Halo is my top pick, the first three have great stories and couch co-op if you need that, and if you get the master chief collection (halo mcc), the multiplayer is great and you can find tons of forge mode maps created by people, from race modes to mini golf haha
Gears of war is also fantastic, epic story, fun gameplay, and who doesn’t love a chainsaw bayonet lol
Deep rock galactic is another really fun one, I can’t say there’s too deep of a story too it, but it’s endlessly repayable with all the combinations of weapons and procedurally generated missions.
I played about 15 hours with a friend and honestly found it to be a very annoying experience
The combat never felt satisfying, and reminded me a little too much of destiny 2. By this I mean that all the shots from your guns sounded and felt like you were roughly sneezing on the enemies, and the ui felt too “clean” for what was supposed to be a more gritty game
The layouts of the dungeons felt nonsensical, such as in that one British town setting, or absolutely mind numbingly boring, such as in the futuristic open desert one
After my time playing, it felt like I was making no story progress (besides the characters sometimes saying “wow where’s that one character we saw for all of ten minutes”), and it was never clear how I was supposed to progress. This is in stark contrast to dark souls, where this is an intended and relishable experience
I also reccomend deep rock galactic, the devs are very involved in the community. The community is (mostly) amazing. There isn’t much story and it is completely hidden in the in game encyclopedia and the wiki. No drm (apart from steam) and lots of content and depth that keeps you hooked once you make it to your first promotion.
People generally don’t talk too much about stuff that things that don’t particularly stand out. If a game is bad, people will complain. If a game is good, people will praise it. If a game is middling, most people will just move on. Nobody’s going to start a discussion about a game that was vaguely enjoyable but not noteworthy, unless expectations were unreasonably high to begin with.
It’s just the natural result of the sensationalizing of the news. Far more likely to get clicks or views saying something is fantastic or horrible. The grey areas don’t make $$$.
No, lol. I really dislike this mentality people have that wanting no DRM = “Pirate! Burn her at the stakes!”. DRM, first of all, makes games [defective by design] (www.defectivebydesign.org). It’s an anti-feature which literally only harms those who pay, because pirates will always find a way around it. Additionally, DRM causes some more-than-noticeable performance issues. I can’t support a publisher who makes games with this thing they implement just to fuck us over some more.