The music industry is waging war upon an AI server on Discord ( angielski
Db0’s note: Not quite about piracy, but very very close to be relevant to us....

Db0’s note: Not quite about piracy, but very very close to be relevant to us....
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Cherry Springs State Park, located about 135 miles northwest of Wilkes-Barre, is one of the very few truly dark sky sites in the entire eastern United States....
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Would ask this on a LinuxCrackSupport community. Without it, the best choice is here, as i didnt buy the game on steam....
Gdy krakowskie ulice zaczynają rozbrzmiewać dźwiękami muzyki, tętnić gwarem przechodniów i wypełniają się kwiatami, to znak, że nadeszły najdłuższe dni roku! Koncerty pod gołym niebem, uliczne granie,
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Pack it up, it seems like we won’t be seeing much of Elder Scrolls 6 in the next few years.