
Asteroid 2024 YR4 now has a 1.94% chance to hit the Moon (according to my own calculations) (fedia.io) angielski

Hi, I thought I'd share this here since it isn't being covered by any news sources. It's mostly my own research and calculations, so it could be completely wrong, but I'm fairly confident it's correct....

Beginner telescope suggestions angielski

I’m planning to go to a rural spot that has a Bortle class 3 night sky around Southern California. Can anyone recommend a beginner friendly telescope with decent magnification for around $200? I’m not interested in using an accompanying smart phone app to go with it either. I’d like to see nebulae and galaxies the most....

Fedi adminy - dodajcie swoje instancje do publicznych list

Wygląda na to, że szmer jest jedynym polskojęzycznym Lemmym w wyszukiwarce na join-lemmy.org, mimo że jest nas więcej instancji. Trzeba się tam dodać “ręcznie” commitem na gitcie, w razie czego chętnie pomogę. Nie wiem jak jest na innych platformach, ale jeśli jakieś administrujecie - upewnijcie się, że...

For Competing Railroads, What’s New Is Old (www.railwayage.com) angielski

The reason we stay in school, pursue advanced degrees, merge and acquire competitors is to increase market power. The former two are celebrated by society, the latter two often derided negatively as anticompetitive and made subject to regulatory and judicial punishment.

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