It's difficult now to remember a time when the Switch eShop wasn't rammed with low-cost, low-quality games making it laborious to find the great new releases amongst all the dross. What began as an immaculately clean, functional store back in 2017 quickly ballooned and before long Nintendo was inundated with software submissions...
This week Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 has been one of the protagonists of the news in the world of video games with Activision Blizzard giving us the first
Potrzebujemy zrównoważonej sceny muzycznej. Skupionej na lokalnych zjawiskach, wstrzymującej się od eksploatacji środowiska w imię zysku, przystępnej cenowo. Takie festiwale to nie tylko ulga dla planety, ale także ochrona przed katastrofami o wielkiej skali, które ciągną za sobą kolejne bankructwa.
The game I cannot ever let go is Top Secret/S.I. The game comes up a lot in my RPGaDay posts. Just two days ago we talked about the novels. TSSI was nearly my first game and I suppose it remains my…
The long-awaited sequel to this project, STALKER 2, was going to arrive last year on PC and XSX to make us enjoy a very cutting-edge technical title that