Walking Dead season 3 was weird because Clementine went from being a sweet and timid kid to being a shoot first ask question later, fuck everybody kind of person. She’s very hostile to the player character in 3. You don’t see any transformation as to why her personality changed so much. I kind of get it, she’s growing up into a teenager in a post apocalyptic zombie infested world. But then you start the 4th game and she’s much closer to who she was in the first 2 games. It’s hard to imagine anything she did in the 3rd game as being canon
I’m not usually one for those types of games but I had a lot of fun with the player economy of Hayday. You don’t even need to do any farming, there were always desperate players selling low and buying high lol
I think the worst thing about their subscription price is that it is very close to the same price as WoW or FF14, but with runescape you can only have 1 character. If you enjoyed a quest or lower level content, you have to create a new account with its own subscription. If you want to try an Ironman or hardcore character, that’s a whole other account and subscription.
I may have to try it again some day. I thought the story and world was interesting and engaging. I played without guides and despite trying to explore and do everything while following the main story line, I soon found myself extremely underleveled to enemies. I thought it was hilarious that each person in the game is assigned a color based on their role in the colony so sometimes you meet someone who is introduced a being “a black”