I had to give up on that game. I know it had to have great story line, but damn got tired of being a shitty Amazon delivery man, who kept getting trapped in some black nightmare.
It is priced at 60 to 70 dollars (fuck that still hurts)
It has a solid OFFLINE story mode.
If they try pull 100 dollar bullshit or fill it with micro transactions then I am out. Also I will not pre order this game (I didn’t with 5) I will wait until its out and I hear good things from the players.
Just like I did with 5. Had coworker who was bragging about the game every day. Finally and picked up a copy at Vintage Stock. This is the original PS3 version only one I have.
I am still pissed at the person who "borrow " my DS and all my games and then gotten them "stolen ". I had borh Zelda games and rockband. Long with 20 other games. Dating a woman and she did that.
This is why I refused my mom lending out my dvd. She get mad, forgetting she taught me not loan out your stuff. She had huge VHS collection and now and then someone would borrow one and never return it.
Yeah I know assholes would ruin it for the rest of us. Be nice if we could have these in more places. Even if it was only view in the facility and not take home, it still be awesome to have physical access.
I would love a physical library near me. Or better a way to check things out through the mail. Like the old Netflix except with cool old magazines and such. I have a kindle but digital not the same and hate having to stare at a screen to read magazines. Cool none the less.