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And the "replaced white people". And the female leaders. If someone wants a taste, go through the Steam forums for the game. It's a complete deranged mess.


It does:

Content that may be generally construed as provocative, divisive, objectionable, discriminatory, or abusive toward any real-world individual or group, may be subject to moderation. This includes but is not limited to content involving politics, race, religion, gender identity, sexuality, or social class. We tolerate content related to real world issues and events as long as the appropriate tag ("Real World Issues") is used and the content is handled in a tasteful, respectful, and non-inflammatory manner. Users who do not wish to see such content should make use of our content blocking feature.

And it is their platform, that's why they care. They can dictate what is and isn't allowed there.


Why does Nitter.net block VPNs? Literally worse than Twatter.


Not sure what shitty ad blocker you're using but I can see the entire article without ads.


Honestly, the game is exactly what I expected from all the pre-release info. It's a Bethesda RPG in space. I didn't expect a space sim, so I didn't expect any sort of dynamic streaming for seamless planetary transitions and the likes, because they very clearly stated that this wasn't a thing.

And the capital G Gamers seem to be more bothered by pronouns, body types, female leaders, all the "replaced white people", etc. lol
Seriously, stay away from the Steam forums folks.


I was considering using they / them for a second, just for shits & giggles, but then thought it's likely not even really used in a lot of dialogs anyway (very much true after many hours later now). In hindsight it would have probably just confused me though, thinking they talk about someone else. Because I am super tired from literally playing too much, which completely fucks with my concentration & attention span. lol


I didn't even bother buying it. The trailers looked so bad and then you'd have to wait for a Steam release. No thanks. When the first gameplay videos dropped it looked like absolute trash and really just rehashed all the repetitive content from the previous games, which was plentifully criticized to be a huge weakpoint of them already, with a lame story, idiotic characters and a boring map on top of it. It was just a rehash of all the bad, but I guess that's all they could pull off.


I have little doubt that it will be a fantastic game, and even less doubt that modders will take it to another level. The biggest travesty so far still seems to be the lack of space archery. Especially with the modular weapons I feel a high tech compound bow would've been such a cool addition.


I find talking protagonists in RPGs with customizable characters a two edged sword. It can work out great, but if your voice not fit the character you're playing, or is even highly dislikable for you, then it becomes a real big issue in regards to immersion and enjoyment. Silent protagonists allow you to use a specific headvoice for your character.

PlayStation Portal Doesn’t Have Bluetooth (gamingbolt.com)

Sony has officially unveiled the PlayStation Portal, and as a cloud-exclusive Remote Play handheld device, it’s obviously got a few caveats attached. The fact that it can’t play native games – or any native media – is, of course, one of them, while it’s also been confirmed that even the cloud library of PlayStation...


Who is the target audience for this thing? I really don't see the market for it.


If they go for the same FOMO crap I have little hope for it from my part.


Relic rotations, a gazillion daily / weekly capped reputations / activities, various unique events, and of course the freaking "battlepass" bullshit, which ultimately made me finally leave for good. The game became simply a chore, a job, it tried to semi-force / lure me into playing with timed garbage instead of providing actual incentives. I played a lot but if you constantly have to fear pressure me into playing instead of making it my own choice then I'm quitting, because that completely kills the fun out of the gameplay & story. D4 currently does the same garbage but even worse and if all multiplayer titles are going to end this way then they'll die just like the mmorpg genre. Like, right now I don't have internet for over a week now, possibly for more weeks to come, thanks to Vodafone being hot garbage. I don't even want to know how much I would miss out on if I can't play, or even simply if I don't want to play a specific game at the moment. And if a game makes me miss out on shit, then I simply move on. Because what is the point if I can't get everything that could technically be available? So yeah, if I feel I have to play, then I won't. Simple as that.


I can't trade due to direct player interaction being difficult for me, especially when they're negative / hostile, which happened on my first and only attempt at trading, and the game does not have an auction house.

I tried coming back, but then the stupid battlepass thingy immediately go on my nerves by dictating what I should do, then I saw the stuff that I would miss, thought about the stuff I already missed and immediately left again.


It's funny how you try to discredit the very feelings that I experience.

Lets start of by relics, the vaulting system is literally there to make them easier to grind and the vaulted relics are always rotating back trough an even easier way to farm, not a FOMO

You have to wait months, sometimes years for stuff to come back. Then you have just a short time window that is purely based on insane grind due to stupid RNG mechanics to actually get the relics you want. And with every additional frame they add the pool of relics increases, making the things you need even rarer.

Reputations? The one system that is meant to be played in the long term and wont ever leave? Do you even know what FOMO means?

It requires me to log in frequently to grind to not miss out on the content locked behind it. Whether I want to do it right now or not doesn't matter, and when I want to do it I have to constantly wait. If you can't see how stupid this is then I don't know how to help you.

The Unique events that are Rotating back in every year? Because they are seasonal content? And even then what theh offer is interwinned so other contents can offer their rewards as well? Sure I mean if you only play for 3 days a Year, surely its a FOMO but… really?

If you lock very mandatory stuff for various builds behind something that only happens once for a short time per year, then yes, that's causing FOMO. And no, the original events only happened once, including their participation rewards.

The Battlepass I assume you mean Nightwave because its the only thing even close to it and even then, it’s not… Yeah another long term grind that you can literally complete to the max by just casually Playing (which is how I do it) 1 hour a day and it’s rewards are constantly re-used in other reward Pools? Like Literally I have obtained 3 “Final Reward” Items as normal rewards in next seasons already, not a FOMO

Funny because even the devs like Steve called it a battlepass. If you require me to play daily then that makes the game a job, a chore. That's not casual. It dictates when and how I have to play and "incentivizes" me through rewards I'll miss out on. That's absolutely not how things should be done. An incentive is something that makes me WANT to play, not something that makes me feel that I HAVE to play.

But sure at this point its clear we have different definitions of FOMO so, go ahead play whatever you feel like

I will. But I was fully expecting some kneejerk fanboy getting defensive about it anyway. lol


Warframe’s “BP” system is the most non-intrusive out of all games with BP that I’ve played.

That's cool, but irrelevant. It was the first BP game I played and left a terrible taste in my mouth. But I guess if that's your metric then I can get your point. I play video games for way too long to get used to all those predatory tactics though. I think especially after seeing how the mmorpg genre got ruined by similar changes over the years that people tried to defend I am certainly a little more sensitive about this swapping over to other multiplayer games and even singleplayer games. Because ultimately it drives the whole gaming industry into a direction that is unhealthy and will ultimately destroy it. I would like this to not actually happen, but I guess I'm also a very opinionated person.

Most of what you’ve listed don’t sound like problems with the game itself, but rather the game being just not for you. And it is normal.

Who, in terms of players, would actually benefit from this over a system that isn't using predatory methods? Why not make the rewards available at all times instead? There's really no reason to have even a BP system like this to not be simply tied to local progression instead. This is just shoving the blame to the players who suffer from shitty decisions like this. Things like the wiki requirement are problematic, but minor in comparison.


At the end of the day: Its a live game. I personally feel Warframe is a lot more mellow. But they aren’t for everyone.

If we compare it to the worst titles out there, sure.

And the “achievement hunter” mindset of needing 100% completion in everything really broke live games/MMOs for a lot of people.

That is one aspect I loved about GW2. Their entire "achievement" system is basically a giant catalogue of collectibles to treasure hunt, which you can partake in whenever you feel like it. The game has a lot of other weaknesses but that is the thing I really liked as a completionist, because there was always something to do & aim for, but without any pressure behind it.


What are your criteria for a mechanic being predatory?

Anything that uses shady practices & dark patterns to lure / coerce you into something by triggering certain aspects of our brain. Lootboxes would be a krass example of this, as it is basically gambling, but there's a lot of more subtle tactics too, which I already explained to a degree.

The battlepass dictates what you should do and when you should do it. No internet? Sick? Or just want to play something else? Tough luck I guess. For me this just causes me to feel pressured to play, and not even play what I want or how I want, just to get some artificial points to eventually get the rewards that the game will pack away if I am too slow to finish it in time, or simply unable to do achieve certain tasks (like some of the group content, or just other annoying open world crap).
The only benefit of having the BP sort of a rotational multiplayer feature is that everyone is doing it and its activities at the same time, but that isn't really all that important imo, especially if you primarily play solo. But even with friends it wouldn't really matter whether there's help for that type of content for just one of them, just like people can help in quests they've already done in the past as well.


I was very specifically picking that one example that you mentioned, not sure why you're derailing it now.


Every DX11 & DX12 game can take advantage of this tech via HYPR-RX, which is AMD’s software for boosting frames and decreasing latency.

So, no Vulkan?


Really sad. GTA Online in principle sounds so cool, but it's such a shitty execution. I'm sure if modded servers were encouraged I'd find something to my liking but the way this rotten piece of shit company treats modders is just despicable, and always has been.


I believe my last time playing FIFA was on the PSX. I vaguely heard something about loot box style booster packs to get players I think? Imagine Nintendo would do that with Pokemon, and all the good & rare ones would be super rare, but you could of course buy packs for real money. 🎰


Yeah. I already don't do trading card games because of this. Having an expiration date on the cards sounds even dumber. Kinda sad how everything nowadays has to get milked into oblivion. Really kills the fun of many games, but unfortunately people still buy into it. Reminds me also how "micro" transactions ended up ruining the mmorpg genre. Everything is just so over-commercialized nowadays (same for the internet).


Take-Two is such a shitty and rotten company.


Do we have any sort of information on how big the Shattered Space Story Expansion is supposedly going to be? Because 30 bucks extra seems excessive, especially when the game is already 70 bucks. Kinda feels like they just want to lure you with the early access, which will likely be a hot mess anyway.


I've spent like 5 hours tweaking & compiling shaders in TLoU. lol
And it took 1-2 months for it to be in a playable state.


The shader compilation time varied greatly between users. Mine were 40 minutes tops and later I think around 20 minutes. But you'd have to redo them on every update, just to try and see whether the latest patch fixed any of the issues you had. For me it basically became worse before it got better. It's particularly sad because the game itself is great. I watched countless of let's plays of both Part 1 and 2. So it's a real shame that their entry onto the PC market started with such a terrible port. It left such a sour taste that I still haven't played through it.

It's certainly not the only one though. Horizon Zero Dawn had similar long shader compilation times for me. Social media is unfortunately useless, because there's just too many fanboys that will tell you everything is great, burying any sort of valid criticism (Cyberpunk 1.5 for example).


What do you think I was referencing there in my previous comment? /r/Diablo for example literally permabanned me for speaking out against the predatory FOMO tactics in D4, after I was attacked & insulted for it by several users that also downvoted me into oblivion. And now they can eat their own sock, now that post release the hivemind opinion swapped. Everyone on Reddit and the reviews also said how great of a game CP2077 now was after those updates. Well shit, it isn't, it just got rid of a whole bunch of launch issues, while the core issues were still the same and the game still had a massive performance bug until the next major patch. You simply cannot trust those communities anymore because everyone identifies so much with their product that they see any sort of critique as a personal insult.


You seem to ignore what I am saying / the point I'm trying to make. People who say it is still a problem aren't getting heard by those who should read it, because the people who say the opposite will do everything they can to bury them. This results in you looking for opinions and just getting positive ones / yay sayers. Content creators suffer from similar issues. For starters, most of them are just clickbait bullshit deliverers and blocked immediately anyway. A lot of them tend to also fall in line with the devs though, because they often are in some sort of sponsored partner program or don't want to risk losing benefits from those game companies by being "too critical". And with how YT algorithms work, most smaller channels don't even have a chance to appear on your search.


File size isn't a good indicator for content. The majority of a game's file size is made up of assets, so at best you have most of that to be new models and textures of "something".


Oh, sorry. No. I meant the actual content. Whether it is some short side story or a proper expansion of sorts.


That's 100.29 based on current exchange rates. So about the same.


Do we have any sort of information on how big the Shattered Space Story Expansion is supposedly going to be? Because 30 bucks extra seems excessive, especially when the game is already 70 bucks. Kinda feels like they just want to lure you with the early access, which will likely be a hot mess anyway.


That game was pretty obvious though. It was purely building on that stupid multiplayer pvp sandbox hype at the time.


I'm not super interested in classic RTS anymore, thanks to 4X, but I'll keep an eye out for it and try the playtest. I still have my doubts that it will capture the same charm as the original C&C though. Especially someone like Kane will be hard to replace, and I feel he was such a big face for NOD that drove the whole story & mysteries forward.


Are we ignoring the PC as a platform?


The Steam Deck is a full fledged Linux PC in a handheld format.


No. If it were a PS5 exclusive it wouldn't be released on the PC.


A console is a closed off system. The Deck is literally just a Linux PC in handheld format. You can do everything with it, Valve even explicitly encourages you to do that.


The PS5 is a console. If it were a console exclusive, it would still not be released on the PC.


It really doesn't. Consoles are a completely closed off system, to the point where modifying it can get you banned from online services. The Deck is the complete opposite to that, with Valve even explicitly encouraging you to tinker with it. It always has been advertised as being a full PC, because you can do all the things you can do on a PC. You can literally go into desktop mode and have your regular KDE Plasma screen.

By your definition every gaming PC would count as being a console. That's just nonsense.


They weren't gaming first, they were gaming only. You didn't load up an office program on an atari or snes. That didn't really change until they combined them for media purposes, like playing CDs, DVDs & BDs, and even that was extremely limited and without consistency.

No idea what your homebrew / piracy paragraph is supposed to be in regards to this topic though. That's not just not official, but straight up "illegal" in the minds of their creators. As a kid I personally owned one of those SNES adapters where you'd plug in a floppy disk and would rip the game from the cardridge into a rom. If we were caught with that we might've even got into legal trouble. On a Deck you can copy & paste all the files you want. You can download and run all the programs you want, albeit a tiny bit more restricted than your regular desktop distro. But in essence, it's still a full fledged PC, with everything that comes with it, and you could use it just for non gaming purposes if you so wish.

It's simply that. A Linux PC in a handheld format.


Never got used to the handling of the ships in Wipeout as a kid. Enjoyed F-Zero X a lot more. Didn't really care for the combat aspects either.

I wish there was a good anti gravity racer for the PC with extensive ship customization and lots of unlockables though (as in playing to unlock, not paying). There's pretty much just small indie titles and most of them aren't even particularly good.


Can't get any closer to Wipeout than that.

Redout feels more like F-Zero imo. GRiP isn't anti gravity racer. Maybe more comparable to Extreme G. Reminds me of my old RC car though.

Fan Ports PlayStation Classic [WipeOut], Dares Sony To Shut Him Down And Make Its Own (kotaku.com) angielski

WipeOut was Sony’s initial first-party exclusive for the original PlayStation when it launched back in 1995. The anti-gravity racing game was phenomenal. Now it’s abandoned. So one dedicated programmer took it upon himself to excavate the game’s leaked source code and make it playable for free in any web browser....

  • Looks a lot more F-Zero X inspired in regards to tracks & pace.
  • The graphics are terribly cartoonish. It looks like its target audience are toddlers.
DarkThoughts, (edited )

While the variety, quality and especially scope isn't great, I wouldn't call it abandoned. Especially BeamNG BallisticNG has been one of the more successful ones and Redout 1 was also fairly well received. There generally hasn't been a big presence for this genre on the PC unfortunately.


Redout is a bit closer to F-Zero, BeamNG is definitely a full blown Wipeout clone. It got even the pixel look from the first game.
Still not the greatest presence on the PC for this genre, unfortunately.


That's what happens when you write comments at the end of a day. I blame their names to be too similar. lol

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