A lighthearted and colorful Soulslike RPG with actual multiplayer. I want to run around in a BotW/TotK style world and go adventuring with friends, while still feeling like the combat is challenging. I want to be able to head into a dangerous dungeon with friends and not be sure we'll make it out, while having a more storybook fantasy vibe. Too many game opt for gritty apocalypse worlds. The recent Zeldas show that you don't need to go grimdark to have a compelling fantasy world, while still retaining a save the world vibe.
Im super bummed at the lack of real co op these days. I see people cry that not every game needs to be multiplayer when people ask for co op. but all we want is to be able to play a cool open world with a decent story with 1 or 2 friends :'(. Im so bummed dragons dogma 2 is still singleplayer
Especially since it already has party mechanics built in. Why can't they just swap out pawns for your friends? I get it wouldn't really fit the story, but that can be handwaved.
Outward meets this pretty well. It might not be quite storybook but it’s far from grimdark. Soulslike, full coop - definitely has the “might not make it back from a dangerous dungeon”. Only thing you might not like is some light survival mechanics (ie food and water).
Black & White 3. Just more Black & White, slightly updated and improved since technology is better, but it doesn’t have to be much better. Just a little bit. But basically more of the same.
You might consider looking at Fata Deum which was kickstarted specifically as a spiritual successor to the Black and White games, and the god game genre in general.
A real time RTS with proper command and control and fog of war. So like, you don’t have perfect information on where your units are, let alone enemy units, where you have to contact the units on the ground and request that kind of information, and also manage to communications system you’re using to maintain contact.
Radio commander does something a lot like this but I’d like something a bit more in depth and comprehensive.
I like the idea of playing out the Byzantine generals problem in multiplayer or I guess with just another AI general too. Does Radio Commander have that element at all?
Radio Commander has instantaneous communication with the units, it being over radio, and you’re only really interacting with your own units, sometimes you’ll operate near allied units in a mission and have to make sure your units properly identify contacts before engaging.
But the core mechanics are that you’re sending out requests for information to units and orders to move and engage, but you cannot see where they are on the map, you can put markers down on the map, but like that’s just you best guess of their postion based on what coordinates they gave you. The coms basically always work perfectly, although there are options that will make it so units can get lost or make mistakes in their reports back to you.
I want Stellaris or something similar but in VR. I want to spin the galaxy around and resize it to zoom in and out with my hands and pluck cruisers and point them to the right place, I want big tactile sliders and stuff for controls, spaaaaaace
A hybrid of dagger fall and Minecraft. Open procedural generated world rpg with npcs that give quests but a semi hand designed main quest. Crafting with loot found in dungeons to either kit out my character or sell for profit. Sell me a plot of land in town I can build on or a house I can modify. With real rpg mechanics
Welp, I tried to find the video for like an hour with no luck. But I think it was made by the Rocket Jump guys at some point. It was a live action video of a video game like fps where there are two teams. One person spawns on each team and goes on to the map, trade gun fire until one dies then time resets and another person spawns on each side, BUT the other player still does what they did last round, runs out and trades gun fire. But the newly spawned guy kills the enemy that shot tge first spawn guy before that happens. Breaking the first spawn guy out of his preset loop, and they are now coordinating.
Very cool concept. If anyone knows the video please help me find it. Told a friend about it yesterday. Must have been filmed at least 8 years ago now.
I have a real knack for finding amazing games that will die soon or just died. I’ll add this to the pile of hellgate London, runescape chronicles, and that 3v3 moba that you could play on any web browser.
I want Master of Magic but modern. I want all the same style of gameplay (squares, not hexes) with similar art style (not grimdark browns) but uprez to modern resolutions (still pixel, but tiiiiny ones). I don’t think turn based strategy with tactical combat is popular enough right now to justify it.
I want World of Warcraft but it’s an actual role playing game. It’s not. It’s got roller coaster dungeons and the main characters are putting on a stage play, not actually there. They hide main characters when they’re not needed or inconvenient. There are so many Plot-By-Stupid writing mistakes. I don’t know if it’s possible to create a world that actually seems plausible (not realistic, but plausible). I want to love the story of Warcraft again, but it’s been years.
I want a game that doesn’t get corrupted by rich executives trying to squeeze every last dime out of people, but has the fidelity that large resources allow. I hate microtransactions, even if I don’t use them. I play games to get out of the world and its disparity of incomes and being poor. People running around with things I’ll never buy just reminds me that rich people are there.
Battlebit? I have it on Steam, but I haven’t had time to get to it so I’m not 100% sure what it’s like. I heard it’s lack of greed is the main reason it got so popular.
CSGO is also kinda like this but it has the gambling features
this is my first Lemmy post and I’m still not sure if there are spoiler tags and such, so I’ll try to avoid spoilers as much as possible.
anyway, I don’t like this game.
I initially found the combat very fun but mostly flashy. Later on as I got more eikons and I slowly found something that was efficient for me towards the end, I had very little reason to go back and switch up but I appreciated the flexibility. The problem was that all fights essentially went the same way, and it ended up feeling like the combat system wasn’t deep enough. I really liked the hunts, however. And there was a particular boss battle that I think was truly executed perfectly.
Outside of combat, gameplay is dire. It’s not really worth exploring outside of the critical path - the loot is worthless. Way too many “talk to this person”-style sub quests with, more often than not, little payoff.
The plot is, I think, abysmal. The whole slave story is handled extremely poorly, and seeing how dumb the approach to this theme is, it’s not surprising that they flat out refused to include any black people. The outrage would’ve been too much. Fortunately (?) this whole slave stuff is forgotten halfway through, so you won’t really see more of it unless you focus on the side quests. Which… yikes. Some of the worst writing in the game can be found on the side quests. I initially was excited when Vivian was introduced, as I love me a good Map with Floating Heads of Key Players Where I Learn about the State of the World Sequence… but my god it all amounts to nothing but very convoluted ways of saying stuff like “the army moved to this location”. Incredibly tedious, and disappointing. As much of a bummer as this whole world is imo.
And speaking of bad writing, all the female characters of the main cast were done a disservice here. Jill during the Iron Kingdom boss fight was especially done dirty.
I have played every single FF from IV till XV (excluding the XIII series), and I don’t think this series will be for me anymore if it continues on this direction. I wish this game hadn’t disappointed me as much as it did. Spectacle isn’t enough to carry a game for me, and while I was not expecting something extraordinary I did expect something more thoughtful than this.
I had an idea of a game where you played as a photojournalist documenting the brutality of a near-future totalitarian regime. There would be elements of stealth because you’d have to evade the police to take your photos and you have pretty much no combat ability. You’d use your earnings from selling the photos to gradually upgrade your equipment, maybe starting off with a shitty cell phone camera and working your way up to professional quality full frame SLRs. I’d want it to simulate the workings of a real camera… f-stop, shutter speed, ISO, etc., so you’re challenged with getting good, usable photos in difficult conditions.
You know, that sounds sick actually. Especially if it was more sandboxy than linear, and also had some kind of survival system (pay for food/rent) to add tension and encourage risk taking when snooping around.
This is more or less what I wish Beyond Good And Evil had been. The combat in that game wasn’t good but I liked the idea of having to photograph evidence and getting photos of wildlife on the side to earn some money. It wasn’t nearly as fleshed out as your idea though.
Yes similar, but not entirely. SimCity is more macro-economics, I was thinking more about micro-economics, like the demand and supply within the city, similar to Factorio where one factory needs resources from another to work, but in this case prices would fluctuate depending on the supply and demand of certain resources within the city, then you could use these differences to make money for your sims, or create a business to fill an unsaturated market, for example producing sweaters in the winter to fill the clothing demand while having to repay a loan you took to begin the business without going bankrupt. This has always been what I wished I could do in the sims, Sims 3 came close with shop ownership, but it didn’t really simulate the accompanying economies.
I want a Persona game but with the characters in college instead of highschool.
Maybe Shin Megami Tensei has older characters? But the problem is the vibe is so different. A lot of anime/manga with older characters go for a completely different tone. The friendship and family theme heart of the Persona games, and the hopefulness, is essential to me. I just want some of that hope for but targeted at adults for once.
Imo “adult” aimed media often has a real problem with conflating maturity with misery and sex. I know I’m not the only one who feels this way because it’s gotta be part of why so many adults still read YA books and play games with precocious teenage protagonists.
I remember that when Star Trek Online was first announced, it was VERY different than what it is now... and it actually more closely resembled what you were describing. Each character would be free to do some of their own hero stuff in the galaxy but also be on 'hub ships' where you were a smaller part of a much larger whole, participating in shipboard stuff. Then it changed hands or somesuch, and the new leadership said, "Nobody just wants to be some random person on a starship! Everyone wants to be the captain!"
To which I said, "No, actually... ._. I think I would enjoy just vibing on a supercool space ship with my Fully Automated Luxury Gay Space Communism lifestyle." So it would be interesting to see someone try to do STO as it was originally intended.