So what happened was, they sold the base game for $60, then had multiple paid expansions over time.
A few years in, Bungie decided to start “Vaulting” content, literally removing it from the game. This included all of the original story based missions, 1/2 of the planetary destinations, the first two expansions, and all their associated missions, strikes, raids, etc. etc.
Just gone. Not in the game anymore.
The stated reason was that it was too much for new players to download, but then new players came in going “I don’t know where to start. What do I do?” because all the story based progression had been removed.
They have since changed their mind on vaulting MORE content, but at the same time, they haven’t restored anything either.
The game actively messed with you. About 1/2 through it would pause and throw up a “Thank you for playing the demo! Look for the full game coming soon!” That sort of thing.