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kylecopas, 11 godzin temu do esa Terrestrial facilities sign, @esa #ESRIN, Tor Vergata
Terrestrial facilities sign, @esa #ESRIN, Tor Vergata
FanBlade, 4 godziny temu angielski They’re symbols for human bathrooms. We have no idea what kind of facilities an alien would need, so I think until that’s understood it would be premature to have an icon for it.
They’re symbols for human bathrooms. We have no idea what kind of facilities an alien would need, so I think until that’s understood it would be premature to have an icon for it.
FanBlade, 3 godziny temu angielski Because it would imply that the facility can accommodate them, but we don’t know that it could.
Because it would imply that the facility can accommodate them, but we don’t know that it could.