Not exactly a recommendation (most of what I would have said has been covered below) but, my partner and I use Co-Optimus to find new games to couch play together. Here’s a filtered list of PC split-screen and couch co-op games.
This is a common thread and question that I’ve seen pop up all over the internet since I first joined message boards in the early 00s. It’s you and I dont mean that in a judgmental way, but it sounds like you’re probably burned out or being brought down by other factors in your life.
I said it in 2002 on gamefaqs, I said it in 2005 on my small local game message board, I said it in 2010 on reddit, and I’ll say it again. The best time for gaming is now. Because there are still good games coming out regardless of the bad contemporary trends, and the indy revolution of the 10s has only made that more true. On top of that all the classics you know and love are still behind us and playable.
I think you need to take a step back and try to figure out exactly what it is about gaming that you used to enjoy and try to figure out why you may not be enjoying games anymore. It could be the type of game youre playing, it could be that you’re just burned out, and it could be external factors in life.
Did you used to play games with friends and family that have drifted apart as you got older? Does work leave you drained and with little time and energy to play your long playsession single player experience? Is the game that you’re playing one with a toxic community? Do you feel unfulfilled in other parts of your life and feel guilty that instead of working on that you’re engaging in your hobby? Are you experiencing other mental health issues like depression or anxiety that might be tinting your enjoyment of things?
There are a number of reasons you might fall into and out of gaming. I’m in my 30s and I personally go through seasons and times when I play a lot of games and when I focus my hobbys on something else. Ive felt like “maybe I’ll never get that immersive feeling again like I did at 18” a bunch of times in my life and then picked up games I couldnt put down. Once you find out the why you can try and tackle the problem.
I’m not OP, but I feel like I want to add on to this if that’s alright. I think it’s often easy to get into this mindset when a trend seems to overtake a lot of the industry. For instance, personally I’ve noticed a common game that seems to get churned out a lot in recent years: it’s open world, but has nothing in it and is given light RPG elements that don’t really add anything. That doesn’t mean every game is like that, of course, but I think it can be easy to fixate on what we’re tired of seeing. Eventually, someone will come up with a new trend, and the empty open world games will fade out, and the cycle will continue as it always has. It’s also interesting to point out that humans tend to remember the past more fondly, so it’s easy to remember old gems and ignore the flops. Anyway, thanks for entertaining my ramble.
“Elden Ring” achievement in Elden Ring (obtain all achievements.) I am a very casual gamer and I played very little of dark souls 3 but I couldn’t get past the tutorial boss so I gave up. I heard many great thing about Elden Ring so I decided to give a FromSoft game another try. The freedom of that game made it really easy for a casual player like myself to go my own pace and get used to the i-frames. I fell in love with the game and my first play through I used as many summons as I could but my other play throughs I hardly used any. It turned me into a gamer that dodged and used parries which I never did before. Very good game and I’m excited to play the dlc.
Its one of the best farming games I’ve ever played, but it’s also like… a real ass simulation game. You don’t get to grow whatever you want, you will grow rice and you’ll either like it or leave. Kept your paddy’s water level too high? Mold. Didn’t get rid of pests? Disease. Didn’t keep enough water in on a hot day? Uh oh, water evaporated and now your rice is under watered. If the waters too cold it won’t absorb nutrients right.
It’s also 50 percent a action rpg platformer, but don’t think you can get around doing the bare minimum in the farming just to play it: your stats are directly reliant on how good you rice farm. No level grinding through combat.
I really enjoyed it but I’m still not sure who the target demographic for this game was. How big is the overlap between “traditional rice farmers” and “action rpg enjoyers”? At any rate, I high key reccomend it if you think you could be interested in rice farming whatsoever, because the story is great too.
With my track record at killing even cacti, I am going to suck at this game. It does sound interesting, though (and “great story” is enough to make me face the rice farming).
It definitely sounds unique, which is exactly was I was hoping for when I made the post! Thank you!
I just started back up one that I rarely see talked about: Ever Oasis. Does it do everything perfect? No, but it’s a cute little handheld game where I get to help an adorable water spirit save adorable seedlings and owl people. There’s characters to befriend and take on quests too! It offers a lot, but cause it was on the 3ds I don’t think too many people have played it.
Outside of that, Harvest Moon: A Wonderful Life is my nostalgia favorite so I am hopeful about the remake.
Big agree on roguelike. It’s both annoying and entertaining how a whole genre of somewhat popular titles are only described in reference to another basically ancient title.
And some of them have gameplay that doesn’t compare all that well to Rogue, but are similar to something else that was considered roguelike! It’s just this vague descriptor with a constantly shifting definition depending on who is using it.
No hate intended towards the titles or the players, just language being funny 🤣
I haven’t finished it yet but i absolutely love Harvestella. It’s barely a farming sim, more like a Final Fantasy game with farming elements inside it, but I really really enjoyed it.
My favorite of all time is Rune Factory 4. God the amount of time I spent on that game is obscene lmao. I dunno what really makes it unique that I love it so much, maybe the bigger focus on dungeon crawling to go with the farming, but yeah, huge huge fan. Also Forte was so cute.
I didn’t like RF5 nearly as much, but I bought it twice (Switch and PC) because it’s a miracle it even came out and I wanted to support that. For those who don’t know, Neverland Co., the company that developed Rune Factory (and Lufia!) went bankrupt after Rune Factory 4. But then Marvelous hired most of the people on that team, which led to Rune Factory 4 Special, then Rune Factory 5, and now Rune Factory 6 and a spin-off that just got announced! Those sorts of comeback stories make me very happy. I’m really hoping these next two games allow them to refine their 3D engine.
So that’s why RF5 is so janky? Don’t get me wrong i’m playing it right now and deeply enjoying it, especially getting to see Doug and Margaret kicking around town again, but I have so many issues with this game lol.
The camera lags when you rotate 360 degrees around your character, sometimes the rocks that spawn on your field will be totally invisible until you save and reset, preventing you from tilling certain areas. I’m having some weird lighting issues too but that doesn’t bother me really.
On the bright side, they give you a lot of farming room quite fast if you play through the dungeons, and they finally made it possible to be a lesbian! How cruel fate is that allowed me to not get married to Margaret in RF4… For the record, I ended up with Vishnal.
I started to use the Japanese term “search action” rather than Metroidvania unironically, sue me.
Yeah, it sounds silly, but it’s descriptive and feels less limiting to me than “a game that looks like Super Metroid and Symphony of the Night”. I love those two, but lots of games do the big interconnected map with ability gates, and they’re not that close to them.
Some of those even don’t have a map made of blue rectangles! Only like 90% of them.
Really, if we can do with genre names that are not built like that in general, all the better. I’m not going to the library to read a FrankenDracula or a DuneFoundation or whatever.
You mentioned the -likes ones, which I really don’t like, but “Soulslike” takes the cake and I absolutely loathe using it. Might be a bit biased here because I think Fromsoft’s Souls games feel very bland and I really enjoy Team Ninja’s versions of this genre, instead (had an absolute blast with Nioh and Wo Long, and am currently addicted to Stranger of Paradise)
I like the term boomer shooter. The reason is the alliteration. But more importantly…
Rookie Level 1 Gamer: “They’re called boomer shooters because they’re old like baby boomers”
Veteran Level 20 Gamer: “Baby boomers thought Doom was satanic, that’s a stupid term”
Enlightened Level 60 Gamer: “They’re called boomer shooters because of the huge debt they owe to the original Doom modding scene and therefore “Boom”, one of the first limit-removing source ports”
GigaChad Level 80 gamer: “Who cares. My ego isn’t so delicate as to have my sensibilities offended by whatever the fuck you want to call it. If you think something like ‘MyHouse.wad’ is something that is for “bOoMeRs” (a.k.a. anyone old enough to know that it’s called a “VCR,” not a “VHS player”) then you’re the one missing out… not me.”
My eyes gloss over a little bit when I hear “modern platformer” but my most hated would be full loot RPG. A paradise for greifers, not fun for anyone else.
Scathe… got “scathing” reviews. Articles were written about problems with the environmental design, weapon designs, lack of imagination in aesthetic appeal in the enemy designs, the AI… but not once did anyone point out a problem with it being in a sub genre called “boomer shooter.”
Wrath: Aeon of Ruin not only duplicated Quake by using the Quake engine, having amazing level design, and the 90’s appeal of run n’ gun, but it also matched Quakes failures in that the Dev team left and had to be replaced. Right now Wrath is stuck in perpetual Early Release with no completion date in site. I’m sure the reason for that is its sub genre of “boomer shooter,” right?
How about Amid Evil? I spent a couple hours streaming that last night. It was an absolute blast. I haven’t been on a caffeine bender like that in years. I’m looking forward to streaming it again as soon as possible. I can’t wait to play it and its new DLC that’s about to drop. Obviously Amid Evils success is going to be because of the term, “boomer shooter.”
That term has obviously done so much harm or good….
Or it doesn’t fucking matter at all and this is a frivolous waste of time to whine about (as I’ve pointed out in more than one article I’ve posted).
We could be discussing something useful, but what matters to people is their egos. How important it is what term is used for a class of FPS games? People tried to argue with me about the fact the term “boomer shooter” is years old. Something that two seconds on google would make clear. But ego… I have had several people tell me they’d KILL people for using the term… I guess that’s acceptable behavior?
Okay, you win. Focus on trivialities while the industry moves on shaking it’s head while you shake your fist at clouds. But please, don’t forget to complain about not being taken seriously and for damned sure point out something trivial in what I wrote here, because that will matter.
Thank you for defending him. I’m sad to see you were the only one. I had an ulterior motive for my post. I apologized to him and explained my motivation.
Whoa calm down, While I was a bit harsh, I definitely didn’t mean any hostilities you might have picked up from this.
Genre names are just names of the genres. They have no bearing on the actual quality of the games that they categorize. There are good games in poorly named genres and bad games in aptly named genres.
I was just sharing my thoughts on what the industry calls them and wondering what other people thought about them
And I’m sorry for using you as the sacrificial lamb.
You have every right to ask the question, and you even did it reasonably.
I find it interesting that when I spend time writing an article and cross posting it, this is the level of vitriol I receive. It’s over the top and no one deserves this, especially someone that is just asking…
“Hey, what does anyone think about X?”
Least of all anyone that took their own time to publish something to spark discussion. Thank you for doing that. Thank you for not just posting a link to an article. Thank you for spending some time, considering, and then engaging.
I wish more people were inclined to do that. More people should rush to your defense for what I posted. Some people should even learn from it. Sadly, I doubt that will happen.
I honestly wish you well and hope you will post again in the future. I look forward to what you have to say.