moist_towelettes, do gaming w What's the funniest game you've played?

The MLB Slugfest series. I don’t even like baseball, but they’d sneak these one liners into regular commentary and it just killed me.

“Everyone that came out to the ballpark today is getting a free piece of sandpaper”



I just tried 2003 on emulator and I really tried to like it. You’re right, it’s really funny. But oh my god these controls are ATROCIOUS! I get it was 2003 and gamecube controllers were already wacky, but I really wanna punch the guy in the face who decided that to throw an out to a base you need to press TWO BUTTONS AT THE SAME TIME.


Yes the GameCube version’s controls sucked, it’s a bit better on the PS2 IMO.

Apeeksiht, do gaming w What's the funniest game you've played?

Well that cheesy Deadpool game.

Helvedeshunden, do gaming w What's the funniest game you've played?

One game series that is not known for being especially humorous actually can be: The Halo games. More specifically the enemy grunts. If you sneak up on them and listen to their dialogue, their mix of faux bravado, cowardice and delusion of grandeur can be really funny. Especially because Master Chief is “The Demon” to them. A near-mythical monster. Just choosing the right time to reveal your presence to the grunts can result in comedy gold.

neardeaf, do gaming w What's the funniest game you've played?

Destroy All Humans 1&2 on PS2 & Xbox

wmcduff, do gaming w What's the funniest game you've played?

I think it'd have to be Portal...mmm, the first one. I think learning about Glados the first time is a little better than the whole potato thing.


Portal 2 has some jokes that did not age well too.


Whoa, do you remember any specific examples? I haven’t played since it came out


There are a lot of fat jokes, and they aren’t punching up at all. Don’t remember specifics since it has been about a year since I last played.

SpaceCowboy, avatar

But wasn’t that the evil AI very explicitly trying to psychologically hurt the protagonist and being really lame about it? I mean it’s the evil AI doing it and I remember the point of it being that fat jokes are lame.


I get that context, but see my other comment about that.

Sorry don’t want to have to copy pasta on 2 threads covering the same topic. Probably should have not replied to both comments initially


This is a new take to me, anyway. What do you mean?


There are a lot of fat jokes, and they aren’t punching up at all.


I always sort of read those jokes as illustrative as GLaDOS being a bad person fielding weak material more than like, an earnest expression of the game writer’s values. Like, the game itself doesn’t present the remarks themselves as funny so much as GLaDOS being rude, snippy, and actively incorrect given that Chell is mega-fit.

bermuda, (edited )

I agree, especially considering Wheatley makes fat jokes the moment

spoilerhe takes over for GLaDOS.


Yeah, that always came across as “I’m trying to neg you but I ran out of my best insults like an hour ago so I’m throwing shit at the wall to see what sticks.” Same with the adopted joke.


I’ve always assumed it’s Gabe Newell getting revenge for all the fat jokes he’s endured.

Vodulas, (edited )

I get that context, and I think that was for sure the intent, but they did not stick the landing. We already knew GLaDOS is evil. Casual fatphobia was not necessary. Plus the fact that some people won’t get that context or choose to ignore it and just think it is funny, as evidenced further down this thread.

Edit: The person saying they would replay it for the fat jokes was removed, so my last sentence makes less sense, but that was the reason I said that

SpaceCowboy, avatar

There’s an extremely long list of creative works made to be satire that idiots don’t understand. The Colbert Report, Starship Troopers, hell there are people that think Homelander is the good guy in The Boys. I think it’s a little too restrictive if someone can’t make a point that certain jokes are lame out of fear of how a few idiots might misinterpret it (many times deliberately). There are people right now arguing that the Barbie movie is actually “anti-woke”.

Also consider how many people actually did get the message. They heard how lame the jokes sounded and realized how stupid fat jokes are. From what I recall, the game really makes an effort to deconstruct these jokes. There is no audience within the game laughing at the jokes, and the evil AI explicitly states that it’s making the jokes solely to to negatively affect the protagonists psychological well being to prevent her from achieving anything. And the jokes are directed at the player, so someone that might have made these jokes themselves hears someone else directing these jokes at them and can hear how lame they are. The evil AI comes across as lame, petty, and desperate. Someone who made fat jokes before playing that game might have had the realization “is that how I sound?”

I feel like the people that didn’t get the context likely made fat jokes before playing the game, and would be making fat jokes even if they never played the game. So I don’t think there was any negative impact. Someone that committed to being an idiot isn’t going change in either direction from any kind of media.


Like I said, I understand the context. I don’t need more of it.

Jokes like this and the other examples require either a very deft hand or an extreme level of satire. The jokes did not achieve either of those for me. The harm it causes by folks misinterpreting or ignoring context is not worth the people who get it. I have friends that would 100% understand the context and would still be made uncomfortable by the delivery. That to me is the best indicator to how well it aged.

Also, posting a wall of text full of ableism is also not a great way to convince me otherwise

SpaceCowboy, avatar

Yeah I never except anyone on the internet to admit they’re wrong about anything. But randomly accusing someone of being ablest based solely on a disagreement over the interpretation of a piece of media is rather petty behavior (even by internet standards), don’t you think?


I am saying you used a ton of ablist language in your post, that part had nothing to do with the disagreement. It put me off reading your post at all.

executivechimp, avatar

The cake is a lie.

Catastrophic235, avatar

Nice! I’ll have to play it again one of these days to check them out lol.


Wow, you still think fat jokes are funny in 2023. how embarrassing for you.

Catastrophic235, avatar

“You do thing I no like, how embarrassing for you”

Lmao maybe if you keep saying it it’ll be true?

SomethingBurger, do gaming w [Free Game] Ghost Master is on giveaway at GOG until the 7th

Don’t forget to unsubscribe from their newsletter after claiming the game.

CharlesReed, do gaming w What's the funniest game you've played?

Maize. I had no expectations going into that game except what the brief Steam summary gave me, and I was not disappointed.

Bucket Detective. This was recommended to me by someone who said "this is the weirdest game you'll ever play", and I think they were right.

Poopfeast420, do gaming w What's the funniest game you've played?

Some coop games, like Battleblock Theater or Magicka, were definitely the most funny for me, with all the dumb stuff you can do, fuck with your friends, etc. but those depend on the people you play with. With friends, every game can become super funny though, even more serious stuff.

As for single player, the ones I remember the most were Donut County and maybe the Frog Detective games, those had some really funny moments and writing.

all-knight-party, avatar

Oh, yes. Any Arrowhead co op game will work, besides Magicka they also have Helldivers or their Gauntlet reboot.


I came here to say Magicka. my husband and I really enjoyed those games and I think the sense of humor in them is amazing. they had some really stellar jokes.

whataboutshutup, do gaming w What's the funniest game you've played?

I like LEGO games for their simple light-hearted humor and recreation of well known scenes from other IPs, esp. SW\LOTR ones.

cnnrduncan, do gaming w [Free Game] Ghost Master is on giveaway at GOG until the 7th

Ooh awesome, been a big fan of Ghost Master since I was a kid, it’s a charming wee game!

UrbonMaximus, do gaming w What's the funniest game you've played?

The Dungeon of Naheulbeuk: The Amulet of Chaos is hilarious and fun rpg

Guntrigger, do gaming w What's the funniest game you've played?

Not single player/story funny, but I don’t think I’ve absolutely lost it to any game (possibly even any thing) more than Gang Beasts. Get 8 friends together for a rumble and cry laughs will be had.

One time back when we were living in an apartment with an inward courtyard facing window, my wife and I were laughing so hard a neighbour threw something at our window to get our attention so they could shout at us to keep it down. It was only 10pm on a Saturday :/

DLSantini, do gaming w What's the funniest game you've played?

Stanley Parable and Trover Saves the Universe are both pretty funny. I’m sure there are a ton of really funny games, but for some reason, they’re not coming to mind.

maniel, avatar

yeah, High On Life has similar type of humor to Trover Saves the Universe (same developer, both are Justin’s Roiland games)

catsup, (edited ) do piracy w Lucky patcher guides? avatar

Honestly the best guide is within lucky patcher itself. Open luckypatcher and then tap on the question mark icon in the top-right corner. There you’ll see an explanation of all of the features within luckypatcher. There’s also a guide for creating your own custom patches.

Happy cracking!


Great. Thank you. And have you generally found it useless to try and crack without root access these days?




Nah. It still works sometimes. Try using the “restore purchache” option to enable the pro version of an app

catsup, avatar

It depends on the app, really. If the app verifies the purchase server side, there’s nothing you can do to bypass that. But if the app you wanna crack is just a game that doesn’t need internet, it works 9/10 times. With root, it works pretty much 10/10.

Psythik, do gaming w What's the funniest game you've played?

Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands if you’re into Borderlands-style games (shoot and loot). I’m not, but for the 45 minutes that I played, I laughed quite a bit.

And of course The Stanley Parable.

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