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tacosanonymous, 5 miesięcy temu do gaming w Concord’s Failure and Black Myth: Wukong’s Success Serves as the Best Wake Up Call to Sony’s Current Strategy If there’s one thing I know about executives it’s that they don’t learn lessons like normal human beings.
If there’s one thing I know about executives it’s that they don’t learn lessons like normal human beings.
tacosanonymous, 6 miesięcy temu do games w How did Call of Duty get to this point? angielski I haven’t looked into the beta itself. This particular ad seems to say you can use the exclusive items from the pack in the beta. Edit: I just googled it. There is an early access beta but there is also an open beta. But really the answer to “why is it like this?” Is “because money.”
I haven’t looked into the beta itself. This particular ad seems to say you can use the exclusive items from the pack in the beta.
Edit: I just googled it. There is an early access beta but there is also an open beta.
But really the answer to “why is it like this?” Is “because money.”
tacosanonymous, 6 miesięcy temu do games w Day 46 of posting a Daily Screenshot from the games I’ve been playing until I forget to post Screenshots angielski That game lets you murder Aisha Tyler for some reason. Like, I thought it would be a “game over” type scenario but nope. Just get the cops on you.
That game lets you murder Aisha Tyler for some reason. Like, I thought it would be a “game over” type scenario but nope. Just get the cops on you.
tacosanonymous, 6 miesięcy temu do gaming w Video games improved mental health during COVID They aren’t helping me anymore.
They aren’t helping me anymore.
tacosanonymous, 6 miesięcy temu do games w Day 33 of posting a Daily Screenshot from the games I’ve been playing until I forget to post Screenshots angielski I also enjoyed the final chapter the most.
I also enjoyed the final chapter the most.
tacosanonymous, 6 miesięcy temu do games w 'Red Dead Redemption PC version appears yet again, this time on PSN' - WGB article angielski Fun, if true.
Fun, if true.
tacosanonymous, 6 miesięcy temu do games w What is your opinion about Read dead redemtion 1 in terms of graphics by todays standards? angielski It plays like a shooter. It’s silly and fun. I don’t have to travel as far or do cowboy sim bs.
It plays like a shooter. It’s silly and fun. I don’t have to travel as far or do cowboy sim bs.
tacosanonymous, 6 miesięcy temu do games w What is your opinion about Read dead redemtion 1 in terms of graphics by todays standards? angielski It’s not as beautiful as the sequel but infinitely more fun to play imo.
It’s not as beautiful as the sequel but infinitely more fun to play imo.
tacosanonymous, 6 miesięcy temu do games w Skyblivion Quest Showcase - Fingers of the Mountain and Killing Fields angielski I love this project. It’s looking really good.
I love this project. It’s looking really good.
tacosanonymous, 7 miesięcy temu do games w Crush House is a parody of reality TV with nothing real to say about its subject angielski It seems like it would be a great $5 game.
It seems like it would be a great $5 game.
tacosanonymous, 8 miesięcy temu do games w Witcher 3 Mod Lets You Play as Fully Customizable Witcher or Sorceress with New Magic Combat System angielski Yes, please.
Yes, please.
tacosanonymous, 8 miesięcy temu do gaming w "I am become death, the destroyer of worlds." angielski Perhaps, that person stayed with Bethesda long enough to be an M$ employee?
Perhaps, that person stayed with Bethesda long enough to be an M$ employee?
tacosanonymous, 8 miesięcy temu do gaming w Again. angielski What do you mean, “turns into?” The entire point of breeding in that game is eugenics.
What do you mean, “turns into?” The entire point of breeding in that game is eugenics.
tacosanonymous, 8 miesięcy temu do games w Beyond Good & Evil remaster arrives next week with "improved graphics", new in-game content, and more angielski Same.
tacosanonymous, 8 miesięcy temu do games w Beyond Good & Evil remaster arrives next week with "improved graphics", new in-game content, and more angielski They haven’t been sending you emails when the creative head retires etc? I really want 2 to be a game but I don’t realistically see how it gets made.
They haven’t been sending you emails when the creative head retires etc?
I really want 2 to be a game but I don’t realistically see how it gets made.