I'm in the middle of a Subnautica replay and it's very much "fuck man where is the thing" combined with "I swear that thing was right here last time I played."
I was too sick to do rocket science for the past week so my Joolian mission has been on hold. Though I did decide I'm going to name all the ships after Bubble's kitties.
I've been doing a second play-through of Subnautica while I recover.
If you want to get really snarky, figure out who wrote the mods and cc them on the reply saying "For your convenience we have included the authors of the installed mods on this email so you can work with them to resolve your issue."
I've worked in software support for a decade and saying "We can't support you because you modified this" is pretty standard. And with automated replies they don't take too much support time.
Do not fall into the trap of anthropomorphizing Larry Ellison. You need to think of Larry Ellison the way you think of a lawnmower. You don't anthropomorphize your lawnmower, the lawnmower just mows the lawn. You stick your hand in there it'll chop it off, the end. You don't think "Oh, the lawnmower hates me!" The lawnmower doesn't give a shit about you. The lawnmower can't hate you.
For a single game it's Factorio. Steam has me at around 1600 hours.
For a series it's gotta be Civilization. I've been playing since I was in fifth grade. I'd go over to my friend's house when he wasn't home to play Civ I. I'd spend entire weekends in college playing Civ II and III. I had to have my GF hide my Civ V disk so I wouldn't miss deadlines. And now I'm on a full playthrough of all the new civs in the latest DLC.