I'd heard they spent a few years making TimeSplitters into Fortnite before making a proper TimeSplitters game, but if this was what they had toward the end of development, maybe we're better off with this game getting cancelled. And that sucks.
This show is an aggregator of news stories normally, sometimes with original reporting from Jeff Grubb. In today's edition, Grubb brought in stories reporting that Starfield and Indiana Jones are in Microsoft's talks for PlayStation releases, with Indiana Jones being looked at for some time down the road after initial launch....
You know how in the early 2000s, a lot of PC games got sequels on consoles, and players complained that they removed complexity from the game to make it work on consoles? This feels like that. I don't see anything here about quests, skills, character sheets, or different ways to solve problems depending on your character's...
Someone please correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't believe there's a precedent for this: a pirate MMO server has been granted an official license to continue operating legally. At the moment, it sounds like this is a deal applying to this one City of Heroes server, but hey, baby steps. City of Heroes was the only MMO I ever got...
The title is a bit clickbait, and I don't even necessarily agree with all of the points that Danny O'Dwyer makes here, but it's a good look back and forward at FPS games....
It's an incentive for devs to put their back catalogues to EGS, after they just laid off 800 employees because they spend too much money. Is it just me, or does everyone besides Epic know what the problem is with EGS?
Unity has apologized for the "confusion and angst the runtime fee policy" it announced last week has caused and has revealed it will be "making changes" to it.
Presumably Unity decided they had too many customers and needed to get rid of most of them. Not only is this an insane thing to charge developers for, there are all kinds of concerns like:...