LastOneStanding, do gaming w Rant: Frustration Related to Ethics of Games Companies


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  • wicked,

    You could make the same argument for voting. What does your little drop in the vote bucket matter? Do you believe voting is a waste of time too?

    TwilightVulpine, do gaming w Rant: Frustration Related to Ethics of Games Companies

    Indies really are the way to go for both customers and developers if they want a better, more ethical and respectful environment. It is a risky career path, but given how many major publishers treat the developers under them, it's not like sticking with mainstream would lead to a comfortable stable livelihood either.

    Baldur's Gate 3 really put me in a dilemma, but I think I'll ultimately buy it because I want to support Larian Studios more than I want to avoid Wizards of the Coast. I wouldn't trust Wizards enough to get One D&D and the likely tabletop lootbox hell they are scheming, but BG 3 is delivering a good product that deserves support. Though buying the Divinity games is an alternative if you don't want WotC to get any money.


    Sadly indies are not insular to those issues, here are recent examples:

    The thing is that, there’s always a right wing crowd swarming those communities that they’d downplay, gaslight, and of course play a part in the gaming → far right neo nazi pipeline

    I’d say do it in case per case basis


    Yeesh! I had heard some of that but not the Factorio one. Yeah unfortunately not all indie devs are cool.

    Bizarre to see how gamers are lured into conservatism when conservatives keep throwing games under the bus when gun violence is mentioned.

    Ashtear, do gaming w Weekly “What are you playing” Thread || Week of August 6th

    Baldur’s Gate 3, naturally. I was enjoying it until I reached the zone border and I got a warning I was underleveled. I was like, really, Larian? We’re doing this again?

    My biggest complaint with Divinity: Original Sin 2 was that the level differences were so stark and the XP was so tight that it felt like the game was forcing me to comb through the entire map. Absolutely kills replay value, and BG3 is a game I’d really, really like to save something for a replay.

    This ended up being a constant issue in D:OS2 but turned out mostly okay in the first D:OS after a really tight first act. I hope this ends up being more like the latter. Or there’s some way to grind this time around.


    Im in act 3 and only encountered the “you’re underleveled” message once at that same point. I havent scoured the areas for everything nor speed run the main story. I think act 1 is tight like you said, but it seems to be much looser as you progress.


    That’s good to hear, thanks. I’m not gonna say I did a speedrun on the first area but I was definitely skipping around.

    I’m going to finish up these two quests and just leave from that point. If it’s too hard, I can always drop down to Explorer difficulty. As much as I’m enjoying the challenge right now, I’d rather do that than stop roleplaying because I’m XP hunting. I felt like I had to do that a lot in D:OS2 and it was one of the few major negatives in the game.

    Coelacanth, avatar

    Is taking on encounters while underleveled as much of a death sentence in BG3 as it was in D:OS2?

    I’m early still so only got into one such fight at this point where I got the warning message recommending me to flee. I was level 3 versus level 5s, and the encounter was perfectly doable (playing on medium, not Tactician, mind).


    I haven’t actually seen that particular message.


    Hmm, I haven’t seen that particular message. I’m still early on plus I have little experience with D&D 5e. I suppose it could go either way at higher levels. Right now it feels challenging but doable. Two levels was definitely pushing it in D:OS2.

    I’ve been in two encounters with enemies two levels higher and both resulted in a party member death. Not nearly as big a deal as it was in BG2, but not something I’d recommend allowing every fight. Party comp might play a role here: maybe some are better able to handle it than others.

    Coelacanth, avatar

    Party member death in BG 1&2 could be pretty rough yeah, especially in 1, and there were plenty of effects that prevented resurrection, even. Plus, characters dropped all items on Death, so picking everything up and re-equipping it after resurrection was punishment itself, haha.

    Death is basically a non-threat in D&D 5E, but I haven’t looked into whether Larian has added any house rules to make it more punishing. In general I’m not a huge fan of the 5E ruleset so we’ll see how I feel about BG3 combat as I get further in. So far it seems more like death is handled like it was in Divinity, with plenty of Revivify Scrolls already.

    I turned off Karmic Dice on principle, but maybe that was a mistake. So far the biggest challenge has been terrible luck. I’ve missed so many 80%+ attacks, often in a row. Feels very frustrating.

    JCPhoenix, do gaming w Weekly “What are you playing” Thread || Week of August 6th avatar

    Playing Danganronpa v3 and FF7 Crisis Core Reunion, both on Steam Deck.

    I started Danganronpa a couple weeks ago. And so far, it’s definitely the weakest of the main trilogy. I really don’t like any of the characters. They’re all just too edgy, weird, and/or outright dumb. And not in a funny endearing way often seen with characters in the first two installments. I just finished the the second class trial; the twist there was pretty stupid. The first trial and murderer at least made sense and was unexpected. This second murderer, while also unexpected, just had the dumbest reason; totally unbelievable. That said, the game itself isn’t terrible. And the story is just interesting enough that I wanna see where it goes.

    I started FF7 Crisis Core Reunion last week and I’m still in the early stages of it. Don’t really have any opinions on it so far. After finishing FF16, I was in the mood for another action-based FF game, so tried this out.

    Continuing to play FF14; still in Shadowbringer expansion (SHB). I’ve been taking my time with it as I had to level up a Machinist so that I can take advantage of the experience gained from MSQs. I finished the Titania trial over the weekend. I am enjoying the level of difficulty with SHB; I felt like Stormblood was a walk in the park. Admittedly, I was massively overleveled through most of Stormblood, but even with level adjustments, it felt easy. So it’s nice to see some challenge again.

    Also I’ve gotten back into Eve Online after taking a few months off again. Idk; null blob fleet stuff is something to do, I guess.

    nac82, do gaming w Weekly “What are you playing” Thread || Week of August 6th

    Yall i was fucking with Baldur’s Gate 3 splitscreen with my wife and found out that using an Nvidia graphics card and 2 monitors, I can turn vertical split screen games to broadcast to 2 different monitors so it looks like 1 screen each.

    Fucking awesome.

    None of my friends were half as impressed as me and the wife were. I feel like a technical God recently (all because I figured out how to enable a setting and set an aspect ratio properly for 2 screens lol)

    korthrun, do gaming w Weekly “What are you playing” Thread || Week of August 6th avatar

    Right now I’m waiting on the new PoE league as well as the GW2 expansion. For now it’s either a MUD, The first Skyrim save I’ve kept long enough to complete the main quest, or Yakuza: Like a dragon.

    It really just depends on mood and if anyone else is active on the MUD.

    I’m glad to have finally found a Skyrim build I enjoy. I’ve always appreciated the game but never managed to stick with it. This Illusion/Thief/Assassin combo is a great time. Calm + backstab for life.

    Yakuza is a delight. It’s a lot like FfXIV in that it’s a pretty fun movie that is sometimes interrupted by RPG game play elements. Loving the humor.

    DracEULA, do gaming w What games have you played in the last 365 days that stand out to you as the most memorable experiences?

    Metro 2033 Redux: I’m not usually big on first person shooters, but love horror games so I gave it a try. The atmosphere and mechanics combine to make it a really immersive and tense experience. I loved that they put a stealth option in a FPS. There’s limited gas mask filters which pushes you to move faster, while at the same time the traps and lack of ammo make you want to slow down; which keeps up the tension even if there’s nothing elsr happening at the moment. There’s a good variety in the types of levels, so you’re not just blasting your way through everything all the time.

    Their approach to moral choices was also very well implemented; instead of giving you clunky and obvious dialogue options, they just watch how you play the game to determine which ending you get.

    Skiptrace, do gaming w Weekly “What are you playing” Thread || Week of August 6th

    I finally got my PC up and running and I am playing a hell of a lot of BattleBit Remastered. It’s what Battlefield 2042 SHOULD have been. It’s basically if Squad and Battlefield 4 had a Roblox Baby made by literally 2 developers.

    Its absolutely the BEST shooter on the market right now, and it’s dirt cheap. Please, this isn’t an advertisement, but GO BUY IT NOW.

    black_flag_astronaut, do gaming w Weekly “What are you playing” Thread || Week of August 6th avatar

    FF6 with my wife. I was always told it’s the best one but 8 has been my fav so far.

    Coelacanth, avatar

    I still have to finish FF8 some day. I started it and kind of liked it, but never got into it. Maybe now some of the fan made HD graphics mods for the remaster are finished.

    FF6 is peak, though. I have an emulator on my phone with the Woolsey-uncensored romhack version. Love that game.


    From a design perspective, I think you could safely pick anything from V to XII and say it’s the best one, honestly. VI and Chrono Trigger really stand out as the most refined in terms of game design and systems from that particular era.

    Without spoiling anything, the episodic storytelling style is taken to its limit in the game’s “part II”, and it allows for some really clever writing. VI is one of those games that kept me thinking long after I finished it.

    sub_, do gaming w Rant: Frustration Related to Ethics of Games Companies

    it’s a complex issue, and it will probably end up dirty, since it’s business in the end.

    I could understand why people would avoid buying Hogwarts Legacy, because how much the IP is tied to transphobic JK Rowling. But the devs on the other hand, they mostly don’t get the say on which IP to work on. I personally avoid games like that, because the same person has enough followers to keep spouting hate which could and have translated to real world bigotry and violence. And the game serves as marketing for people to follow JK Rowling.

    Then there are companies with sexual harassments incidents. In that case, spreading the words and making enough noise so that some legal investigations or actions are taken, should be the way. Then there’s crunch and overwork issues, helping them to spread the word about union, not to cross the picket lines, etc.

    There are many of those issues, because we didn’t address them earlier in the past few decades. But shedding the light on them and you feeling frustrated are good things, it means that we’re progressing, we’re identifying, feeling guilty, and trying to address them.

    I’d say, be more conscious when purchasing games, maybe if you really really want to play Baldur’s Gate 3, then only buy it when there’s a steep discount? Nowadays I play a lot more indies and retro games, and probably would only buy a full price games once or twice a year. There’s large number of other good games out there, don’t be pressured to be FOMO, wait until there’s steep discount. And after waiting for awhile, sometimes you realize that you could just ignore the problematic game altogether.

    Also, just because they are indies, don’t mean that they can’t be piece of shit. Main dev of Ion Fury is homophobic, Jonathan Blow of the Witness is misogynistic POS, Kovarex from Factorio dismissing statutory rape as SJW term


    Thank you for your response. I also think it’s good that people are becoming more aware of these issues and doing what they can to address them.

    I also think your point about FOMO is a good one; it becomes much less frustrating when I look at my backlog of games I’ve already purchased and have thousands of hours left to play. There will always be new games, and they won’t always be made by people that make me feel uncomfortable.

    As others have stated, you make a good point about indie game devs. Jonathan Blow is one that my partner brings up regularly. I didn’t know about Ion Fury or Kovarex but that’s disappointing. It’s hard to keep track of it all, but when I find out about things like this, I’ll do my best to consider it when making future purchases.

    Bougie_Birdie, do gaming w Rant: Frustration Related to Ethics of Games Companies avatar

    I feel you, it’s tough knowing that there’s great games out there and feeling like you can’t play them. It’s even tougher when the people around you are playing them too, especially when they’re telling you how great they are.

    I think your partner has the right idea with supporting indie developers, generally speaking the money stays closer to the creator, so it feels like you’re more directly supporting them. But you’ve also got to be careful because individuals can be just as vile as organizations, there’s been times that I bought a game, thought it was great, and then found out after the fact that the creator is outspokenly transphobic or something like that.

    I want to mention Hogwarts Legacy as a specific example. It’s a game I don’t want to support because JK will profit from it, and she supports the erasure of people like me. I have a friend who played the game, and from his account the game itself is pretty hip. The character creator is supposedly pretty inclusive. He raised the point that JK had very little to do with the development of the game, and the development team seems to really care. Does that mean we shouldn’t support them because an evil individual profits from it? It certainly added some nuance to the situation that I hadn’t considered.

    I think the best way to stay hopeful is to play games that you really enjoy. For me, it helped to educate myself on this list of dark patterns in gaming, and to find games that don’t include these features. To me that says that the creators want you to enjoy their experience to the utmost, because generally speaking the more dark patterns are in the game, the more the game is designed to profit off of you. You should be the one to profit from the game IMO.


    He raised the point that JK had very little to do with the development of the game, and the development team seems to really care.

    The development team got paid regardless of how well the game sold, and unless the company operates a system of employee profit-sharing, they’re not going to see any of the benefits of the game doing well. So the “buy it to support the devs” argument doesn’t really hold any weight, save in the hypothetical scenario that they’ll get a payrise for working on the studio’s next title.

    Bougie_Birdie, avatar

    That’s a good point, I never really considered that. The argument does hold some weight for the live-service model, but to my knowledge that’s not really how that game operates.

    But there’s plenty of support besides financial too. I’d agree that as a developer I do care most about being paid for my work, especially if I’m going to work on a AAA game. But for my own projects, I mostly care that people play my games and enjoy them, even if that means piracy or streaming.

    I dunno, sometimes “supporting the devs” these days just means not sending them death threats. But I also think that if we look at financial support as the only way to support a game then we risk dehumanizing the people who work on our toys.

    totallynotsocsa, do gaming w Rant: Frustration Related to Ethics of Games Companies

    I really thought this was going to be about gamergate and I was ready to just burn down the entire Internet


    Sorry to concern you! If anything I’m on the complete opposite side of the gaming politics pendulum.

    _TK, do gaming w How mature is GameHub? avatar

    Any games you already own on Steam or Epic will still need to launch those clients in order to run with GameHub. If you run Linux, then a lot of the work Steam does in the background with Proton to make things run will no longer be automatic.

    NuPNuA, do gaming w Rant: Frustration Related to Ethics of Games Companies

    Nah, games should be fun and stressing over what happens behind the scenes distracts from that. Do I know Acti-Blizz have major issues, yes, does it stop Diablo 4 being fun, nope.

    YoTcA, do gaming w Weekly “What are you playing” Thread || Week of August 6th

    Replaying Witcher 3 for the xth time. So far only ever played the base game, now I look forward to the dlcs. So far I am mostly rushing through the main quest and am now facing the wild hunt at kaer morhen. Never before reached this state with so few side quests completed 😅.

    Coelacanth, avatar

    You’ll love the DLCs. Hearts of Stone is the best story in all of TW3, in my opinion.


    Hearts of Stone was so good. I think the story being more focused helped compared to Blood and Wine.

    Coelacanth, avatar

    I agree. I also think 2 of the 3 endings to B&W are sort of terrible, which soured me on it a little. And the one ending I liked is kind of hidden and obnoxious to get.

    B&W was like a nice vacation as Geralt headed into retirement. Pretty landscapes and some fun new skills to play with (loved that you could finally make a crossbow build work).

    HoS was just pure, spooky, tragic Witcher goodness. And like you say, the fact that it’s shorter and more focused lead to the writing being tighter and the storytelling working much better.

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