chloyster, do gaming w "Look, I'm not racist, but there are an awful lot of Khajit around here..."

Hey there. We are going to remove this post as the mod team finds it to be in poor taste. Thanks for understanding

trslim, do gaming w We all have 'that game'. For me, it's Europa 1400: The Guild. What's your's?

Looks at 1000 hours of Arma 3.

Just one more King of the Hill match.

thumbtack, do gaming w Mmm... sweet skooma...

i’ve been playing a khajiit in my current run through and have been really heavy on the rp, using khajiit speak mods and such. khajiit likes this, [character name] wants that, “this one”, the works. it’s gotten bad enough that i’ve caught myself almost replying to people in real life with khajiit speak rather than using “i” pronouns on multiple occasions 💀💀

Pampelmops, do gaming w We all have 'that game'. For me, it's Europa 1400: The Guild. What's your's?

No need to change the meme, heroes 3 it is. A few other games as well but heroes doesn’t get old.

Omegamanthethird, do gaming w We all have 'that game'. For me, it's Europa 1400: The Guild. What's your's?

Final Fantasy games. I’ve replayed FFV and VIII, restarted X and XII, and started XVI within the last year.

Suck_on_my_Presence, do gaming w We all have 'that game'. For me, it's Europa 1400: The Guild. What's your's?

I bounce around between three or so.

I feel like I can always find something to do in Beatsaber, whether trying to beat my own scores or trying new modes or new modded songs.

Risk of Rain 2 is also great for mindless entertainment and trying new things.

Distance. It’s sort of a racing game but with a story? It gets hard as hell but it’s tons of fun and the music is great. It’s criminally underplayed in my opinion


Risk of Rain 2

I tried this one but I couldn’t get into it. I just kept getting overwhelmed by enemies and dying and I couldn’t figure out why and gave up.

avidamoeba, do gaming w Mmm... sweet skooma... avatar


Akasazh, avatar


TaleOfSam, do gaming w This is why I can't play video games late at night anymore avatar

Alex Jones ate all my health upgrades and his neck grew three inches wider


Nah, he ate all your health upgrades and told the listeners it was all from DNA Force Plus and his colloidal silver toothpaste at infowars store dot com, new summer sale just dropped, they are in stock with a new shipment, go support the show and investigative journalists like Dan Bidondi and Wolfgang Halbig.

(if confused, listen to Knowledge Fight)

TaleOfSam, avatar

My-My neck is freakishly large-

navi, do gaming w So near, yet, so far... avatar

I’ll just come out and say it. Rose Tyler was awful. Even Donna Noble was a better companion.

Tavarin, avatar

Yes, fuck Rose, my least favourite modern companion.

JaxiiRuff, do gaming w So near, yet, so far... avatar

Havent seen an ifunny watermark in years

Razzazzika, do gaming w We all have 'that game'. For me, it's Europa 1400: The Guild. What's your's?

That be Binding of Isaac for me. I have 1000 games installed so it’s even harder to get lost.

all-knight-party, do gaming w We all have 'that game'. For me, it's Europa 1400: The Guild. What's your's? avatar

Playing Heroes of the Storm vs AI, the Hitman WoA trilogy, Left 4 Dead 2, and Diablo 3 Hardcore. I can always chill on this stuff and know it'll be a good time


Ahh HOTS, the only MOBA I really enjoyed. To bad it never really took off and Blizz stopped development.

all-knight-party, avatar

It's funnily enough part of why I continue to return to it. Competitive games as a service are too much, I dislike having to keep up with an ever inflating hero pool and a constantly changing Meta. I can just enjoy the gameplay polished to a sheen and the natural depth

TheGreenGolem, do gaming w We all have 'that game'. For me, it's Europa 1400: The Guild. What's your's?

Funnily enough, it’s Heroes 3 for me too.


Me too, finally had to uninstall it to get me to do something else.

MentalEdge, do gaming w We all have 'that game'. For me, it's Europa 1400: The Guild. What's your's? avatar
BudgieMania, do gaming w We all have 'that game'. For me, it's Europa 1400: The Guild. What's your's?

For me, it's any of the Total War games I like, or Battlefield 1, or Left 4 Dead 2, or any From Soulslike.

I like to call them evergreen games, because I'm a total snob. The kinds of games that you can always go back to no matter how long it's been, that you always know how to play by instinct at this point, that always entertain, feel weirdly comfy and make for great choices when you don't know what you wanna do. God bless them.


Which total wars though


That's a decently long list lol, Medieval 2, Rome 1, Rome 2, Attila, Napoleon, Shogun 2 sorta... (I don't dislike the ones not listed, I just vibe less with them)

If you count mods and expansions, the list gets much larger, Medieval 2 Kingdoms, Empire Divided, Age of Charlemagne, The Great War, Divide Et Impera, 1212, 1100, The Third Age... And there are even more that have piqued my interest but haven't had a chance to play.

Aaaah it's such a rich series!

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