Size Comparison: Pluto and Australia
An all-black LAMY Safari fountain pen filled with a mix of water, Platinum carbon black, and inkjet printer ink....
I check in here quite often, but for now, I'm just focusing on clearing spam and keeping the instance alive. In January, I was working on the AP module, and there has been significant progress in the work, which hasn't been publicly published yet. Unfortunately, at the beginning of the year, I developed a skin condition that...
I don't mind waiting for things to be fixed what with life interfering with things, but I can't find any activity from Ernest lately. He hasn't been, like... hit by a bus or anything terrible like that, has he?
Observations with the LOFAR (Low Frequency Array) radio telescope last year showed that first generation Starlink satellites emit unintended radio waves that can hinder astronomical observations. New observations with the LOFAR radio telescope, the biggest radio telescope on Earth observing at low frequencies, have shown that...
From the other place:…/this_is_my_most_advance_moon_photogr…...
Jak w tytule....
Comments such as:...
I’m sitting in a dark hotel room on the eve of my first - and possibly only - total solar eclipse, with my partner and step-son, and I am positively awash with emotions....
I appreciate that earnest made a post yesterday, or maybe it was the day before, saying that he is not dead and hasn't given up on kbin. It's not on this magazine, so I'm not sure where it was since this seems to be the most appropriate one, but in any case.... is being overrun with spammers. Can we disable registrations on this instance so they can't keep creating new accounts? Every day I log on, I have to spend the first 20-30 minutes, reporting and blocking a bunch of new accounts....
It's a slightly click-baity title, but as we're still generating more content for our magazines, this one included, why not?...
Banning spam accounts on is a cumbersome affair....
Black holes the size of an atom that contain the mass of an asteroid may fly through the inner solar system about once a decade, scientists say. Theoretically created just after the big bang, these examples of so-called primordial black holes could explain the missing dark matter thought to dominate our universe. And if they...
Today, I wanted to introduce you to Categories - a new feature that is essentially a multi-mags view. A new tab will appear in the user panel where you can create categories (public or private) and then add magazines to them (local or remote). In the magazine listing, there will be another tab that will list public categories...
Kolega zasugerował, że warto byłoby wrzucić jakąś informację po polsku, więc polecam się.
They always obscure part of the text, no matter what. I juat want the full text....
cross-posted from:
Back to the Future's 1.21 gigawatts sounds huge, but is it? We compare different power levels of common objects to see how much energy a gigawatt really is.
Czy korzystacie z serwisów typu spotify lub tidal, czy słuchacie muzyki pod dumnie powiewającą piracką flagą. Co sprawiło że podjęliście taką decyzję i jak wam się z nią żyje?
Thanks for putting in something awesome, @ernest! Not sure if you want feedback, but functionality is as full as I know it to be. Maybe better. It is really fast right now! Hope you are on the mend.