Eggyhead, do gaming w Best "Lets Play" Series avatar

I like Many a True Nerd’s Tale of Two Wastelands series. It’s a mod that merges both Fallout 3 and New Vegas, but the host is a bit of a fallout super fan so he tours obscure areas of the map and explains a lot of weird little facts about the lore, easter eggs, and development of the games.


He’s got a lot of different series that are great watches. His CKII run with Perun is particularly good.

chicken, do gaming w What type of game do you want to play that doesn't really exist?

A RPG type game where you play as a single character, in a world of simulated NPCs, where some of those NPCs are playing something like a 4x or grand strategy game in the background and things happen independently of your actions.


Alaoth kind of has a mechanic like this.


Dwarf Fortress has a mode like this.


Or something along the lines of being a background/supporting character in some grand fantasy adventure. The story isn’t about you; you exist within a greater plot that isn’t hinging on your actions. Basically I want NPC the game lol. I’m sure there’s a way to do it in an interesting manner


Maybe I’m mistaken because I haven’t played it as much as some people but this is pretty similar to Mount & Blade. I think if the NPC factions simply did more and were more effective at sieging one another it would be that almost exactly.

Similarly, Dwarf Fortress Adventure mode is almost exactly this but it leans deeply into roguelike survival and is still part of the old school ASCII version.

The problem is if you’re just a pawn in a dynamic procedural strategy game against NPCs it seems very easy for the factions to be procedurally put in a situation where one AI absolutely dominates another and the lack of control you would have over the bigger events would become frustrating.

boatswain, do gaming w What are your favorite video games that force you to pull out the pen and paper?

Secret World was a great modern horror MMO for a while there, and the investigation missions had some really complex puzzles that expected you do go online and do research into Egyptian dynasties and King James bible quotes and all kinds of other stuff. They dumbed down the amazing build system the game started with, but the core story skills still all be worth playing.


Oh, I’d forgotten about Secret World! It looks like it’s been updated to Secret World Legends – might have to give that a try.

McWizard, do gaming w What type of game do you want to play that doesn't really exist?

I always wait for a game where you manage a remote Starbase and the main part is to put together Spaceships out of parts made by yourself or salvaged from fights. So you repair and build them out of a limited amount of parts and assign them to your pilots, give them patrols or mining missions etc.

Cpt_ManlyPink, (edited )

While it doesn’t have “parts salvaged from fights”, would recommend checking out Avorion.

  • Fun ship creator ( can make as simple or as complex ship design as you want, for some extreme examples check out Steam Workshop )
  • Manage fleet of custom made ships
  • Ship design affects handling, combat performance
  • Send ships to missions
  • Fight along side your ships, control other ships with RTS-like control options
  • Has optional multiplayer
pli5k3n, do gaming w What type of game do you want to play that doesn't really exist?

I’ve always wanted something that takes an RPG (JRPG a la Final Fantasy or Western RPG a la Fallout) where the economy is real and active. Like, if I go out and grind to get 9999 of some valuable resource and just dump it on some poor merchant in some tiny town and sell them all and buy all other resources, that should have a noticeable impact on the local economy. Or that there are trade routes between towns Town A specializes in weapons while Town B specializes in healing items. Then you can support them by facilitating trade between towns or you could “be evil” and create larger imbalances in market demand. I don’t know, it’s just a super nerdy idea.

Obi, avatar

Reminded me of this sketch with your comment about the effects of dumping your grind on a local merchant:


Do you play mmos?


I don’t. But I guess I should clarify the market/economy be simulated for a single player (or optionally co-op) offline play.

empireOfLove, do gaming w What are your favorite video games that force you to pull out the pen and paper? avatar


Gotta keep track of production balance somehow…


In the same vein, Satisfactory and Dyson Sphere Program. I love planning and optimizing and it feels great to plan it on paper then build it in the game, only to run into countless problems, distractions, and rabbit holes of things to do to achieve my goals, requiring taking countless more notes to keep track of it all. Definitely one of my favorite genres of games.

brennesel, avatar

Satisfactory is the first game I thought of. It even made me craft little 2D building models to plan proper factory layouts.

WildlyCanadian, do gaming w Best "Lets Play" Series avatar

Minecraft SMP/Survival Island/Shadow of Israphel - Yogscast

Additionally, their Tekkit series.

Actually all of their old Minecraft stuff is amazing. I loved their playthroughs of various adventure maps as well. There’s a playlist full of those somewhere.


Oh man, that’s a name I haven’t heard in a bit. The Tekkit series was so funny

luckless, avatar

Was checking if anyone had mentioned this. You gotta pay respect to the classics. The whole moon series was great.

nottheengineer, do gaming w What are your favorite video games that force you to pull out the pen and paper?

Elite Dangerous. People have guides on how to do things like earning money fast, but those methods usually require a lot of thinking and planning with a notebook.



ObiWanGurobi, do gaming w What are your favorite video games that force you to pull out the pen and paper?

The new System Shock remake. I needed to draw a map of all elevator connections because Citadel station is extremely convoluted. Also, you get codes (or parts of codes) and instructions here an there, that you’ll need later on.

lemmyvore, do gaming w Best "Lets Play" Series

NitaZera’s Mass Effect playthrough: one, two, three. No commentary, just cutscenes and dialog, works out like a good action scifi series.

blayde, do gaming w What are your favorite video games that force you to pull out the pen and paper?

I made a lot of notes to myself while playing Majora’s Mask! I’m going out of order but I expect more of the same when I get around to OoT

Rinnarrae, (edited ) do gaming w What type of game do you want to play that doesn't really exist? avatar

A game like the mainline Sims series, but better developed and without EA’s involvement. I’m aware there’s projects like Life By You and Paralives, but neither of those are publicly playable as of now, and until they release there’s no way to truly tell if they’ll actually be any good.

Although at this point I don’t think they can be much worse than the current status quo.

Mickey, do gaming w What are your favorite video games that force you to pull out the pen and paper?

Honestly, Elden Ring. I kept a small notebook on the side to write down all the different bits I didn’t want to forget. Clues and quests and stuff like that. There were so many things if you pay attention and take care to try to piece together. It was really fun to come across something many hours later and then pull out the notebook to find my notes on it.

dQw4w9WgXcQ, do gaming w What type of game do you want to play that doesn't really exist?

Kerbal Space Program crossed over with factorio/satisfactory. Basically building worldwide factories over several planets and moons and travelling between them by using the harvested materials and minerals.

It seems like that’s something that they are going for in KSP2, but the concept is vague and the game is quite delayed and the uncertainity is huge. So I am not optimistic that it will ever be close to what I want.


Dyson Sphere Program is basically this. However, space exploration is a lot simpler as the mech character can fly around in space when you have sufficient fuel. It’s a very good factory game and personally I like it more than Factorio.


Astroneer has some of that vibe, but it’s a simpler and more casual game. Really fun though, worth playing! Your character also needs oxygen to breathe and that makes exploration interesting

SeverianWolf, do gaming w What type of game do you want to play that doesn't really exist?

A game like Hunt Showdown, an extraction based game set in 1895 Louisiana, fighting other hunters on the same map to get to the bounty (a boss that everyone goes after) and extract.

Imagine that game, but set in something like in the Star Wars world, With lightsabers and blasters in dagobah or tattoine, going after a boss like Darth Maul or Yoda, while every other bounty hunter is going for the same target.

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