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icerunner_origin, 4 miesiące temu do gaming w Publishers are absolutely terrified "preserved video games would be used for recreational purposes," so the US copyright office has struck down a major effort for game preservation Bonus points if you can get them to preserve all the NSFW mods as well.
Bonus points if you can get them to preserve all the NSFW mods as well.
icerunner_origin, 4 miesiące temu do gaming w Publishers are absolutely terrified "preserved video games would be used for recreational purposes," so the US copyright office has struck down a major effort for game preservation I’d say it’s time to push the argument that the Library of Congress needs to be piercing games as part of the cultural history of the USA. If the legislative branch won’t abide private efforts then it’s time to make the government do it.
I’d say it’s time to push the argument that the Library of Congress needs to be piercing games as part of the cultural history of the USA. If the legislative branch won’t abide private efforts then it’s time to make the government do it.
icerunner_origin, 6 miesięcy temu do games w Sid Meier’s Civilization VII - Gameplay Reveal Trailer angielski That’s awesome!
That’s awesome!
icerunner_origin, 6 miesięcy temu do games w Sid Meier’s Civilization VII - Gameplay Reveal Trailer angielski In that case it should be the original on the Amiga 500 😄, but I still prefer the improvements in Civ 2.
In that case it should be the original on the Amiga 500 😄, but I still prefer the improvements in Civ 2.
icerunner_origin, 6 miesięcy temu do games w Sid Meier’s Civilization VII - Gameplay Reveal Trailer angielski Civ 2 is still peak for me, although I did like Leonard Nimoy’s contribution to Civ IV.
Civ 2 is still peak for me, although I did like Leonard Nimoy’s contribution to Civ IV.
icerunner_origin, rok temu do gaming w Dave The Diver studio's next game is a team-based PvP arena battler Oh good! We don’t have anywhere near enough of those.
Oh good! We don’t have anywhere near enough of those.