Tarquinn2049, do games w What are some RPGs for someone who doesnt like most RPGs

Secrets of Grindea

Yes, the title has grind right in it, and yes it’s for that reason. But, the way grinding works is handled pretty well. The longer you stay in a combat area, the faster the enemies keep respawning on kill, until there is almost no delay and you are just murdering hundreds of them per minute. Of course when you first get to a new zone, you won’t be able to handle grinding it like that.

But yeah, grinding mechanic aside, the game is also a pretty good narrative and has a really good sense of humor and is well-made. I recommend looking it up despite grind being right in the name, lol.

thatKamGuy, do games w What are some RPGs for someone who doesnt like most RPGs

Super Mario RPG and Chrono Trigger, I think strike a good balance regarding random encounters.

On the other end of the spectrum would be something like the Front Mission or Final Fantasy Tactics series - where the narrative is all handled through set battles.


Can’t wait for the super Mario RPG remake. I’ve already been replaying that game every 5 years or so, will gladly do so again on a new version of it.

BigBananaDealer, do gaming w Weekly “What are you playing” Thread || Week of August 6th avatar

100%ing hogwarts legacy is not very fun, and im also burnt out from the game. playing gtav now

yaminoEXE, do games w What are some RPGs for someone who doesnt like most RPGs

RPGs are such a board term nowadays that anything can be an rpg if you market it as such. But that’s not the time for it.

If you like Undertale, you might enjoy its deranged post apocalyptic cousin released near the same time, Lisa the Painful. A turn base rpg with plenty of tangible choices.

If you like more narrative stuff, play Disco Elysium or Planescape Torment.

Cabeza2000, do games w What are some RPGs for someone who doesnt like most RPGs

Fell Seal: Arbiter’s Mark

It doesn’t fit all your requirements but I think you may like it.

morras, do games w What are some RPGs for someone who doesnt like most RPGs

Captivating narrative and in-depth combat system? Final Fantasy 7.

resketreke, do gaming w Suggestions for smaller-y games if I liked _______ avatar

I'd like to recommend Pentiment. Narrative-driven game set in the Middle Ages, or rather at the end of the Middle Ages. It has an interesting story and according to some historians it's historically accurate. I loved the story, the setting, the art...

Watch a review or something and give it a try if you find it of your liking.

d3Xt3r, (edited ) do games w What are some RPGs for someone who doesnt like most RPGs


  • Chrono Trigger
  • Octopath Traveller
  • Final Fantasy VI
exscape, do gaming w Weekly “What are you playing” Thread || Week of August 6th avatar

Baldur's Gate 3.
I can probably count the number of games I've paid full price for in the past 15 years on one hand, and this is one of them. No regrets whatsoever.

Looking back on Steam, last time was GTA V. Prior to that Skyrim, and prior to that Portal 2.

hoodatninja, avatar

I swear 40-50% of all dialogue, interactions, etc. reflect the character I built. It is insane. They made D&D into a video game. They actually did it.


I didn’t pay full price for it and I’m being punished for it. The pirated copy I downloaded had a virus on it :(

The game is brilliant though! Shoving people into pits is the best class hands down.


Shoving gobbos from a cliff to kill them by falling damage. Soo good!


Honestly if it’s not worth paying for it’s probably not worth playing. Your time is more valuable than that.


I get what you mean but not everyone can afford $60 games. In some parts of the world that’s more than half a month’s salary.


In those places, the games are differently priced. Regional pricing is on Steam, epic, and a few other stores. Also, I only buy games, I don’t pirate and I rarely buy games for 60 dollars. I typically just wait a bit and pick them up for 30 or less. That said I understand, pirating is easier and for AAA games it might truly not matter if you do or not. Indie games are certainly a different story and each purchase, even extremely discounted, gives the developer that little bit more which can mean a lot.


I live in one of those places and we don’t have regional pricing. When Steam starts offering competitive pricing in Africa I’ll start buying games at full price but for the moment I’ll stick to buying games on sale and piracy.


What currency do you use? Rand?


Shillings. I’ll let you guess which kind of shillings ;)


Ah, okay. Yeah, looking at Steam’s pricing it doesn’t give me the option to regionally price for shillings of any kind. The most I can regionally price is the South African Rand. Do prices on Steam then just show in USD for you or do they actually sell stuff in shillings?


Sucks for us :/ The prices show up in USD.


I caved and bought it at full price 😭 Responsible spending habits are a capitalist conspiracy.


Seen the hype, but man, I don't feel like slogging through a 100 hour RPG at this point in my life.

exscape, avatar

I play with a friend. If it works out anything like Divinity: Original Sin 2 we'll be finished maybe around April or something.
We usually play about 1 hour at a time, almost never more than 1.5 hour... and about 2-4 times a week. So it'll take a long while, but it's a lot of fun.

mifan, avatar

As a new dad I don’t have the time for games that I used to, but I’ve been playing BG2 for a few hours every week, and now BG3 has taken over, it’s actually a perfect game to play whenever you just have a short time on your hand.

It’s one of those game experiences where I think of my character all the time when not playing. Can’t wait to get back, when the little one is sleeping again.

julianh, do gaming w Suggestions for smaller-y games if I liked _______

Haven’t played observer, but the aesthetic and horror aspect remind me of SOMA.

If you want something more action focused with a cyberpunk aesthetic, I can’t recommend Distance enough. (If you need a pitch: racing game with horror and your car can fly). I also just started playing Severed Steel and I’m enjoying it a lot so far.

I will also concur with the other person who recommended Outer Wilds. Don’t look up anything about it, go in as blind as possible, and try to see it through to the end. You will not regret it.


I wanted to love Soma, I tried playing twice now. I live for the ocean, so this should be right up my alley. But to be fair I never passed the apartment at the start.

I reaaaaally should stick with it and try again. Thanks for reminding me of my shame!

TQuid, do gaming w Suggestions for smaller-y games if I liked _______

Observation is one I really enjoyed. Mild puzzling, tension but not really the sort that kills you, and a fun, mind-bending story. Also the title track is just amazing.

loops, do gaming w I don't want to "Press any key to continue" to the main menu

The only thing I don’t like about Deep Rock Galactic is having to watch both the publishers, and the studios logo sequences every time I start the game.

archengel, avatar

Rock and Stone!


Stone or rock! Oh wait-


Go to steam, right click the game and browse local files.
Navigate to something like Deep Rock GalacticFSDContentMovies and delete (or move) them.

I’ve played other games with annoying intros. Normally, deleting the files means the don’t play on startup.
Where they are depends on the game. A quick Google found this solution.

You will probably have to re-delete them after an update, and after running a “verify local files”.
I’ve done this with EAC games without issues (incase you are worried)

luciole, do gaming w Suggestions for smaller-y games if I liked _______ avatar

Since you named Octopath Travellers 2, I’ll recommend Cosmic Star Heroine. It’s an old school turn-based indie JRPG that’s charming, fun and short. As a matter of fact all games by Zeboyd fit that description.

Gordon_Freeman, do gaming w I don't want to "Press any key to continue" to the main menu avatar

At some point in this millenium, it became ubiquitous in games to ask for a button press before switching to the main menu and it has become a pet peeve off mine.

Fake news. It was common in the previous millenium too


I knew I wasn’t going crazy! That press any key habit is so ingrained because it’s been around since I played my first game on a 286 PC, probably longer.


That’s the thing. I think it is a carry over from that. Back then a lot of games didn’t have a menu or anything, after you hit the button, you were just playing the game.

Like Mario 1 and 3 have just a simple 1 or 2 player select then you are in the game. Some single player games didn’t have anything, they just would go straight to the game after you hit start.

Now there isn’t really a need since nearly every game has a menu for loading saves, starting a new game and such. So they could go, but are just a vestigial part of gaming history at this point.

sludge, do gaming w Suggestions for smaller-y games if I liked _______
!deleted4528 avatar

oh do u like metroidvanias? Apotheon is pretty short and has absolutely beautiful art.

Gone Home is a calm little exploration game u can complete in an afternoon, but it has plenty of secrets to find if u wanna dig around.

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