Dishonored - 11 Years Later ( angielski

Baldur’s Gate 3 Standard Playthrough Takes 75 to 100 Hours, Larian Says | IGN ( angielski

Trackmania: Summer 2023 campaign out on July 1st for free! ( angielski

anti-piracy magazine ad from 1993 ( angielski
don’t copy that floppy!

Nicotine Plus - Graphical Client For The Soulseek Peer-To-Peer Network For Music & Files ( angielski

Good gaming blogs/RSS feeds? angielski
I’m looking for good video game blogs to follow via RSS. One I found recently that I’m liking is
Broń, amunicja, narkotyki. Operacja austriackich służb przy współpracy z polskim CBŚP (

OK mateys, let's talk about direct links. ( angielski
The original /r/piracy was purposefully gimped because Reddit received DMCAs for any random thing and didn’t even bother to follow up. Since we’re in new waters, I want things to be a bit more relaxed, but there’s a limit on how relaxed we can be, without starting to get lawsuits, which I will not be able to fight off. I...

The iconic Gulf War Nintendo Game Boy is heading into retirement | GamesRadar ( angielski

Site similar to nyaa, but with Western media? angielski
Hello, Anyone know is there a plain and simple site like available for Western media? Like with just community made batches, fan subs, different dubs, etc. Thanks
STRAY Coming to Xbox August 10 ( angielski

Dave the Diver Open Critic Reviews ( angielski

The FTC Trial Unmasks Xbox’s Ambitions | IGN ( angielski

I Made a 32-bit Computer Inside Terraria ( angielski

Shogun Showdown - Early Access Release Trailer ( angielski

Meta pracuje nad platformą, która byłaby kompatybilna z fediwersum. Co to w praktyce oznacza? (de) (
Tekst jest po niemiecku, ale polecam, bo naprawdę dobry

Two titles nearing release… ( angielski
cross-posted from:

Niantic closing LA office and getting rid of 230 people ( angielski
Another story of investing and growing too much during the covid boom, but also coming to face the harsh reality of how bloated the mobile space is.

Two soon to be released titles… angielski
cross-posted from:
Here's our first look at Pioneers Of Pagonia, the new citybuilder from The Settler's original creator | Rock Paper Shotgun ( angielski

PowerWash Simulator SpongeBob SquarePants Special Pack - DLC Trailer - Nintendo Switch ( angielski

BLADE RUNNER 2033: LABYRINTH | Reveal Trailer ( angielski

Baldur’s Gate 3 Is Coming To PC Early To Avoid Games Like Starfield, Cyberpunk DLC | Kotaku ( angielski

Mój mały projekt Nomad Offgrid działa już 2 tygodnie!
Tak, od 2 tygodni nie ładowałem telefonów, tabletu i 2 laptopów inaczej jak tylko energią elektryczną pozyskaną ze słońca....