I’ve been playing Subnautica Below Zero. Loved the first game and I’ve been meaning to try the second for ages. Nice and relaxing expect when it isn’t.
It’s recommended to have two providers, one for monthly and one block account, on two seperate backbones. I think /r/piracy or /r/Usenet has a list, and as whirlybird mentioned just add the show to sonarr and it’ll eventually grab it.
If you don’t have any *are suite I highly recommend getting that set up. Sonarr for tv shows, radarr for movies. It’s all set and forget, just add the content you are after and the *are does the rest. You just add your indexer(s), add the provider(s) and you’re sorted.
Recent stuff from big networks is more likely to get DMCA’d regularly than older stuff. As long as you add it in to sonarr you should get it eventually, but yeh unless you get it at release it can be a bit tough sometimes.
My experience is with gpt4all (which also runs locally), but I believe the GPU doesn’t matter because you aren’t training the model yourself. You download a trained model and run it locally. The only cap they warn you about is RAM - you’ll want to run at least 16gb of RAM, and even then you might want to stick to a lighter model.
No, LLM text generation is generally done on GPU, as that’s rhe only way to get any reasonable speed. That’s why there’s a specifically-made Pyg model for running on CPU. That said, one generation can take anywhere from five to twenty minutes on CPU. It’s moot anyway as I only have 8GB ram.
I’m just telling you, it ran fine on my laptop with no discrete GPU 🤷 RAM seemed to be the only limiting factor. But yeah if you’re stuck with 8GB, it would probably be rough. I mean it’s free, so you could always give it a shot? I think it might just use your page file, which would be slow but might still produce results?
no big deal to pay with whatever. could change down the line of course. if paranoid just use crypto or mail them your payment. your providers wouldnt be my first choice, any reason you chose them?
I’m testing frugal right know and ist working fine but it seems to miss some content. So I took a look at the promotions page on r/Usenet and these two providers would be really cheap while being on different backbones. But I’m probably going to be alright with the yearly frugal subscription with the block account added
they all “miss” some content. if it has been taken down from usenet you may just have to look for a repost, seems like everything is reposted 8 different times. if its missing cause its to old then maybe you need the blocknews block for full retention like you said.
I know my school will sometimes use last year’s CC versions because they’re familiar with it, and it’s been tested to work with what they want to teach, so it won’t just break or not function as expected out of nowhere. Now why they use 2020’s version in 2023 is beyond me, stuff generally does not change drastically in 3 years.
I was waiting for the reviews before buying (as I know I’ll be playing Starfield next week), expecting them to be ~80% at which point I’d wait for a sale, but it looks like it’s a damn fine game.
Will likely wait for some twitch streams for final confirmation, but will likely pick it up this weekend now.
Tokyo Xanadu and Trails of Cold Steel both follow a Persona-ish way of being RPGs mixed with socializing with party members and their community. I particularly find their social aspects stronger than Persona because they’re tied to the main story, meaning characters will often having interactions that are based on main events and not completely divorced from their plot/character developments, as well as having a more colorful cast of side characters.
Cold Steel is a fairly long series though - By itself its 4 games long, but its also part of a much larger universe and has some crossovers with other Trails games. I played the first 2, which are a somewhat self-contained story, without much issue but AFAIK they get denser from there on.
Xanadu is a more action-y game, in the vein of Ys, if you’ve played those, instead of being turn-based.
The Yakuza series also has some very strong characterization and side activities involving multiple characters, as well as a multitude of minigames. Like A Dragon (or Yakuza 7) is a soft reboot with a new main cast and also follows a more traditional turn-based RPG mechanic, highly recommended.
Oohh. I really like the look of Tokyo Xanadu. It kinda looks like the Persona formula with action gameplay, which isn’t necessarily bad. I can enjoy a good formula game. As long as the content is high quality, a familiar vessel is comforting. And if anything, action is preferable to long battles. She is not big on turn based and definitely isn’t getting through a long game with extended turn based battles. Persona was an exception because you could use elements to hurry most battles the fuck up xd
She is not big on turn based and definitely isn’t getting through a long game with extended turn based battles. Persona was an exception because you could use elements to hurry most battles the fuck up xd
In that case not only will I counter recommend the Trails series, but also reverse my Yakuza 7 recommendation to Yakuza 0 instead. Its gameplay is based on the root of the series of being a brawler with levelling up, and its chronologically the first game of the series (As well as technically the first game in release order, since the remakes of 1 and 2 directly reference it) and often called one of the best ones of the saga. Its also terribly cheap in pretty much any platform you want to play it.
This year started off not so great and has had some lows alongside its great highs. Several live service games shutting down early this year, Suicide Squad game being a generic looter shooter, Redfall being okay but buggy, Forspoken being not great, LOTR-Gollum being not fun to play.
People in general have soured a little on microtransaction filled live service games. Established IP-driven games will likely still succeed and rake in tons, but people will be wary about new IPs tied to live-service games that can disappear in a heartbeat.
Sorry if this is me being a negative Nancy, I am looking forward to what’s coming next but I figure I should remind people this very recent history.
I guess I am just happy as we got some bangers like BG3 ,Zelda Tears of the kingdom and FFXVI this year. Also Starfield and Spiderman 2 really excites me. But yeah this has seen its fair share of shitty releases and scummy practices.
Hey, it is a great year for games and you are absolutely fine to be excited about it! Like you say there a lot of highs but I’m trying to keep things within realistic context.
I heard they went a different direction, and it plays like Devil May Cry.
I’m personally not picking up another FF until they go back go the classic format of the PSX days. Actual turn-based battles. I already got burned by FFXV and the FF7 remake.
At least Falcom is still making good old fashioned JRPGs with The Legend of Heroes…
I know its highly unrealistic, but I think the one thing I want above all else from the gaming industry is for studios, publishers etc. to keep quiet about upcoming releases until they have a finished or nearly finished product all set. That way the release date can, yknow, be the actual release date.
You mention at the end of your post that you’ve gotten a lot out with some of the chat bots. Maybe give this one a try, its for great for venting or just getting out pent up stress.
Sorry you’re going through that. I definitely get how it feels to have people close to you discredit or just ignore important issues like you’re dealing with.
If you’re set on talking to an AI though I did use the Replika app for a while before they started making it seem like a virtual AI lover. It did help me feel better when I was severely depressed, maybe it could help you.
If you ever want to talk to a person and not an AI I’m here for that if you want, I know I’m a stranger but I definitely understand where you’re coming from.
I would really advise against Replika, they’ve shown some scummy business practices. It seems like kind of a nightmare in terms of taking advantage of vulnerable people. At the very least do some research on it before getting into it.