Be also ready for the realization of how barebones those games are. Played a couple of 2600 games with a friend and there is just a tiny amount of genuine fun to be had. And I am definitely not hating on simple old games! But most of the games we tried boiled down to “follow ball” with terrible controls. His collection might just have been bad, though.
I don’t have an Xbox, so I don’t know if they only offer backwards compatibility for first party games? If no and they offer old third party games, then there is no excuse for Nintendo! If Xbox can do it, the biggest player on the console market can do it!
While I guess you ask because you want to know if the story of the first is important to the second and I can’t answer that because I only played the first. But If you like hard but rewarding Metrodvania games and you are interested in the weird and interesting religious/horror pixel aesthetic I say: definitely play the first Blasphemous!
Sure, but if I already got an old Super Mario game on the Wii or DS, I can’t just re-download it on my Switch. I have to pay for Nintendo Online to play the games. It would be easy for Nintendo to see if I already own a game in their library of available games and allow me to play them without paying for the subscription. They also could make more games they already released on older Eshops and make them playable. The emulator to play old Nintendo games is right there on the Switch! But yeah, why sell the stuff once if they can just rent it to us anew every couple of years.
I agree 100% with you! Just a tiny thing I’d like to add: Ubi does, aside from some shitty practices, microtransactions and a ton of stupid money grabbing games, actually makes also a lot of good games. Their “Indie” games series form a couple of years ago had some games where you could feel the love the people making them put in. Valiant Hearts will forever be one of my favorite gaming experiences be!
I play Dragons Dogma DA for weeks now and I still love how fresh the combat feels everytime you change vocation. Right now I am a magic archer and I pretty much spend all the weight I can carry on blast arrows. This plus the skill where I can double zoom in on enemies from far away and do A TON of damage makes me the biggest danger in all of gransys at the moment. I can’t stress this enough: the combat in this game is just so good and varied it’s absolutely insane!
I just can’t stop thinking about how great it would be if Dragon’s Dogma had lore and quests like the third Witcher! I feel like Capcom tried with a handful of quests like the one with the dude from the village who constantly gets lost and you have to rescue him. Or some main storyline quests also can be exciting. And yet, most quests are kill quests with just a little textbox explaining who wants what killed.
Dragons Dogma made me realize how much of Witcher 3 is actually carried by the writing, the lore, the world and the interesting characters interacting in it and how bland, almost bad the combat is.
So now I wish CD Red would hire the people responsible for the combat in Dragons Dogma for the next Witcher! Sounds like a perfect game in my book!
To latch on to this: the first Elex, a game by the same studio as the Gothic series, is, despite the average reception by critics, THE definition of a flawed masterpiece! So many things to criticize (too difficult early in the game, bad cut scenes, flawed combat) but the main focus of the game, the open world filled with tons of monster and people to interact with, is just great! I loved how exploration is encouraged and rewarded, how there are meaningful desicions and characters that can be killed off. The world is huge and all though the general atmosphere is post apocalyptic, the developer somehow managed to fit a middle age type fraction and a science fiction type (Clerics) fraction in to the game. Also smaller groups you can’t join.
Elex has a very special place in my gamer heart and all though I can’t flat out recommend it to everyone I would say if you have a soft spot for open world games that do not play like the average Ubi game and don’t hold your hand the whole time, I say: check it out, it’s pretty cheap in most places!
I know Outerworlds wasn’t received as well as was expected but I honestly really liked it a lot! The companions were interesting and I liked doing their quests, the world and the general ironic tone of it all made me enjoy spending time there. I mean, the gunplay certainly isn’t as good as, say, Borderlands and if looter shooter aren’t your thing, this won’t change anyone’s mind. And yet, I had fun with it and I do hope for a more refined second installment!