That’s not entirely true, you could keep the videos up if all the ad revenue went to Nintendo. In other words, if you paid them so you could promote their game.
All the sweaty middle-aged dudes with unwashed asses see GabeN as the only good billionaire. They’ll protect him with the same fervor that they use to try and keep women and POC out of gaming.
What a strange way to look at it. Here Valve is, actively working to addict children to their unregulated gambling market, but yeah, let’s deflect the conversation by protecting them and pointing out how mean we think somebody else is being to them.
For fucks sake, Coffee is an investigative journalist, and he didn’t drum up shit. The problem has always been there, you idiots are just too busy sucking GabeN off that you can’t entertain the possibility that he isn’t the second coming of Christ.
Exclude the tag, and after awhile Steam will stop recommending them to you. If you’re seeing a lot of them, it’s because you’re looking at a lot of them.
Don’t bother trying to understand it. They’ll tell you it’s because Epic is “anti-consumer”, while ignoring anything Valve does that’s shitty. The same people will post in other threads how there’s “no good billionaires”, then come to this community and post shit like “all hail our savior, Lord GabeN”.
In truth, it boils down mostly to them seeing PC gaming as Valve’s fiefdom, and Epic is aggressively trying to force their way into the market, which upsets them. The fact they feel comfortable putting all of PC gaming into the hands of a single mega corporation is insane, because when Valve inevitably goes under, we’re going to lose a lot of gaming history all at once. Not to mention, it was Steam that was responsible for the advent of not owning the games you buy, something I consider to be one of the worst things to ever happen to gaming.