W Lidl Polska codziennie wypełniamy naszą misję: zapewnianie społeczeństwu produktów spożywczych i najpotrzebniejszych artykułów wysokiej jakości, w niskich, lidlowych cenach, wyprodukowanych w sposób zrównoważony. Dbamy o ich jakość i wpływ naszych produktów na zdrowie, zapobiegamy marnowaniu żywności,...
cross-postowane z: szmer.info/post/1095341...
cross-postowane z: szmer.info/post/1060137...
cross-postowane z: szmer.info/post/1057968...
Rosyjskie dowództwo wojskowe [floty czarnomorskiej] zmiecione podczas wielkiego spotkania. Admirał Sokołow zabity w ataku rakietowym na kwaterę główną na Krymie 22 września. Ataki zaplanowane i kierowane przez ludzki wywiad. Zginęło 34 oficerów, w tym generałowie, a 105 zostało rannych. Potwierdzone przez...
The Forest Quarter - store.epicgames.com/…/forest-quartet-5d03e3...
cross-postowane z: szmer.info/post/1009608...
I’d like to make sure it’s not the servers going wonky. I’ve been getting disconnected quite often, but I think my connection is stable....
I know torrenting sites are mostly inaccessible rn and mirrors are popping up, but is there a way rate the torrent? I downloaded a movie (public domain of c :) but I hated the fact it was recorded in the theater and it was not HD ripped. Bad experience lol. So, is there a way to particularly rate that torrent low. I mean, it had...
I’ve got Stremio set up with RD and so far very happy. However, recently got an annoying issue with playback so I thought let’s give Syncler a try. It was a pain to set up as buying Syncler+ requires crypto, or paying twice as much....
Bez linku i bez obrazka, tak mnie naszło:...
cross-postowane z: szmer.info/post/937848...
prep kit: this is how he gets into the mindset to maximally appreciate a new game, studying some of the history leading up to the development of the game...
Hello fellow spacefarers, with Starfield releasing shortly we thought it would be a good time to make a thread on what to expect from the moderation team during the launch. This will be the largest Xbox first party launch in the the past few years. With that we are implementing some rules....
Hello , I need to get a cracked version of catia v5, R30 or a version that is at least 2019-2020 published , the ones I have are very old or do not work anymore !
So this post is to explain how to stream from XDCC directly, no VPN or torrenting required. Downloading is also an option since this uses xdccJS. This method works on Android, Linux, and MacOS. It will probably work on Windows idk haven’t tried it. For extra help running commands refer to xdccJS --help....
Does anyone have some good resources to download the knees over toes program? I have looked around but most of the torrents I have found have no seeders. Thanks
Is there an activator for Prepar3D v6 avaliable ?
Does anybody know of a way to use their IPTV service to watch together with friends besides screen sharing? I wanted to watch some sports with friends and I hate that when I use discord, there’s lots of frame drops and quality issues. Any help would be greatly appreciated.