HellAwaits, do gaming w I don't want to "Press any key to continue" to the main menu

Such not a big deal IMO

Banzai51, do gaming w I don't want to "Press any key to continue" to the main menu avatar

Cyberpunk 2077 is terrible for this. Have to push the spacebar three times to get to the menu to start/continue a game.


There’s a mod for that, if your platform supports mods. It’s the only one I’m running.

RandoCalrandian, do gaming w Rant: Frustration Related to Ethics of Games Companies avatar

Have you tried growing up?

No, seriously.

You support more unethical bullshit buying avocados and meat than you do video games. To even give the issues you’ve mentioned as much attention as you have, while ignoring the much less ethical things you purchase far more often, shows how disingenuous and shallow your objection to those products really is, and it leads to more problems than it solves.

For example, Balders Gate 3 is a pretty fantastic game, with no micro transactions or as far as I can see any other form of end user manipulation.

They’re also one of the few studios I’ve seen recently that the devs dont seem burnt out on, which says a lot about how they were managed.

And they just license the content from wizards, to go “oh they’re tangentially related so it’s evil!” (Which you also did with hogwarts legacy) denies all the hundreds and thousands of passionate developers of a chance.

Indie games are a great alternative, true, but as others have said indies can be as toxic as the big companies when they want to be. Not to mention the long term consequences of that direction being developers can’t work together to make AAA games anymore, because according to your rules if a shithead makes it to the top everyone else’s work should be thrown away.


while ignoring the much less ethical things you purchase far more often

OP did not indicate anywhere what kind of food they buy. You are judging them without knowing their habits.

RandoCalrandian, avatar

You’re right I am, but I do stand by it.

Mine is simply a more specific example of the “there is no ethical consumption under capitalism” argument that has been repeated here many times.

It was a reasonable to assume OP frequently purchases food

ram, avatar

Mine is simply a more specific example of the “there is no ethical consumption under capitalism” argument that has been repeated here many times.

You mean the argument saying we cannot fix the system without abolishing the system? You’re using it to instead justify the inequities of the system and henceforth ignoring them because you completely missed the point of the phrase?


It was a reasonable to assume OP frequently purchases food

You specifically mentioned avocados and meat. I know some people who only buy local food and do not buy meat. Your reasoning would not apply to them.


You know what an example is? Regardless of whether I agree with him or not, those were examples. They good list a whole bunch of other foods or shampoos or drinks or whatever the hell you can imagine. The poster was trying to make a point. Fixating on the examples and giving personal examples of people you specifically don’t do the two things the poster mentioned doesn’t make the argument lose its merit.

My personal opinion on the subject is very different than the poster’s, which can be summarized to that I don’t oppose art because I don’t like the artist, I won’t stop reading Lovecraft or listening to Vivaldi because they were trash people, because their art is great. So I don’t in fact agree with what the poster said, but clinging to personal examples to refute an argument while ignoring the global average which is what the argument was using is disingenuous.

With the same logic, since the people you know don’t eat meat, that’d mean there’s no problem with the meat eating in the world, which I’m sure you’d rush to point out the absurdity of logic there.


My personal opinion on the subject is very different than the poster’s, which can be summarized to that I don’t oppose art because I don’t like the artist, I won’t stop reading Lovecraft or listening to Vivaldi because they were trash people, because their art is great. So I don’t in fact agree with what the poster said

OP did not say they did not want to play the games. They said they could not play their games because that would be giving money to the studios; that which is a form of support. The relevant sentence is here:

I can’t play them because it’d be giving those companies/people money

I am fairly sure that OP would love to play the games they cite. And that they love the art. But that is not the point. The point is whether or not they are willing to support the bad practices from the studio. Because if they did buy the game, indirectly it would be supporting those bad practices.

Your initial point (the “global average” of it) was that there are more serious things to care in the world - you were assuming that OP had to be doing something else such as buying non-local food which is bad for the planet, and you were more or less saying that it is stupid for them to care about what happens in the game industry when they most probably do not care about the food they eat.

My point was that you were doing moral assumptions about OP - I pointed your specific avocado example, but even more generally than that, you were assuming that OP had to be doing something wrong somewhere in the context of ecology.

Well, now, my last and final point is that OP may be someone who is careful about what they buy generally speaking (not just avocados), whether it be shampoo or whatever. Again, I do know people who are very careful about what they buy. They will try their best to never buy something new for instance ; buying from second-hand places for example. And they will try their best to almost never waste something. If OP were to be someone like that, then your whole point would not apply to them. Hence my initial point.

I did not get your meta-logical reasoning on your last paragraph. But I will leave it at that because I am not sure continuing this discussion is fruitful.


You’re right it’s not, since neither did I comment on the original poster’s message, but the one’s you were responding to, nor did I assume anything about the original poster. And I’m certain I was not the person you originally replied to either.

Maybe pay more attention next time? If you’re interested in my answer to the OP, I have that below in another comment that answers to the OP, not you answering to someone else that commented on the OP.


Apologies - I am not good with names and the “Show context” feature only shows one message. I did not even realize I was talking to a different person. Thanks for clarifying


You know why I hated on hogwarts legacy?

I hated on it because it had denuvo and was performing like ass unless you had high end hardware at the time

RandoCalrandian, avatar

And those are far better reasons than being upset about what a fanfic author wrote on Twitter one time

ram, avatar

Ah, disregard my last comment. You’re clearly in bad faith, there’s no discussion to be had with you.

RandoCalrandian, avatar


Signal virtue before all else, reason included


Clown on clown violence

Jk, but I’m enjoying this fight


So, what, unless OP somehow changes their habits to buy literally zero of anything produced by unethical companies it’s not even worth trying?

Not sure they’re the ones that need to grow up and be less edgy…


I do agree with this.


I appreciate your thought-out response. I’m going to respond as best I can to your points.

I struggle with moral/ethical conundrums in all areas of my life. The current discussion is games, but I really do consider the harm I might be causing any time I buy things. There are some harms that I cannot avoid, such as the purchase of gasoline (my current income is low and I cannot afford a greenee car). Others, such as food purchases, are limited in what I can do… But I try anyway. I have an app for telling me about ethical sourcing by company/product which I use at the store. Clothing, sadly, tends to be unethical no matter what, unless I make my own clothes - I sadly don’t have the time or money to do so.

With video games, which are themselves a luxury, I have so many choices of what to play that I feel I have much more ability to decide what not to play, based on how I feel about where my money is going.

I should also acknowledge that I don’t think any of these games/developers will suffer as a result of me not purchasing them. Developers/programmers also do not make income based on sales, and layoffs happen after the release of many major AAA games, simply because they don’t need that large team anymore (I don’t agree with this practice at all, and I think it’s horrible to do to people who already don’t make enough for their work, but it’s relatively industry standard). The gaming community is also waaaay too large for any kind of boycott to be effective. I’m just trying to be mindful about my purchases based on my own feeling.

I think you raise a fair point about indie games. I think it’s a good reminder to me to look into those as well. As long as there’s no major publicized controversy surrounding an indie company, however, there’s no information I can use to steer me away from it. But, I appreciate your reminder not to blindly purchase indie games just because the company is “indie.”

Overall, I appreciate you taking the time to respond to me. I will be considering your points as I move forward.


As far as I know, Larian is not such a company like you mention. Everything they’ve done or said so far, to my knowledge, both referring to BG3 and their previous games is classes above the average for the industry.

Of course it’s your decision to not buy their game based on the fact they had to use WotC’s IP, but you’re punishing an actually good developer for something they did not have a choice on (WotC’s ethics and way of running things).

Truth is like that you’re not hurting them, and most importantly not hurting WotC who’d get a small percentage of a small percentage of your sale. Couple of bucks at best is nothing to WotC’s bottom line.

But that’s your prerogative and that’s fine. However, I do suggest you play the game, cracked if you must because so far with about 20h in, it’s an amazing game from a great company. Maybe it won’t make you buy it, but at least it might make you consider supporting their other, or future, games that are not connected with WotC. Because the last few years we’re fast to point fingers to others, but forget to reward the few that do things properly.

_MusicJunkie, do gaming w I don't want to "Press any key to continue" to the main menu

Games used to take a looong time to load before flash storage, so people would go get a coffee or something while loading. Before main menus, it would just drop you into the game while you were away, potentiality missing something. So they added the “press any key” pause to wait until you’re back.

For some reason they kept this until today.


It’s also a holdover from arcade games, which would have an ‘attract mode’ when there was nobody playing.

soulsource, (edited ) do gaming w I don't want to "Press any key to continue" to the main menu avatar

Some games, like the Pathfinder games by Owlcat, use that initial input to determine if you are playing with mouse/keyboard or a gamepad. Depending on that, you get presented with a different UI in the main menu.

Another reason for such a screen could also be Xbox support. Nowadays it’s no longer necessary, because user-handling has been vastly improved with the GDK, but before the GDK was released a splash screen was the most user-friendly way to do user-handling in a single-player or online-multiplayer game on Xbox.

Jotain, do gaming w I don't want to "Press any key to continue" to the main menu avatar

There was (is?) a requirement from Sony and Microsoft about how long a game can take to load as part of the game licensing process. One of the ways it is measured is by counting time from game boot to how quickly the game can react to user’s keypress. A “press start to continue” screen is the most simple thing you can load that passes this requirement. After that the game can do heavier operations such as loading save data, checking DLC or pulling latest messages from online server without having to worry too much about how long these operations take.

Nachorella, do games w Are there horror-parcour games?

I haven’t played it but I think Dying Light matches that.

coffinwood, do gaming w I don't want to "Press any key to continue" to the main menu

I finished Assassin’s Creed Valhalla recently and it drove me up the wall all the time. I mean well over 100 h playtime.

And the game would sit there after every start and wait for me to “press any key”. And only after a keypress it would start checking for Add-ons which took ages. Why couldn’t it have done that already?

Plus the intro videos I had to replace with empty files because no-skip.


telemachuszero, do gaming w I tried playing the two original Baldur's Gate games on Ubuntu. It's hell.

GOG's Linux support doesn't extend much beyond providing you with the binaries that the developers supplied. You're left to figure out running the games yourself and hoping the developer didn't make too many assumptions about system libraries.

Valve provides Linux runtime environments for native Linux games to target and run in, plus tools for developers to use to build for that environment. It's not perfect but you'll generally have a much easier time with Linux native games from Steam.

I'm sympathetic to GOG's goals, but generally stick with Steam because of Valve's level of support and commitment.

If you want to keep using the GOG version, you could try running the Windows build in Heroic Games Launcher + Wine-GE or Proton-GE (they're available as runners within Heroic, it works pretty seamlessly). You'll also get Cloud Saves which GOG doesn't support for native Linux builds.

The native Linux version of Baldur's Gate II Enhanced is running fine for me from Steam (on Fedora 38 Silverblue + Steam installed as a Flatpak). It also features cloud saves (and achievements if you care about those), if you're set on playing the native build and willing to switch to Steam.

finthechat, do gaming w I don't want to "Press any key to continue" to the main menu avatar

I should be able to click the icon from the desktop/Steam/console menu/whatever and just be put into the game (optionally with it paused) ready to play, so I can walk away and get a drink or something while it loads.


Age of Wonders 4 does that with a caveat. First it opens a launcher (which is fairly quick) and in there you can select to go to the main menu or directly into your last savegame when launching the game.

Dragonmind, do gaming w I don't want to "Press any key to continue" to the main menu

Games that don’t do this: infamous series. The first time on the first one is incredible. But afterwards as a trend, loading the game goes straight to your most recent save with zero menu.

Killzone: Shadowfall. No intros. Straight to the main menu when you boot. Unique and wild every time!

Racle, do gaming w I don't want to "Press any key to continue" to the main menu avatar

Bonus negative points for games that only check DLC after that button press

Don’t forget games that have you manually press button to dismiss and unlocked DLC.

It’s very fun with games that you buy after few years and have hundred DLC (ex. fighting games) 😅

Usually takes few minutes of just button pressing to dismiss all new dlcs

chloyster, do gaming w I don't want to "Press any key to continue" to the main menu

I get your point. And kind of agree for the most part. But idk, some title screens are nice to look at. Having the option to just view it until I’m ready to go on is nice imo. One button press isn’t all that bad. But yeah when loading or dlc checking has to be done after pressing the button it’s more annoying. That should happen before imo

Holo, do piracy w Rip udemy courses?

I watch and record mine via Firefox and OBS. It’s a ratyer long way to do it, but it works. You just need to sit aorund for 3 or 4 of the videos and wait until the questionnaire appears. Once you’ve skipped that, you can normally walk away and leave it recording the rest of the course.

flameguy21, do games w 2023 might be the best year for sequels and worst for new IPs

At least Hi-Fi Rush and Pizza Tower were pretty damn good.

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