pyrflie, do games w Request for CRPGs recs on the current Steam sale

Pathfinder WotR or Tyranny are always good picks.

I you haven’t played it yet then Pillars of Eternity 2 is also very good; even if it doesn’t have Durance.

If you are looking for something more off the path then Colony Ship or Last Train Home are pretty good if not as polished as the others.

ampersandrew, avatar

I’d second Pillars of Eternity II except that it’s not actually on sale. It also doesn’t have gamepad controls, which is disappointing, so Steam Deck controls can be kind of slow.


I also really liked pillars 2, and am sad they’re not making a third one.

AMillionMonkeys, avatar

I’ll second Tyranny and Pillars 2.
Tyranny’s ending is… well… they tacked on some text - but it’s a great game otherwise.
PoE2 is more enjoyable than the first one, IMO, just for the lighter tone. They do a better job of explaining the world, too, because you aren’t bludgeoned with lore-dumps like in 1.


When you said poe2 I thought you meant path of exile 2 and thought that I had missed the release somehow

JayEchoRay, avatar

Pathfinder WoTR is an overall improvement, but Pathfinder Kingmaker also has its charms.

It feels like playing a DnD campaign with the developers acting as the DM.

It does require some metagaming if one wants to experience everything, it does have an ending act that drags on for too long, it can feel oppressive with the disaster timers ticking away while one is still trying to figure out a rhythm and it can end up with things spiraling into danger if one doesn’t “rush” and plan around each main act quest.

It is one of those rough games that does have a certain appeal to those that do not mind working through the frustrations for a more grounded adventure - relative to the setting.

Tyranny, from a world building experience was great, felt like it was short an act though as I got to the final act and thought - “wait, what is that it?”

Also it is refreshing to have a game where morality is fluid and open to interpretation and up to the player to rationalise their actions, where the decisions lean more towards following an ideology more than morality

For a Warhammer cRPG, Rogue Trader is something to consider as well as it captures the feel of its setting pretty well

yamanii, do games w Starfield's first DLC is one of the worst Bethesda DLCs of all time avatar

They aimed at Far Harbor and arrived at The Pit, this was their chance, there’s not even random content since it’s all in the same planet, they just forgot they were doing a RPG and gave no meaningful choices, there are plenty of bad endings that just make you load a save lol.


I liked the pit…

MrNesser, do games w Day -12 of posting a screenshot from a game I've been playing until I also forget to post screenshots

Try TCG card shop. If you do I’m pretty sure what the next few days of screen shots will be

LEONHART, do gaming w VR is so 90s

This is the kind of magazine page that 90s-kid-me would stare at for hours fantasizing over. Even looking at it now, it’s surprisingly easy for me to ignore the objective technical limitations and get hyped.

Side note: can we talk about that 1ST PC GUN on the mid-left there? Dude…

bekopharm, avatar

pew pew. pew pew pew. :D

bekopharm, avatar

I’m not even sure why this was in one of my drawers at all. Stumbled over it randomly today and was confused by this initially because somehow “VR” is marked with “brand new shit” in my head. I should know better but kinda forgot all about it.

GhiLA, do games w Starfield's first DLC is one of the worst Bethesda DLCs of all time avatar

Cool Bethesda, just dump the Gamebryo source code off to us before you get liquidated by Shittersoft since you’re basically budgeted into making half-baked shit until you go bankrupt anyway.

chloyster, do gaming w Silent Hill 2 (2024) Review Thread

Silent hill is one of my favorite series, and I’d argue the last time we even got a decent game was back in 2007 with origins. The drought has been unreal. I can’t believe we are finally eating good again

!deleted7243 avatar

Origins was so dang good.


Sooo, since I have you as an enthusiast here: The only Silent Hill I’ve ever played was Shattered Memories way back when (I actually have a rare pre-release press copy). Clever game and equally scary. Which game should I pick up first if I wanted to seriously get into this series? This new remake of Silent Hill 2? The original Silent Hill? Shattered Memories again?


Good questions!

Tbh the only starting points I would recommend is the original or some version of sh2. Since it seems like this remake is really good I think it would be a great place to start!

Imo, the 2 S tier silent hill games are 2 and 3. However 3 is a direct sequel to 1 (an A tier game, only knocked down from S tier by PS1 jank) so i do think that should be played before 3.

The remake makes things a little different since it’s gameplay style will be pretty different, but my normal recommendation was:

Play 2 (PC enhanced edition preferably), if you enjoy that, then play 1 and 3. If you want more, play 4 (the last made by the original team and a good B tier game imo, but a bit different than the other 3). If you still want more, check out origins (a, imo, C tier game, the first made by not the original team but the most respectable effort of this new generation of games).

I’d say after that I personally don’t find any of them worth playing. Shattered memories isn’t my favorite but it definitely isn’t a bad game. I’d say play that again if you want! It’s more or less a very strange reimagining of sh1. An interesting game but not for me. A fine place to continue if you want more.

Homecoming and downpour are just quite bad imo. Stay away


Thank you for the thorough answer!

astrsk, do games w Silent Hill 2 - Review Thread avatar

Konami doesn’t deserve your money. Buy it used if possible.

FeelzGoodMan420, do games w Corporate greed is killing RuneScape. What do people play instead?

I’ve never played Runescape so my answer is I play literally any other games.

My comment is unhelpful but I’m posting it anyway.

mox, do games w Request for CRPGs recs on the current Steam sale

Wildermyth is somewhere between a tactical combat game and a role-playing game, and quite good.

Solasta: Crown of the Magister has caught my attention, but I haven’t played it yet.

Dragon Age: Origins is good, and although not on sale, is old enough that full price is not bad. (I don’t know if the EULA is tolerable, though; I don’t think it was there when I played it.)

skulblaka, avatar

Solasta’s campaign feels a little half baked in some ways, especially if you’re coming from Baldur’s Gate, but where it really shines is in building your own campaigns to run your friends through. It’s a perfectly reasonable platform to host online D&D 5e in, especially with mods to expand the content. And there are plenty of user-created workshop campaigns to download, but in general, I wouldn’t recommend it as a single player experience if that’s what you’re looking for. I absolutely do recommend it for group play.

dwrcan, do cyberbezpieczenstwo w Matrix - lepszy signal? avatar
  1. Nie do końca, ale ma plus że jest zdecentralizowany, więc los całego protokołu nie zależy od jednej organizacji. Signal jest zajebisty pod względem prywatności, ale jak i inne organizacje, potrzebuje skądś brać hajs na utrzymywanie serwerów i takiego typu rzeczy. Prędzej czy później zacznie to wpływać na jakość usług dostarczanych przez Signal. Są już przesłanki:
  2. Nie korzystam za dużo, ale z tego co wiem Matrix trochę bardziej jest rozbudowany w stronę otwartych grup. Ma pojęcie przestrzeni (“Spaces”) gdzie można tworzyć różne kanały. Byłoby to spoko opcją dla róźnych działań gdzie jest dużo wątków (np. kolektyw zajmujący się obroną lasów może mieć jeden kanał dla planowania blokad, drugi dla postępowań prawnych, trzeci dla tworzenia materiali na social media itd.) tak że każda osoba dodana do przestrzeni (mogą być prywatne) będzie miała dostęp do wszystkich kanałów od razu.
  3. tak i tak :)

Są jeszcze inne alternatywy:

  1. Jest protokół XMPP który też jest dosyć rozbudowany, ale mniej przyjazny do osób nietechnicznych.
  2. Również zdecentralizowaną alternatywą jest Delta Chat; dosyć prosty w użyciu, jest to program oparty na protokolu SMTP, czyli jak zwykły email.
DdCno1, do gaming w VR is so 90s

Ahh… Pearl. Home of every kind of future landfill fodder disguised as tech (and even some legitimate products), dubious feature lists and even more dubious included bonuses for almost 30 years. At least the cover girls aren’t dressed like discount Playmates anymore.

I like how on this page they aren’t specifying the “car racing game” and “full version of well known flight simulator” packed in with the “Multi-Gamestation^Plus”. I think I can hear the creaking of this thing’s cheap, hard plastic through space and time. It seems like the VR headset and 3D glasses weren’t shipping enough units, given that this is at least the second time they discounted them:…/2up

But they made up for it by driving up the price of the “Multi-Gamestation^Plus” a little.

theangriestbird, (edited ) do gaming w Silent Hill 2 (2024) Review Thread

how tf there only 2 comments in this thread? Y’all this is SILENT HILL TWO and it’s scoring WELL I guess my reason is horror games aren’t really my cup of tea. but this is a BIG DEAL!

Edit: here’s a key passage from the Eurogamer review that is hype:

The original game was both combat-light and a little short, and Bloober has addressed both these issues head-on. For the latter, the remake has opened up a slew of new landmarks for us to explore, so I devoted a lot of time picking through the streets of Silent Hill, revelling in the new-found freedom of being able to visit shops and buildings that had hitherto been out of bounds for us. This, coupled with longer levels and more places to visit, more than doubles the original eight-ish hour run-time.

As for combat? Well, be careful what you wish for, I guess. Silent Hill 2 was outrageously easy, even on its hardest difficulty, and Bloober’s edition is not. The good news is Remake doesn’t exactly make combat central to the experience (at least, not on standard difficulty). But it sure does make it harder to adopt the typical survival horror strat of run-away-run-away-run-away. Because of its claustrophobic tight spaces and nooks and crannies, it’s incredibly difficult to retreat from a fight, and there is essentially no meaningful way to stealth around the place, either. On top of that, most boss battles - they are all here, as well as a surprise or two - will deplete your ammo reserves with ruthless efficiency. It’s also often tough to finish off foes without taking damage yourself as a result, burning through your ever-dwindling medical supplies. (Yes, Lying Figures spewing toxic vomit in your death throes - I’m looking at you.)

They took a legendary game and made it better. Props to Bloober team, guess they still got it.


You get whats up!!! Unbelievably stoked for this

Faydaikin, avatar

Already played the original and found it perfect the way it was.

I don’t feel the need for a remake when it comes to SH2.

v4ld1z, do gaming w VR is so 90s avatar

Ich hab gar kein Konzept von DM. Waren das ok-e Preise?


Das war knapp ein Jahr bevor ich mich ernsthaft angefangen habe, mit dem Thema zu beschäftigen, aber um dir ein paar Anhaltspunkte zu geben: 10 DM im Jahre 1997 entsprechen 8,39 € heute. Die Preise für die Joysticks, Gamepads und Lenkräder entsprechen grob den Preisen, an die ich mich erinnere (wobei ich selbst als Kind nie ein Gamepad für 15 DM gekauft hätte - das konnte nichts taugen). Gerade Lenkräder waren trotz niedriger Qualität (Force-Feedback war selten und die Verarbeitungsqualität dürftig) generell sehr teuer zu der Zeit. Die Spiele sind fast alle zwei Jahre alt (Pearl war und ist eine Resterampe) und entsprechend etwas reduziert im Vergleich zum Neupreis. Wenn ich mich recht erinnere, fing die Software-Pyramide erst im Jahr darauf an, den Preis von älteren PC-Spielen deutlich nach unten zu treiben, entsprechend können das durchaus normale Preise sein.

Das VR-Headset war zu dem Zeitpunkt ebenfalls zwei Jahre auf dem Markt, ziemlich lausig (263x230 pro Auge waren selbst 1995 nicht der Brüller), die Firma dahinter bankrott und das Gerät entsprechend stark reduziert, aber immer noch kostspielig. Es gab freilich keine Alternative für Heimnutzer. Ich konnte keine Preise von anderen Händlern aus dem Jahr finden, entsprechend kann ich dir nicht sagen, ob das ein gutes Angebot war. Der Rabatt ist aber echt.

Zum Vergleich ein kleiner Exkurs: Ein Budget-PC kostete in dem Jahr (ohne Bildschirm) um die 2000 DM - und mit einem lausigen kleinen 14 oder 15 Zoll CRT, dem man nicht mehr als 800x600 Pixel zumuten sollte, gerne noch mal 500 DM mehr. Der Durschschnittspreis für einen PC mit Internetzugang lag in dem Jahr bei 4621 DM. Die hohen Preise sind ein Grund dafür, warum selbst 1998 nur 38,7% der Haushalte in Deutschland über einen Computer verfügten.

Außerdem war anders als heute die teure Hardware sehr schnell veraltet: Der schnellste Prozessor im Jahre 1997 lief mit 500MHz, aber nur zwei Jahre später wurde die Gigahertz-Grenze durchbrochen - und Software, gerade Spiele, neigte viel eher als heute dazu, relativ neue Hardware vorauszusetzen. Schönes Beispiel: Dieser High-end PC von 1997 für 6666 DM hat einen 500 MHz Prozessor, 64 MB RAM und eine 4 GB Festplatte. Wir haben 2001 unseren ersten PC gekauft, für ca. 1800 DM: 1,3 GHz, 128 MB RAM, eine richtige (wenn auch lausige) Grafikkarte in Form einer Geforce 2MX und 10x so viel Festplattenspeicher.

Was ich damit sagen will: OK-Preise für Technik im Jahre 1997 waren immer noch viel Moos.

v4ld1z, avatar

Super spannender Exkurs - vielen Dank für den Aufwand :)

Schönen Samstag wünsche ich dir noch!

bekopharm, avatar

Nö. Das war pervers teuer. Und das noch von nem Laden, der nur Zeug verkauft, was sonst keiner wollte xD

harcesz, do cyberbezpieczenstwo w Live voice - czy to bezpieczna, szyfrowana aplikacja?
!deleted269 avatar

Ciekawa apka. Oczywiście zależy od tego co rozumiesz przez szyfrowane i bezpieczne, ale generalnie raczej nie. Używają tylko SSL do szyfrowania transmisji więc nie podsłucha tego dowolna osoba w tej samej sieci, ale jakaś 3literówka już potencjalnie da radę. Soft nie jest open source, więc trzeba wierzyć, że mówią prawdę o tym co robi. Mają jakieś opcje AI więc co najmniej wtedy kiedy z nich się korzysta dane idą do udostępniających te usługi firm.

Inaczej mówiąc; jak bym potrzebował na firmowe wydarzenie, to pewnie bym używał, na aktywistyczne trzeba by się zastanowić jaki jest model bezpieczeństwa. To powiedziawszy i tak zakładam, że większa część spotkań aktywistycznych jest zinfiltrowana i łatwiej uzyskać im dźwięk z mikrofonu na swojej wtyce niż od dostawcy jakiejś niszowej aplikacji.

Aloomineum, do gaming w Silent Hill 2 (2024) Review Thread

Looking forward to this one. The original trailer kind of had me worried at first but it’s a nice surprise to see it reviewing so well. Youtubers who got it early are loving it too, which is promising. If the game does well I hope Konami doesn’t squander it, imagine entering a new age of silent hill and it’s actually good again.

Sort of off topic, it would be a great end of the year treat if both this game and Dragon Age manage to surprise everyone.

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