House Flipper 2 launches this week, lets you live out the homeownership fantasy ( angielski
House Flipper 2 gets an imminent release date, launch day livestream plans, and community contest plans for eager fans.
House Flipper 2 gets an imminent release date, launch day livestream plans, and community contest plans for eager fans.
After a rough few years, E3 has been killed off for good.
Four days after launch, when The Day Before attracted half a million viewers on Steam after selling early access for $40, its developer Fntastic is shutting down completely.
A new December update has introduced arachnophobia mode to the Co-op horror title Lethal Company, which replaces all eight-legged enemies with the word 'spider'.
The original creators of Jet Set Radio are involved with the series' new games announced last week. In Sega Sammy's mos…
Today marks the 40th day of the devlog, and the new federation module is expanding on the whiteboard. In Poland, the flu season is in full swing, and due to reasons beyond our control, we had to slightly postpone the launch of the API on Fortunately, @jwr1 reminded me that I had previously launched it on another...
The worthy crown prince of video games was introduced to the people of the world. After ten years, Rockstar finally unveiled the sixth version
Hi guys,...
Wystarczy, że obejrzymy kilka sekund przypadkowej rolki na Tik Toku, Facebooku czy Instagramie, byśmy zostali uznani za potencjalnie zainteresowanych podobnym kontentem. Dzięki algorytmom nie będziemy musieli go szukać. Sam nas znajdzie. Liczne badania, w tym to przeprowadzone przez analityków z Institute for Strategic...
Solidaryzujemy się z wydanym przed kilkoma dniami apelem ukraińskich organizacji społecznych wzywającym do zakończenia blokady i wzywamy polskie władze: rząd i Prezydenta do pilnego przystąpienia do rozmów z protestującymi o warunkach zakończenia tej formy protestu. Kontynuacja blokad przejść granicznych stanowi...
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Embark on a breathtaking journey through the evolution of gaming's most iconic series. In this exclusive video, we delve deep into the storied history of the gta
Jak w tytule: ktoś ogrywał Deep Rock Galactic? Jakie wrażenia?