockers with that. Additionally you could add custom block lists.

Edit: clarifications and spelling errors.


unlock origins customisable block lists? You can combine at least 3 blockers with that

I’ll look into it.

ChaoticNeutralCzech, (edited ) - list of auto-updating filters, makes it very easy to add one. Make sure to use one with a good rating.

Yeah, do it. uBlock is great in terms of performance so you will feel how much faster browsing is after uninstalling the other add-ons. You can also block known scams or websites known by pirates to be unsafe. It can also block cookie popups (but I don’t care about cookies might be better at this).

I also suggest Redirector, which lets you can set up custom redirects such as

<span style="color:#323232;">Pattern name:  YT Shorts in normal player
</span><span style="color:#323232;">Example URL: →
</span><span style="color:#323232;">Match pattern:*
</span><span style="color:#323232;">Redirect to:$1

It is very powerful and can also replace multiple extensions. For example, it can percent-decode URLs, which enables me to prefix a URL with ar[space] in the address bar and redirect me to the archived version of that site. Just add*/%s as a bookmark with keyword ar. (This trick is useful for making custom “search engines”, which would often require yet another extension.) However, this trick is not enough alone because it goes to*/ and needs a decoded URL. So notice that I used the nonsense address which Redirector will detect and correct using this rule:

<span style="color:#323232;">Pattern name:  archive percent-decoder
</span><span style="color:#323232;">Example URL:*/ →*/
</span><span style="color:#323232;">Regex pattern:*/(.*)
</span><span style="color:#323232;">Redirect to:*/$1
</span><span style="color:#323232;">Process match: URL Decode
count0, avatar

Regarding cookie pop-ups, there’s a little known gem:

mineapple, (edited )

Problem with that is, idcac accepts the cookies, ublock blocks the banner and thus you havent given consent and no cookies should be placed. Note that some websites might collect data regardless but there’s nothing much to do about it. ¯_ (ツ) _/¯


Unlock or UBlock?


UBlock Origin is the name of the extension. My autocorrect messed it up ^^

RickyRigatoni, do piracy w Has YouTube Blocked Your Adblocker Yet?? avatar

Youtube has not blocked me with my uBlock but your poll did for being a vpn user.

I know it’s an anti-vote-fraud measure but it’s still kind of funny.

treble, do piracy w Has YouTube Blocked Your Adblocker Yet?? avatar

Skip in 5 seconds? No. I’ll trek 7 deserts, gleefully abandoning everything and everyone I ever knew before you will subject me to this.

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