Remember that the free version of Unity is completely free and no money gets sent to Unity. Boycotting all Unity games only hurts the devs, except when you know the game was made with a Pro version
Despite Google being heavily invested in the advertising space, they have always been terrible at advertising their own products. It almost seems like the top brass don’t actually care about their non-search products at all.
Maybe I didn’t explain it properly. I did hate the BOTW system but really enjoy the new one. You still feel like you need to switch your tactics up regularly but you don’t need to go hunting for good weapons anymore.
Now weapons are all (mostly) shitty, but you can accumulate up to 999 each of powerful attachments to your weapons. If your powerful silver bokoblin sword broke, find another shitty weapon and attach one of the silver bokoblin horns to it that you have. Attaching also makes the durability significantly higher.