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TokenEffort, 7 dni temu do games w Favorite Racing Game Soundtrack? angielski They put all the budget into the music lol
They put all the budget into the music lol
TokenEffort, miesiąc temu (edited miesiąc temu) do games w Cozy Games May Help Improve Players' Mental Health, Researchers Say angielski Rune Factory 4 looked really good on 3DS. The port on pc and switch looks… pretty bad honestly but it’s still the same great game. Obligatory mention of the fact this game inspired stardew and it’s better
Rune Factory 4 looked really good on 3DS. The port on pc and switch looks… pretty bad honestly but it’s still the same great game.
Obligatory mention of the fact this game inspired stardew and it’s better
TokenEffort, miesiąc temu do games w Do you wish that you could recycle games? angielski That would be an awesome feature but finance bros will find a way to abuse it in milliseconds.
That would be an awesome feature but finance bros will find a way to abuse it in milliseconds.
TokenEffort, 2 miesiące temu do games w We all need Seaman back in our lives! angielski “Do you like yourself? I bet you like yourself twice a day” 🤣
“Do you like yourself? I bet you like yourself twice a day” 🤣
TokenEffort, 2 miesiące temu do games w Would "suggest price" be a positive option for steam? angielski Lmao I guess a minimum order thingy could be set but then the lowest offer would be spammed. Then games with the offer option would be seen as bad or cash-grabby. So the option should be to get un-broke and pay full price or wait until winter.
I guess a minimum order thingy could be set but then the lowest offer would be spammed.
Then games with the offer option would be seen as bad or cash-grabby.
So the option should be to get un-broke and pay full price or wait until winter.
TokenEffort, 2 miesiące temu do games w Would "suggest price" be a positive option for steam? angielski I’m thinking of a “make offer” option where the customer can choose any price and the dev can manually choose to sell to that customer for that price or not.
I’m thinking of a “make offer” option where the customer can choose any price and the dev can manually choose to sell to that customer for that price or not.
TokenEffort, 2 miesiące temu do games w The four horsemen of unmet financial expectations angielski I would lose interest in the game entirely lol
I would lose interest in the game entirely lol