Every year they relaunch classic EverQuest time locked progression. They did that long before WoW did and WoW hired their studio lead to help them improve their implementation of it.
I’m not recommending it, just saying you could still go experience it today. I’d maaaaybe recommend it over Pantheon but it is close.
It’s EverQuest. If you liked Classic/Kunark era EverQuest then you might like this game. The gameplay is very simplistic and heavily leans into you needing to manually go out and build a group of people that have the right classes. You go to an area and kill the same mobs over and over for a couple hours and hope you get something neat or a level.
It’s a 100% perfect addition to THE core combat light puzzle platformer games. It also has an age range of 0-99 by both having cute jokes and references that would appeal to older folks while never being even remotely offensive.
Also yea, what else was there? Closest was make Wukong which primarily crushed the market because it again proved that the new or smaller studios can absolutely give a better AAA experience than the big studios these days by focusing on delivering a game not a storefront
Instead of playing games, go outside, touch grass, undergo the series of organ implantations that are required to become a Space Marine. The only thing holding you back is yourself.
Same could be said for any game. The value mostly of a game is the controlled progression with little impact. If I go start power washing the driveway and then stop at a moments notice to go take a shower and head to work I’m gonna leave a giant mess laying around and a half done driveway.