I think the official translations have pretty much only targeted PC/PS4/XBox. Pretty sure there are also no fan ports on the Vita.
For the best experience, playing on PC via Steam is the ideal setup - that way you can also install fan patches by Comittee of Zero, because the official translations have some continuity issues (along with untranslated backgrounds, typos etc.)
It’s gotta be Penumbra: The Black Plague and Amnesia: The Dark Descent back when I played them 12 years ago. Not many games have created the same amount of tension for me while playing.
Big companies avoid risk too much, they want to make revenue, not games. I haven’t been interested in any AAA game in some 10 years. They’re all just the same open-world, microtransaction-DLC, soon-to-be advertisement platform with uninspired gameplay features.
Independent developers on the other hand are innovating and making cool and fun games.
I am interested in the game series, but it looks like there are many points to start from. Myst 2021, realMyst Masterpiece Edition, Myst Masterpiece Edition, Riven, Riven 2024.
Seems like the starting point is a relatively controversial topic amongst fans. I thought of starting with Myst 2021, then playing the original Riven.
Idk man, shooting teletubbies and shreks with funny guns as a vocaloid character while my headphones go “BOOM goes the dynamite!” every 5 seconds is still pretty fun.