Unity Launches Safe Voice in Closed Beta - An Advanced Anti-Toxicity Solution to Foster Safer Gaming Communities | Business Wire (www.businesswire.com) angielski

I wrote this post for a friend, I’m sharing it here for anybody it might help. I got asked multiple times how I download cracked music software so I figured it’d be easier to write it down once. It’s meant for people with very low technical skills who just want to start torrenting software without major risks, and it...
Mój dobry przyjaciel wydał na Bandcampie demo albumu, które możecie obczaić bądź nawet kupić za przysłowiowe grosze. Zespół co prawda nie wierzy w sprzedawanie digitalek, ale jednak Bandcamp daje taką opcję - pieniądz to pieniądz....
Yesterday they had a showcase for Test Drive Unlimited Solar Crown which was kind of poor, meanwhile, several workers at Kylotonn are at a strike, this is what they are asking for:...
Ryszard Kalisz, znany adwokat i były minister prezydenta Aleksandra Kwaśniewskiego, może wrócić do polityki. Jak ustalili reporterzy RMF FM, Kalisz jest blisko startu w wyborach do Senatu. To jedna ze spornych decyzji, które rozstrzygnąć mają liderzy partii opozycyjnych.
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Threads offers brands and celebrities a Twitter alternative with deep ties to Instagram, an app that isn't fun either.
To będzie smutny post…...
Shantae Advance: Risky Revolution is back in development after nearly 20 years! This lost Shantae sequel fills in the gaps between the original Shantae (2002...
Trend sondażowy jest jednoznaczny, a arytmetyka nieubłagana: bez ugrupowania Sławomira Mentzena i Krzysztofa Bosaka ani opozycja, ani PiS, rządzić po wyborach nie dadzą rady. Z nimi tym bardziej.
A couple of weeks ago, @shazbot made this post about a project that they were working on. Since then, @shazbot, @ori, @minnieo and I have been hard at work, and we are excited to finally announce the official release of kbin Enhancement Suite (KES)!...