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nxdefiant, 8 miesięcy temu do gaming w Every jrpg angielski Same for 3, but the rat killing doesn’t happen until near the end.
Same for 3, but the rat killing doesn’t happen until near the end.
nxdefiant, 9 miesięcy temu do scifi w Faster-than-light 'warp speed' interstellar travel now thought to be possible warp drives, like the one powering spaceships in Star Wars They had to have done this on purpose.
warp drives, like the one powering spaceships in Star Wars
They had to have done this on purpose.
nxdefiant, 10 miesięcy temu do gaming w The Fallout show's been a pleasant surprise I’m going to rename my NAS “online discussions” in your honor.
I’m going to rename my NAS “online discussions” in your honor.
nxdefiant, 11 miesięcy temu do gaming w GameStop Cuts Jobs Amid ‘Unsustainable’ Sales Decline They should merge with RadioShack and that company that rented DVD’s out of ATM’s in front of gas stations.
They should merge with RadioShack and that company that rented DVD’s out of ATM’s in front of gas stations.
nxdefiant, 11 miesięcy temu do scifi w The '80s Sci-Fi Space Adventure - Spacecamp - That Inspired A Generation Is Completely Forgotten I actually found this over the lockdowns because I did remember it and wanted my kids to see it. What I had forgotten about was the terrible robot mascot thing that they crammed into the beginning and tried to make a part of the movie for no reason.
I actually found this over the lockdowns because I did remember it and wanted my kids to see it. What I had forgotten about was the terrible robot mascot thing that they crammed into the beginning and tried to make a part of the movie for no reason.
nxdefiant, rok temu do scifi w Sandworm To Save Box Office: ‘Dune: Part Two’ Eyes $65M+ Opening – Early Look Reading that headline was like trying to parse html with a regex, wtf.
Reading that headline was like trying to parse html with a regex, wtf.
nxdefiant, rok temu do games w What game fits this? angielski I almost missed a flight once because I was completely absorbed by vampire survivors on my steam deck. I love hate that game so bad.
I almost missed a flight once because I was completely absorbed by vampire survivors on my steam deck. I love hate that game so bad.
nxdefiant, rok temu do gaming w With all the remakes, they're adding up quickly. angielski Call of Duty 4 Modern Warfare 2 Call of Duty: Modern Warfare (My favorite fact is that Call of Duty: Modern Warfare is the 19th game in the series)
Call of Duty 4 Modern Warfare 2 Call of Duty: Modern Warfare
(My favorite fact is that Call of Duty: Modern Warfare is the 19th game in the series)
nxdefiant, rok temu do games w Fallout TV Show - Teaser Trailer angielski I actually haven’t seen it!
I actually haven’t seen it!
nxdefiant, rok temu do games w Fallout TV Show - Teaser Trailer angielski It’s sad they only made one episode of Halo. I’d have watched a whole series as good as e1.
It’s sad they only made one episode of Halo. I’d have watched a whole series as good as e1.
nxdefiant, rok temu do games w Fallout TV Show - Teaser Trailer angielski Ah, ok so I’m broken and don’t have to worry. I loved both those things.
Ah, ok so I’m broken and don’t have to worry.
I loved both those things.
nxdefiant, rok temu do games w Fallout TV Show - Teaser Trailer angielski I don’t want to set the world on fire. But I will if they fuck this up.
I don’t want to set the world on fire.
But I will if they fuck this up.
nxdefiant, rok temu do games w Quizzle – Can you guess the word in fewer than twenty questions? angielski I asked if it was edible and got a no.
I asked if it was edible and got a no.
nxdefiant, rok temu do games w Quizzle – Can you guess the word in fewer than twenty questions? angielski Mine said it was bigger than a cat
Mine said it was bigger than a cat
nxdefiant, rok temu do gaming w first major patch for Baldur’s Gate 3, addressing over 1000 bugs, balancing, flow issues and much, much more. Oh don’t let me discourage you! I still play 3.5 with some friends who just prefer it. To each according to their need!
Oh don’t let me discourage you! I still play 3.5 with some friends who just prefer it. To each according to their need!