Stovetop, do games w Are modern Final Fantasy games bad?

I’ve played and beat every single numbered FF title except for 11.

The new ones are good, just different. No one likes every single FF game, everyone has a favorite they associate with the time they jumped into the series, and then all others end up colored by how similar or different they seem to that ideal one.

Even the people in this thread bashing FF13 would probably be surprised to know how many people out there think it’s the best (I know, a shock).

I can share my own opinions on which games are good or bad, but it’s ultimately meaningless unless your tastes happen to coincide identically to my own.

And besides, everybody knows 9 is the best, without question.


Fuck it, here’s my hot takes:

  1. Short, but feels just the right length, I appreciate how it seems to borrow more strongly from the D&D roots the series developed from (e.g. spell slots instead of MP)
  2. First game with defined characters. Enjoyed it but the Elder Scrolls style of leveling through ability use made it feel like you have to play a certain way and I probably grinded more than I needed to by the end.
  3. It’s aight. First game with jobs. Eternal Wind is a good track.
  4. First game with an ambitious story. Thought it was good, but a bit overhyped.
  5. The best of the 2D games and I won’t hear anyone say otherwise.
  6. I liked the large cast of characters in the first half. I didn’t like having to re-get the cast of characters in the second half. Good, but also overhyped.
  7. Most ambitious transition between games, going from 2D to 3D. I know it’s the darling of the franchise, and it is undoubtably good and packed with content, but I feel it has aged the worst of all of them.
  8. I can see why it is some people’s favorite and a lot of other people’s least favorite. Unbelievably charming cast. Good ideas with the combat but could have used another pass.
  9. The first FF game I played. Amazing cast of characters and an amazing story. Tetra Master is bullshit. Debatably not a JRPG by some definitions.
  10. Love the game to death, yet hate Tidus so much. I couldn’t get into Blitzball.
  11. Does the current Alliance Raid series in 14 count?
  12. The Gambit System ruined the rest of the franchise for a lot of people (interpret that however you like).
  13. Better than people give it credit for. Not without flaws but a lot of the hate feels more like folks never got out of the tutorial. Also, the tutorial is two thirds of the entire game.
  14. Best story of the entire FF series, but also the one that you’ll need to work the hardest to get through. Also, did you know that thereisafreetrialuptolevel70withnorestrictionsonplaytimeincludingtheawardwinningHeavenswardandStormbloodexpansions?
  15. A fun game with a good story and cast of characters, but the missing chunks of the game that it was supposed to be are apparent.
  16. Didn’t like it as much as I thought I would but still found it to be overall enjoyable. Heaviest story an FF game has ever told (including Tactics). Wish there was more of a “party” but Clive and Ben Starr’s voice work are too good not to love.

Bonus 7R hot takes:

  • Remake: Somehow they turned a 4-hour chunk of the original game into an enjoyable 40-hour story without it feeling too drawn out. Great gameplay. Plot changes actually helped me appreciate the sequel more. Anyone worried about the game being a money grab sold in 3 parts doesn’t know what they’re missing.
  • Rebirth: Despite people’s apprehensions about plot changes, it manages to continue being incredibly faithful to the original story, with some tasteful additions. Probably the most uncompromising AAA game I’ve ever played. Can’t help but love it, and am really interested to see where part 3 goes.

Some of us have favorites that arrived well after starting the series.

That said, I feel the need to tap the sign: if anyone thinks mainline Final Fantasy games are bad, they need to play some genuinely bad games for perspective. There are plenty available even within the genre: Beyond the Beyond, Ancient Roman, Lunar Dragon Song, etc.

The series is constantly reinventing itself, and that’s going to leave people behind. SQEX still manages to retain consistently high production quality despite that.

Battle_Masker, do games w How the hell is there not a Green Arrow video game? avatar

Mr Zaslav, the CEO of WB, the company who owns the rights, doesn’t want WB to be profitable so he can sell it off to a private equity firm and make out like a bandit with his CEO bonus intact


How does that stack up, lower the value to sell? Shareholders approve his bonus, why would they want to lower their value.

sic_semper_tyrannis, do gaming w need retro game recommendations

The Pokémon Liquid Crystal ROM hack, a gen 2 remake for GBA


I’ll add polished crystal as well


That looks awesome. I might switch over to that version, or at least give it a try


I tried it and it’s awesome. I like it better than Liquid Crystal. It feels way more retro but also modernized at the same time. The 60fps world is a huge improvement

ZephyrXero, do games w Are modern Final Fantasy games bad?

I feel similarly. I made a whole video about it.

PieMePlenty, do games w Steam Deck Gaming News #2

Shoutout to a great top down racing game on deck: Circuit Superstars. Simple, cute, clean presentation. All racing, no fluff. Also, 4 player split screen! I will have to give art of rally a try too.

toxicbubble420, do gaming w need retro game recommendations

mega man battle network

navi, do gaming w need retro game recommendations avatar

Excite Bike

ArgentRaven, do games w Are modern Final Fantasy games bad?

I play FFXIV. I’ll break it down by expansions, but it’s the one that didn’t follow the general downwards trend so much.

1.0 - trash. They couldn’t figure out how to work together. One guy spends forever making the best looking water wheel ever, in the background, that you never interact with. It’s too graphically intensive, and flows the wrong way from the water. It doesn’t match the building it’s attached to. Meanwhile, they forget to add roads towards main cities. It’s an unplayable mess. It’s literally unplayable, as they killed it off to replace it with:

2.0, A Realm Reborn - they really fixed it under one guy’s leadership. It’s playable, and works. It’s outdated somewhat today, but has a lot of moral grey areas and twists. There’s a lot of running around and time wasting, which was common back then.

Heavenward - they made a great story. It’s one of the best expansions. Streamlined and faster. No needless “talk to 5 villagers” quests like previously.

Stormblood - not as great. There’s a lot of setup they use later. The world building is really great, though. Some of the best looking areas.

Shadowbringers - the best expansion they’ve ever made. Perfectly balanced world building and characters, and story. This is peak FF, with the best music as well. Probably because they can ditch much of the old A Realm Reborn story.

Endwalker - ties it all together. The story leads up to “death is inevitable for everything that has ever lived, so just die now” kind of depression hopelessness that you wonder how they’ll get out of it. Well, because it’s Japanese and FF, it’s the power of friendship that saves the day. But, this really feels like the culmination of everything they’ve learned in the previous expansions.

Dawntrail - this is the downward slide. They force you into a role to support someone for ruler that is almost slapstick bad. Characters don’t make logical choices. The theme is all over the place and can’t decide what it wants to be. Many people say to stop at endwalker, but we’ll see how the next expansion goes, which is years away.

There’s plenty to say about the game otherwise, but the general thought is that they’re gradually cutting corners, taking longer, and under delivering as they’re stretched too thin. They’re feeling the same pressure everyone else in the world is - not enough money. Which is crazy, because FFXIV is THE game keeping Square Enix alive.

ZombiFrancis, do games w Are modern Final Fantasy games bad?

“Modern”? I don’t know.

Final Fantasy 10 was the last game that fit the ‘traditional’ turn based (active or not) gameplay. Since then there’s been less consistency between iterations.

Final Fantasy 11 and 14 are MMORPGs and are just fundamentally different games as a result. The latest is essentially Devil May Cry gameplay.

A lot of people enjoyed DMC and DMC is not inherently bad, but it may not be what people expect.

But the spinoffs using the Final Fantasy name have always been pretty damn hit or miss. (Compare Mystic Quest to Tactics.) This just now applies to the whole series.

ObsidianZed, do games w Avowed made me scream to my doctor: “I am a wizard!”

To be honest, Wizard is the best way to play Avowed.


The book was the only mechanic I found interesting

missingno, do gaming w need retro game recommendations avatar


  • The King of Fighters 2002: KOF fans will tell you either 98 or 02 were the absolute pinnacle. I side with 02 because it has Kula in it. Also note that 98 and 02 both have updated rereleases with an extended roster and rebalancing, but those are Windows-only.
  • Puyo Puyo Tsu: 20th Anniversary is the peak of the series, but if you're on hardware that can't run DS or Wii, arcade Tsu is fine. AI is a lot weaker though, and the story mode just forces five colors and high gravity on later stages to compensate.
  • Puzzle Bobble 1/3: You've probably played some flash game clone of this. IMO I think 1 was best for its simplicity, I'm not as fond of the garbage patterns introduced in later titles in an effort to give characters some asymmetry. But PB1 does not have AI opponents, singleplayer is only the stage clear mode, so if you don't have a human to play with try PB3 for the next best thing.
  • Tetris: The Grand Master 1/2/3: The only good Tetris, do not @ me. Start with TGM2's Novice Mode, then once you can clear that go back to TGM1.
  • Twinkle Star Sprites: A versus shmup with a very unique format. Chaining enemies on your screen sends attacks to your opponent's screen. Hard to really explain, just give this a spin and feel it out for yourself. There are a lot of moving parts, screenwatching is vital, and feels like I've barely scratched the surface of the game's depth.
  • Vampire Savior: Aka Darkstalkers 3. This game is fast as hell and it's a blast. Like with any classic fighter, good luck keeping up with FightCade folks who really know what they're doing, but I love it casually.
  • Waku Waku 7: This game's mechanics are honestly borderline kusoge, you can't even cancel normals into specials. But I love the design and atmosphere so much. Tesse is really fun to play even in spite of the system mechanics.


  • Fire 'n Ice: A very rad little puzzle game.
  • Mike Tyson's Punch-Out!!: Just an absolute blast. I won't bother listing them seperately but also check out Super and Wii. Super's kinda the black sheep of the series, but it's still a good game, just not as good. Wii is an absolutely top-notch successor and I'm sad it didn't get any more sequels after that. The two arcade predecessors are honestly forgettable.


  • Chrono Trigger: I am hesitant to recommend most JRPGs from this era if you did not grow up on them, because many of them haven't aged so gracefully. Chrono Trigger is the exception, this game is a fine wine. You may want to check out one of the rereleases though, or at least a retranslation patch, because the original translation was made on a rushed deadline and bound by heavy technical limitations.
  • Earthbound: A bit more of a slow burn in comparison to CT, but this game is carried by incredible writing. It's also required reading before playing Mother 3 next. You can skip Mother 1 though.
  • Kirby Super Star: Definitely the peak of the series, giving every copy power an entire moveset is a blast. Has an updated rerelease on DS with added extras, I do highly recommend this version, but DS can be awkward to emulate so SNES is fine.
  • Panel de Pon: Gamecube version is best, but if you can't run Gamecube then Super Famicom is good too. GBC is also worth checking out, in order to adapt it to the small screen the story mode has health bars instead of true CPU opponents, which makes it play rather differently.
  • Wario's Woods: The NES version is more well known since it was the system's last first-party title, and for whatever reason it's the only version Nintendo ever rereleases. But the SNES version is a notable upgrade, biggest thing it has is AI to play versus mode against. Versus mode is wild as hell, so if you've never seen it please check out the SNES version.


  • Game & Watch Gallery 2: Holds a special place in my heart as the first game I ever owned. Has the best lineup out of all the collections, with 3 and 4 you can kinda tell they had used up all the heavy hitters.
  • Mario Tennis: An incredible tennis RPG. And Mario doesn't even show up until the postgame as a bonus boss, which I find hilarious. Has connectivity with the N64 version if you can get that running, lets you transfer your RPG mode character and unlock more content on both titles.
missingno, avatar


  • Boktai trilogy: Hideo Kojima's greatest masterpiece. First game's alright, second game is where it comes into its own. Note that you want the Solar Sensor hardware for the full experience, but emulating them is worth it over not playing them at all. And for the third game, you'd have to pick between original hardware or the translation patch anyway.
  • Castlevania: Aria of Sorrow - It's Castlevania. Also play Circle of the Moon and Harmony of Dissonance, but Aria is by far the best of the GBA installments.
  • Golden Sun 1/2: These games were way ahead of their time for how they designed a combat system that encourages you to use all of your tools and not just click basic Attack as if you gotta hoard your MP for a rainy day. Fantastic puzzles too.
  • Mother 3: Surely you have already heard of this game and do not need me to tell you to go play it. Have you not played it by now? Why not? Well, okay, if you haven't played Earthbound first, go do so, then play this.
  • Rhythm Tengoku: A wonderful game about pressing the A button. Sometimes you press the d-pad too. Translation patch.
  • Summon Night: Swordcraft Story 1/2: If you've ever played the classic 2D Tales games, these are excellent spiritual successors to those. There's a third game that's JP-only, translation patch is being worked on but it's been stuck in development hell for years...


  • Celeste Mario's Zap & Dash (NES): SMB1 turned into a Metroidvania with Celeste mechanics ported in. I think what impresses me the most is that they got 4-directional scrolling into this engine.
  • Super Metroid and A Link to the Past Crossover Randomizer (SNES): It's an absolutely incredible technical feat that this even works. SM and ALttP smashed together into a single ROM, with a few doors that take you from one game to the other, then the item pools are shuffled together so you have to go back and forth to find one game's items in the other. Unfortunately because ALttP is a much bigger game with a lot more items it kinda overshadows SM, you may not find this to be as replayable as the standalone randos. But I recommend trying it once because it's just so cool the first time.
delcake, do games w Are modern Final Fantasy games bad?

I can say that I enjoy the Final Fantasy series just for the fact that I respect they are always trying something different with each one. This has the end result of me not getting on with several of them, but critically, someone else does.

I just find it kind of beautiful that a series is willing to experiment with itself to such a degree, and that at this point there really is at least one game in it for just about everyone.

All it really means is that I have to accept that not every game has been made with me as the target.

Omegamanthethird, do games w Are modern Final Fantasy games bad? avatar

For the record, I was also immensely disappointed in XV. However I loved XVI. The ability cool downs in particular felt very ATB-like to me and I loved the customization. The story is very good and one of my favorites from storytelling perspective (in other words, HOW the story is told).

I also really liked the combat and exploration of XII. And the Zodiac version makes it even better.

I thought XIII had some of the best moments in the series.

XIII-2 perfected the gameplay from XIII and made storytelling and exploration “fun”

XIII: LR is very experimental and has some of my favorite action-based combat in the series.

World of Final Fantasy is a lot of fun if you want turn based monster capturing.

Stranger of Paradise is a blast. My only issue with it is that you can’t really overpower by leveling up. I hit a hard wall with a boss and the only way through is “get good”.

I didn’t get much into Type-O but I keep meaning to.

Theatrhythm exists. I love it, but it’s also it’s own thing entirely.

Ignatz, do gaming w need retro game recommendations

Some good ones I haven’t seen mentioned:

  • Donkey Kong (Game Boy)
  • Avenging Spirit (Game Boy)
  • Castlevania III (NES)
  • Marble Madness (NES)
  • On The Ball (SNES)
  • Mutant League Hockey (Genesis)
BuboScandiacus, do games w Avowed made me scream to my doctor: “I am a wizard!” avatar

You probably made the day of everyone in that room xD

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