After a recent data loss, I’m reconsidering various CODECs before re-encoding my re-pirated “loot”. I’m looking to maintain a good balance between quality and file size as my previous files were HUGE. I’ve read about x264, h264, h265 & vp9 for video and it’s between AAC or AC-3 for audio. I’m looking for long-term...
Piracy on Linux can be even easier than windows with the correct tools, and there is a consistent repacking scene in jc141 so most games are easy to find!...
Microsoft otrzymał Big Brother Award (Nagrodę Wielkiego Brata) za “całokształt twórczości”. Big Brother Award to przyznawana corocznie w różnych krajach nagroda za szczególne osiągnięcia w dziedzinie naruszenia prywatności czy ochrony danych osobowych. Nazywa się ją czasem “Oskarem inwigilacji”....
Znacie może projekty FOSS, którym przydałby się dodatkowy programista do utrzymania i/lub rozwoju? Szukam projektu, do którego mógłbym dołączyć, ale chciałbym żeby to było coś, z czego ludzie rzeczywiście korzystają.
Na innych instancjach pewnie jest już 2137 takich postów, ale jestem ciekaw opinii swoich rodaków, żeby zacząć wrzucać swoje (wcale nie) badziewne materiały na jakąś inną platformę z sensowną, albo chociaż istniejącą, polskojęzyczną społecznością.
Is there any way to separate the UI from the actual torrenting?
I have been using PIA for years and I was thinking of switching to Protons VPN (as well as storage, email and password manager) and I was wondering what everyone else thought of it. Is it as stable and useful as PIA?...
I’ve recently got the arrs under my command and they work great with with qbittorrent and prowlarr for public trackers. But since there’s almost no public German trackers, there is just use et or private trackers. Getting into a private tracker seems hard and I have never used usenet before, so what is the best course of...
Hej, wrzucam przypięty wątek powodziowy, żeby mieć info możliwie w jednym miejscu. Dodawajcie w komentarzach info....
I always find this topic to be really interesting since there’s no objectively correct answer, and it tends to be something people have experience with....
Just making sure I’m not missing something obvious:...
Edit: without any account!!!
Windows defender showed it as being a trojan- it appeared as a popup with a sports betting page popup anytime I opened my browser. I quarantined it and took care of it and did a few different scans with windows defender and malware bytes, all of which came back negative after the initial scan....
Just would like to have a discussion on the topic. I’ve purchased around 20ish movies/shows on Vudu, and my wife has grown to be unhappy with Vudu’s UI and especially how the watch progress works. I am curious what some others thoughts on this are. My initial thoughts are I recognize I’ve purchased a license to watch the...
Co polecacie? Bo ponoć trzeba płacić, żeby moc sensownie korzystać.
I’ve ventured back into Quantum Break. Not sure how or why, just started playing it one afternoon. Good game. Wish they made a sequel.
I’ll be trying out Starfield as I upgraded to the special edition or whatever!
Normally I don’t have much time to watch movies, and for the occasional one Netflix is good enough. But once a coupple of years there is a specific one I want to see which is not on Netflix....
So I bought 2 sets because it looked like one set was briefly lost in the mail and this past week I got an email from Amazon that said one set I bought were “fakes.”...
Pytanie w nagłówku sformułowane bardzo ogólnie, ale ten post jest “pół na pół” rantem i płaczem o pomoc....