I’ve sunk probably a thousand hours into Slay the Spire, have beaten Hades, and just finished Cult of the Lamb. Looking for something else to scratch that itch- preferably on switch. Any suggestions?...
It is definitely capable of responding with 🤷♂️, but neglects to do so in some expected areas.
“does it use a microprocessor?” 👍 “was it invented before 1970?” 👍
These are somewhat contradictory. No microwave in 1946-1971 could have had a microprocessor. If the answer is “sometimes yes, sometimes no” then 🤷♂️ is probably best.
So if the answer is yes and no (conditional versus a universal property of the thing), you always answer yes? I would consider that strange, but as long as it is applied consistently then I suppose it is fine.
Any Roguelike/Roguelite suggestions? angielski
I’ve sunk probably a thousand hours into Slay the Spire, have beaten Hades, and just finished Cult of the Lamb. Looking for something else to scratch that itch- preferably on switch. Any suggestions?...
'Caves Of Qud': Roguelike RPG Finally Launches After 17 Years in Development (And It's Really Good) (www.belloflostsouls.net) angielski
What are your favorite "gotta go in blind" games? angielski
Which games blow your mind, but only if you know nothing about them in advance?...
Quizzle – Can you guess the word in fewer than twenty questions? (quizzle.game) angielski
I made this game with a friend. We’re interested in your feedback!