Yep, I’ll use big powerful abilities on small mobs just to clear the area since it will eventually recharge. Especially once I have a couple big heavy-hitting abilities in my tool belt.
FWIW, this is pretty close to how I feel about it. Compared to XV, this game is a masterpiece.
I’d add that the ability recharges make the later combat feel a little bit more ATB-like (to me at least), when you’re relying more on those abilities than standard attacks.
Also, I personally think it’s the most (or second most) well-told game of the franchise. They do a phenomenal job of setting up different situations with maximum impact. The sad and hopeless feels sad and hopeless, the enraging feels enraging, and the grandiose feels ABSOLUTELY GRANDIOSE.
Original price of $10 each feels about right. They put work into the graphics, music, and bug fixes. But stripped out all the additional content of later releases.
$18 for one of these games is ludicrous. I would have preferred to just pay for the older version that they removed from the app stores.
The PS1 games on Android are also 50% off. Although on my device, I can’t buy them directly because it’s “not compatible”. But I can buy it on an older device, and it will be available for download.
That also assumes you benefit from playing them day one.
There are plenty of games that I would play day one if it’s available. But if not, then I would happily wait and buy it when it’s cheaper. Also, the ownership adds to the value if I’m not keeping it all the time.
So if I would have waited until the game is $40, I’m saving $40 max. But also, I’ll still have it 2 years from now when it’s worth $25, assuming I want to play it again. So it maybe saved me $15, depending how you look at it.